Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1275: Nothing can stop the Soviet expansion

Alert, alert!

In an unknown small place in Ethiopia, a strong electromagnetic wave suddenly appeared. This electromagnetic wave, with very strong energy, passed through the atmosphere and flew into the distant space!

When the Soviet space monitoring and control network detected this electromagnetic wave, it immediately entered a state of emergency!

In a Saudi air base, four Su-30 fighter jets scrambled from the runway and flew straight into the sky.

After the excellent third-generation Soviet aircraft Su-27 was put into service, the Sukhoi Design Bureau began intensive development of the next-generation fighter, including two stealth aircraft, a high-end self-use model, and a joint development with other countries. low-end stealth machine.

At the same time, the Sukhoi Design Bureau has not given up on the improvement of the existing fighter. The Su-27 has the advantages of large range and large bomb load, which makes it have the potential to be converted into a fighter-bomber.

Therefore, the Sukhoi Design Bureau transformed an excellent fighter-bomber on the basis of the two-seat Su-27ub, which was given the number of the Su-30 by the Soviets.

The shape of this aircraft is very similar to the two-seat trainer Su-27ub. Compared with the prototype Su-27, the nose of the aircraft is more inclined, and the two pilots in the front and rear cockpits have a good field of vision. At the same time, the rear seat has been changed to a dedicated weapon operator, who can operate almost all existing air-to-ground weapons, and the overall mount capacity exceeds 8 tons! You can even mount a nuclear bomb when needed!

At the same time, because when many weapons are mounted, the resistance will increase. It specially uses a modified engine that increases thrust. Compared with the Su-27, the air combat capability is not weakened.

Now, the number of Soviet professional air superiority fighters is constantly decreasing. This is also because the Soviets are invincible in the world. All the Soviets\' energies are on leading the world and conquering outer space!

On Earth, the Soviet Air Force is mainly used to maintain order and prepare for emergencies at any time, such as now.

Four Su-30 fighter jets, after receiving the order, scrambled to enter Ethiopian airspace all the way through the Red Sea and Eritrea.

During this process, the Ethiopian Air Force had received news that the Soviet Air Force was to come urgently, and they would not intercept it.

For various countries in Africa, the Soviets are the absolute leaders. The orders of the Soviets are imperial edicts, and they never dare to violate them, such as now.

Moreover, they have no ability. Ethiopia is a backward country. The aircraft they are equipped with are only MiG-21 and MiG-23.

Four Su-30 fighter jets quickly entered the Ethiopian airspace. With the help of the global navigation system, they locked the position of the electromagnetic wave. There, are the positions of some ancient villages in Ethiopia. The residents there are also descendants of Jews!

"Launch!" With the command of the lead pilot, the flames flickered under the wings, and one after another air-to-ground missiles flew away from the launcher, and a violent explosion occurred on the ground!

The antenna has been blown up, and the village is full of gunpowder and fire!

After the bombing, several large Il-76 transport planes followed! The hatch at the rear opened, and a heroic Soviet airborne soldier descended from the sky! Their task is to thoroughly clean up the remnants of the Jews here, and at the same time, to track down the whereabouts of this incident. What are the Jews doing?

"The Jews are asking for help." Half a day later, the latest report on the incident was placed on Andre\'s desk, and Putin said to Andre: "The Jews have long been deployed in Ethiopia. After Israel fell, a small Some of the Jews ended up in Africa, where they deployed large radio telescopes that could emit electromagnetic waves to aliens."

When the Jews could not stand on the earth, would the Jews ask for help from the prehistoric civilization, the Mayan civilization that had immigrated to a new planet? Did the Jews really think that those people were their ancestors?

"We still underestimated the means of these Freemasons. However, we can be sure that this time in Ethiopia, it is already the highest level of Freemasonry. After they launched electromagnetic waves, they left quickly. However, they must hide Somewhere in Africa, it\'s probably still their Jewish tribes, and even if we search all over Africa, we\'re going to uproot them," Putin said.

This incident made Putin feel very sorry. This was his mistake. Until now, he has not been able to wipe out the Freemasonry.

"Freemasonry, which has existed on the earth for so many years, of course it is impossible to pull it up all at once. What we can do now is to completely eliminate them as long as we find their traces!" Andre said: "Now, we Having already controlled the global economy, the source of funds for Freemasonry will be less and less, they are gradually approaching the end, no matter what tricks they play, this cancer will be completely removed from the earth by us eradicate!"

Now, Andre is still firm.

What are you afraid of? Even if they emit electromagnetic signals, how high is the intensity? In the universe, only the intensity of stars can have enough energy to spread among the stars. From the earth, no matter how big a radio telescope, the electromagnetic signals emitted are insignificant! Maybe, the Jewish signal could not be transmitted to the target planet at all!

Besides, even if it is delivered, will the target planet constantly monitor the radio waves of the entire universe? Such a tiny radio wave is likely to be missed!

Besides, even if the other party received it and decided to help these guys, how long will the interstellar voyage take?

You must know that the scale of the universe is very large, and even electromagnetic waves flying at the speed of light will take years! When those aliens arrive, maybe decades or even hundreds of years have passed. By then, how fast will human civilization develop? I am afraid that there is a way to fight alien civilizations, and even humans have begun to conquer the universe!

At this time, it was in the morning, and the sun shined through the glass and into the window of the Kremlin. Andrei\'s figure also seemed incomparably tall. He looked at the vitality outside with infinite emotion.

Only when there is a crisis can there be progress. The development of human civilization for thousands of years has made human beings stronger and stronger! And now, the world has been unified by the Soviets, and there will be enough capabilities to fight against any threat!

The Soviets have conquered the whole world, and the next step for the Soviets is the sea of ​​stars! No force can stop the expansion of the Soviets!