Red Soviet Union

Chapter 1242: Canadian troops cross the border

The border between the United States and Canada is almost undefended.

Unlike the United States and Mexico, in order to prevent the smuggling of Mexican refugees, the United States has deployed a large number of border guards on the border and kept checking. Even so, hundreds of thousands of people can still smuggle over every year, just like the dupin in Mexico. , is completely out of control.

Canada is different. Like the United States, Canada is a developed capitalist country. There is no need for Canadians to smuggle to the United States. At the same time, although the border between the two countries is still controversial, they are all handed over to a company called the United States and Canada International The Boundary Commission is an institution to coordinate the settlement, so there is no need for the two countries to deploy border guards.

If you want, you can go to the other country at any time, because the border between the two countries is a clear line on the map, but in reality, there are no troops on either side of this line. Not even soldiers on patrol!

Because both countries have vast territories, but the population is sparse, and the forest coverage area is quite large. Now, if you look at the border between the two countries from the sky, there are lush trees on both sides. Only on the border, there is a line of trees that have been cut down. There is only one line left. That\'s all!

The United States and Canada have had disputes in history because of territorial issues. However, the result of the dispute was quite funny. Countless people were killed and injured in the two countries, but they returned to their original positions. After that, the Americans did not No matter how busy they are, the Canadians are not willing to fight. The two countries sit down and negotiate, and there is a current border.

However, this is the situation in history, yes, it is history!

The change in Canada\'s defense policy will not be hidden from the United States. The United States already knows that the Canadian Prime Minister has been to Moscow and signed a series of agreements with Moscow. Canada has defected to the United States!

However, the United States does not have any solution now, because the United States cannot even handle its own internal affairs, how can it intensify the contradiction with Canada! These, at least until the domestic political situation is stable and the new government takes office, will be dealt with!

Moreover, Canada is forced, which is also well known to the Americans. Originally, after the revolt in Canada, the United States deployed some troops in the north to prepare for the invasion of the Soviet Union from the north at any time, but now, due to Texas The situation in the state is dangerous, so these troops, a few days ago, left, they were going to protect Texas!

This protection has two meanings, not only to deal with the aggression of the coalition forces of southern Mexico and other countries, but also to deal with the separatist forces in the state! Their task is daunting!

Thus, the North, empty again, was guarded only by the Washington State National Guard.

Like Alaska, Texas, these are big states, and the corresponding National Guard is also very powerful, but Washington State is just a small state in a small land! The 105th Division stationed in Washington State is the largest armed force. Now, this force is gone!

"Boom, boom." In the sky, there was the unique roar of the turboshaft engine, and an ah-64 Apache helicopter was patrolling the woods along the border.

This helicopter belongs to the 66th Army Aviation Brigade of the Washington State National Guard. After the 105th Division moved away, they took up the task of defending the border. Every day, the Apache helicopter would fly around the border. .

As for the use of ground troops? This is an almost impossible task! There are forests everywhere, and the patrols of the troops have to go through hardships. Except for a few roads that can be walked, the rest need to travel in the forest! The United States is a country that grows on wheels and relies on two legs? What a joke! That will tire people out!

Although the Soviets already have space laser cannons, they are mainly aimed at ballistic missiles, fighter jets and other targets, and small helicopters. When flying close to the ground, only close-range early warning aircraft can detect them, so for the time being they is very safe.

Pilot Bobby, sitting in his seat with his eyes straight ahead, was an easy and boring task for him.

"Hey, Trian, have you noticed anything?" Bobby said to his companion in front.

"No, everything is normal, except for the forest, I didn\'t see anything." Trian said.

At this moment, Trian\'s eyes widened suddenly, and countless smoke and dust flickered on a north-south road in the distance! That must be an army in action!

"Quick, right ahead, fly over and take a look!" Trian shouted loudly.

At the same time, Bobby has also seen it, and his heart is quite nervous, what could it be?

Pull up, climb, and in a better field of vision, you can see that on the road ahead, an army is heading south!

The sloping turret, the obvious outline, just take a look at to be sure that this is a Canadian C1 tank!

Canada is simply not willing to put a high budget into the army, so Canada will not produce its own main battle tanks. Their tanks are purchased from outside, and they love German products.

The main force of the Canadian Army is the Leopard 2 tank in later generations, and now it is the Leopard 1 tank! This Leopard 1a3 tank is named c1 tank in Canada!

The dark green jungle paint, the paint brushed on the turret tail compartment, is absolutely right, this must be Canadian!

"Headquarters, Headquarters, found the Canadian Armoured Forces, over the border, advancing south, asking for support, asking for support!" Bobby was inside the radio, shouting loudly, and at the same time he pushed the lever, the Apache The helicopter continued to lower its altitude and flew towards the Canadian armored units!

Although I only have one on my side, I can\'t compromise. Since the Canadians invaded their own airspace, they have to make the other party pay the price!

Trian was also nervous. As the National Guard, he had been the Apache\'s weapons operations officer for four years, but, apart from firing missiles in training, he had never really entered actual combat.

Now, a battle is about to begin!

The Apache flew low, and Trian maneuvered quickly, ready to fire the anti-tank missiles mounted under the short wings.

The jungle blocked their vision, and they had to fly closer to be able to launch the missile!

emission! Almost at the same time as the probe, under the Apache\'s short wings, the flames flickered, and an anti-tank missile flew out!

However, almost at the same time, a thin red light beam suddenly appeared from an inconspicuous infantry fighting vehicle in the queue of Canadian tanks!

"Boom!" Apache, volley explosion!