Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

691 The World’s Most Powerful Family

'Toxic bitch!'

Taken aback, Niya thought that she could use her body and her beautiful face to seduce Chen Xiaobei. However, Chen Xiaobei was not interested in her at all. Instead, it was a slap to her face. Even if she took off all her clothes, Chen Xiaobei would not do anything to her as well.

"I… I will slap my own face… Is that okay with you?"

With no options left, Niya had to take a step back and do whatever that pleased Chen Xiaobei. Asking her to slap her own face was the biggest humiliation that she had ever faced. However, it was still better than being killed by him. To her surprise, Chen Xiaobei shook his head. He took a look at her seven bodyguards and said, "All seven of you! Come here and take turns to slap her!"

Upon hearing that, Niya and her seven bodyguards were perturbed. Asking seven muscular men to slap a defenseless woman with so much power that could decide their fates was definitely a crazy move. However, there was no way that the seven bodyguards would do what they were told to do.

"Just kill me! I will never slap Ms. Niya!" said a black man.

"Hehe… No doubt… You are really loyal! I will kill her and the other six bodyguards if you refuse to slap her! But, I will let you live!"

"What?! How can you do this? I've never come across anyone who would do something like this!"

"Shark! Shut up! He is the Sea Messenger! He can do whatever he likes!" said Niya.


"Why are you guys still standing there?! Come over here and slap me now!"

Promptly, Niya hastened them. Normally, Niya would be angered by all kinds of things that did not go her way. Asking someone to slap her was definitely an ultra-rare scene.

"All seven of you! Don't just stand there! Your mistress is asking all of you to slap her! Go and satisfy her needs now! This is my first time hearing someone make such humiliating demand!"


Niya almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

'I wouldn't have made such humiliating and ridiculous demand if you didn't threaten me!'

Holding off her anger and frustration, Niya hastened her bodyguards once again.

"Come and slap me now before I make your lives miserable!"

"Yes… Yes…"

Leaving them with other options, all seven of them gathered around Niya and started to take turns to slap her well-taken-care-of face.




The explosive sound reverberated on the deck – sounding more exciting than the explosion of firecrackers during Chinese New Year. After witnessing such an insane scene, Abuzabi and Blaszczykowski were extremely shocked. Though Luo Puti knew the ending from beginning; still, she was taken aback seeing Niya being slapped by her bodyguards. She knew that Chen Xiaobei would use mother-child worm to put fear into his enemies. However, she never expected that Chen Xiaobei would ask all his enemies to slap themselves. Feeling relieved, Luo Puti was pleased to see that the arrogant Niya and Park Chan-ho were being slapped in a brutal manner.

"We can depart to Paradise Island now!"

Chen Xiaobei then walked to the captain and ordered.

One of the captains shook his head and said, "All the devices that used to control the yacht are destroyed. I'm afraid we can't kickstart the engine!"

Immediately, the other captain tapped on his shoulder and said, "Stop talking nonsense! Mr. Messenger will not lie to us! Just go and do it!"

All three captain returned to the control room and tried to kickstart the engines. As expected, all three yachts were working fine. It was as if there was no damage happened to it before! In the end, all three captains idolized and respected Chen Xiaobei even more than before. Those that stood by Chen Xiaoei's side got to take a rest inside the yacht after the yachts set sail to Paradise Island. On the other hand, Niya and the rest of the people were kneeling on the deck. Without Chen Xiaobei's permission, none of them dared to get up.

Through chatting with the young Arabian man, Chen Xiaobei knew that he was supposed to tag along with his father to come to this Paradise Island for holiday. However, he got into a fight with a few thugs when he snuck out to have some fun by himself. That was why his attire so old and tattered. As for the Russian tycoon, his sole purpose to travel to Paradise Island was to have some fun.

"Mr. Messenger, I remember you told us that we are supposed to help with the task given by the Sea God, right? Actually, what are we supposed to do?" Like newborn calves that were not afraid of tigers, the young Arabian mustered up his courage and asked.

"The area where the yachts stopped working is the holy spot of the ocean. What I need to do is to make the owner of Paradise Island to change the course of the yachts permanently!"

"I'm afraid this is going to be a difficult task! This sailing course is set by the owner of the Paradise Island! On Paradise Island, he is like an emperor! The decisions that made by him is like a holy order! It is damn near impossible to make him change his mind!" said Blaszczykowski.

"You said damn near. That means somebody has done it before. Tell me. What should I do to make him change his mind?"

"There is no fixed rule to this. All you need to do is meet up with him and talk to him about it."

"Meet up with him? That sounds simple!"

"Simple? No! It's not simple at all! The owner of Paradise Island is high and mighty! Let alone plebians like us! Even the president of America can't meet up with him whenever he wants!"

"That's sounds so exaggerated! He is just a businessman! There is no way that he could act in such an arrogant manner!" said Luo Puti.

"The owner of Paradise Island is no ordinary businessman! You wouldn't say that I have exaggerated his influence if you know his name!"

"His name? Do enlighten me!"

"Focker Rothschild!"

"What?! I can't believe he is from Rothschild Family!"

"What's so great about that family? Why are you so shocked by it?" asked Chen Xiaobei in a curious manner.

"The Rothschild Family is considered as the most powerful and wealthy family on this earth! Rumor has it that their family have complete control over the Federal Reserve System! Their accumulated wealth is estimated at fifty trillion! And, rumor has it that they are serving a demigod! In other words, their family is as powerful as the most powerful hidden ancient faction in China!"

Upon hearing that, Chen Xiaobei could feel his blood rushing. This world was so big that he felt like he had to continue to discovering all the unknowns!

"Mr. Messenger. Now you should know meeting Focker is as difficult as building a stairway to heaven!"

"Meet up with his is actually is not as hard as you think! If I'm not mistaken, he will come to the harbor personally to welcome me!"