Red Envelope Group of the Three Realms

690 Potty Mouth Deserves to Be Slapped

'Kneel down?'

Upon hearing that, everyone was taken aback.

"Did that kid just ask Macky to kneel down in front of him? Is he crazy?" Park Chan-ho shouted.

"He is definitely crazy! Look at the powerful aura exuded by Macky the Wolverine! Even I have to avoid this battle!"

Duke Gustav shook his head. To him, Chen Xiaobei was being a suicidal fool right now.

"Go and get him! Macky! How dare he asks you to kneel down in front of him! You must make him pay for what he did to you! Double!" said Niya.

"You guys got it wrong. I'm asking all of you to kneel down in front of me! Blondie is not the only that needs to do so!"


Infuriated, the crowd could not believe what they just heard.

"Son of a bitch! Do you think this is the right time to say something like this? How dare you act in such an arrogant manner? The toxins have been cleared from our bodies! You can't threaten us anymore!" shouted Park Chan-ho.

"What a joke! I'm the Duke of the Deathbane Family! It is not possible for me to kneel in front of you!" declared Gustav, with his head lifted high. It was as if he had already forgotten how he begged for his life earlier.

"Macky! Do it now! I've had enough! I want you to break his legs first! Make him kneel in front of us! After that, we can slowly torture him!"

"Yes, ma'am! That is what I plan to do as well!"

Murderous intent emanated from Macky when he glared at Chen Xiaobei. Like a deranged wolf, Macky dashed towards Chen Xiaobei like a wolf locked on to its prey.

"Mr. Messenger! Quick! Take back what you just said! Mack the Wolverine can destroy an entire army alone! This is no joke!" said Blaszczykowski.

"Mr. Messenger! That monster dashing towards you! It is absolutely terrifying!"

Abuzabi and three captains shouted in fear at the same time. Macky's aura alone was enough to cause them to tremble in fear. At this moment, Luo Puti still managed to remain calm because she knew the ending before the battle even begun.


Suddenly, Macky wailed in pain. Next second, he fell to the ground while pressing onto his heart with both of his hands.

"Ugh… Ah! What… What the hell is going on?"

With his face contorted, the veins on his forehead popped out. His face was as pale as a sheet and his entire body started to shaking uncontrollably as well. Because of this excruciating pain, his materialized True Kang armor disappeared. Who would have thought that an elite with 40,000 combat power would kneel on the ground and lose the strength to stand up?

"Macky! What happened to you?"

Freaked out, Luo Puti wanted to know what had happened to Macky. Immediately, everyone was all ears to listen to Macky's response. None of them could figure what had just happened to Macky.

"My chest… It's like being stabbed by a knife… It's so painful…"


Before he could finish with his words, Macky coughed out a mouthful of foul blood. There was some minced meat mixed inside his blood. It seemed like his heart was shredded into pieces.


Macky laid flat on the ground – blood was still gushing out from his mouth. His heart had stopped beating. Everyone around Chen Xiaobei was rendered speechless. Other than Luo Puti, everyone else was affected by what they just saw. Frozen, they could feel that their hearts were about to leap out of their mouths. Immediately, they were reminded that Chen Xiaobei owned their lives!

A few seconds ago, they thought it was a harmless joke. Now, the truth was presented in front of them. There was no way that they could deny it. Chen Xiaobei then passed by Macky's corpse and strode towards the stunned crowd.

"So, the toxins have been cleared out from your bodies and I can't threaten you anymore? Is that right?"

Chen Xiaobei looked at Park Chan-ho with a scornful smile.

Immediately, Park Chan-ho kneeled in front of Chen Xiaobei and said, "Mr… Mr. Messenger… It's all my fault! My potty mouth is to be blamed! Please forgive me… I beg you…"

"You should slap yourself if you know you have a potty mouth!"


Bewildered, Park Chan-ho hesitated. He was after all the CEO of Samsung! The growth of the entire Korea was highly dependent on him! Asking him to slap himself was definitely a ridiculous request! He would definitely be embarrassed if others knew about it! By that time, his company and the entire Korea would lose their faces!

"So? You are not willing to do it?"

A simple question like that made Park Chan-ho feel like he was about to be chopped into pieces.

"I'm willing to do it! More than willing!"

Promptly, Park Chan-ho lifted his hands and started to slap himself nonstop. He was a coward in the beginning. When it came to death, face was no longer important to him. Without saying a single word, Chen Xiaobei glared at Park Chan-ho's bodyguard and the bodyguards kneeled down in front of him immediately. Seeing that Park Chan-ho was slapping himself, all his bodyguards did not dare to not do anything. They too lifted their hands and started to slap themselves.

Chen Xiaobei then walked towards Duke Gustav and asked, "Knowing that you are the Duke of the Deathbane Family, your status should be high, right? I think you will rather kill yourself than kneel in front of me, right?"

"Rather die than kneel in front of you? No… I have never said anything like that…"

Trembled, Gustav kneeled and started to beg.

"Mr. Messenger! Please do not stoop to my level! The things that I said just now was just pure nonsense!"

"Nonsense? No wonder it smells like gas! So disgusting!"

"It's all my fault… All my fault… I… I should slap myself as well!"

Before Chen Xiaobei ordered him to do so, Duke Gustav was smart enough to know that he should slap himself. At the same time, all four of his bodyguards kneeled down and did the same. Seeing that all of them had already succumbed to him, Chen Xiaobei then strode towards Niya. Due to the fear of death, Niya kneeled in front of Chen Xiaobei immediately without any hesitation.

Now that the Wolverine was killed, the rest of the seven bodyguards were weaker than Chen Xiaobei. There was no way that they would dare to go against Chen Xiaobei. In the end, all seven of them were left with no choice but to kneel down in front of Chen Xiaobei.

"Mr. Messenger! I'm at fault… I know you are the kind of man that would not bully a woman. I don't think you would stoop to my level, right?" said Niya seductively.

She then winked at Chen Xiaobei and showed off her cleavage to him.

"Hehe… You are right. I will never bully woman!" said Chen Xiaobei while smiling.

Immediately, Niya let out a sigh of relief. As long as she could calm Chen Xiaobei down, she did not mind sacrificing her body to him.

To her surprise, Chen Xiaobei said, "However, I don't' think you are a woman! All I see is a toxic bitch kneeling in front of me!"