Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 95 - Speck of gentlemanliness

Aunt?" The woman questioned with confusion visible on her face.

"Yes, aunt!" Jinhee exclaimed— a big, bright, enthusiastic smile playing on her face.

"When mom told me that you passed away, I did not want to believe her," Jinhee, in a melodramatic tone, voiced out, "See, you're alive and well in front of you. I missed you so much, aunt."

"What are you doing, Miss? I'm not your aunt," The woman voiced out whilst trying to push Jinhee away from her arm.

Tightening her grip on the woman's arm, Jinhee bought her body closer to the woman's and spoke out, "Aunt, I know you're angry at me for not visiting you for such a long time, but don't pretend to be angry with me."

"Miss, leave me! What are you trying to do?"

The force woman used against Jinhee increased. Instead of getting further, Jinhee stuck her body tighter to hers, and removing her hand from around the woman's arm, she spread her hands to hug the woman sideways.

Securing the woman in her arms, Jinhee spoke out, "No matter what you do, aunt, I won't let go of you since I have finally found you."

'Why does this sound like a cheesy romantic line? Something Taehee— Not her, Jinhee. Don't think about her.'

"You crazy girl! Leave me alone!" The woman exclaimed whilst using her utmost effort to push Jinhee's head away from her.

After blinking multiple number of times, tears formed at the corner of her eyes, and Jinhee started bawling.

'This should be the final move.'

"Aunt, don't do this to me! I don't want to leave you! Don't you love me anymore! Aunt!" Jinhee's voice sounded an octave higher than it originally was.

"Hubby!" The woman yelled out. "Help!"

'One, two, three.'

On the count of three, Jinhee ran away from that place with her maximum speed. Turning back slightly, she saw the buff man following her, and widening her eyes at his speed, she tried to run faster.

Moving closer to Hyunbin, Jinhee grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled him along. Alertness within Hyunbin grew when he spotted the huge man and immediately started running.

"Yah! You old lady, why are you dragging me in with this!? I'm innocent!" Hyunbin exclaimed.

In order to avoid using her energy more, Jinhee refrained herself from retorting. Her throat felt dry, and it desired for water. With her lungs burning, cramps began to form within her muscles, and she did not know how long she could keep up with it.

Turning at her side, she could see that Hyunbin still looked energetic, and his speed was way more than her, judging by how he caught up to her.

Nonetheless, probably due to the speck of gentlemanliness that was present within him, he matched his speed with Jinhee's.

'He wasn't as bad as he tries to show. Most definitely this is his rebellious phase!'

Jinhee's breathing rate got faster, and her heart rapidly beat in her chest— the sound reaching her ear. Both of their footsteps against the sand made constant noises.

Spotting someone in front of her, the adrenaline rush within Jinhee increased, and her lips broke out into a big smile. Her cheeks were reddened by now, and the shade was similar to Hyunbin's.

Hyunbin laughed out loud. "I haven't felt this good in a while!"

'He was enjoying being chased?'

After they have reached the security guard, Jinhee stopped running and her breathing became heavier in order to recover the oxygen debt. Holding her knees, Jinhee tried to stabilise her breathing. Hyunbin stood beside her, facing the security guard.

"That...That man," Jinhee voiced out, pointing towards the muscled man.

"H-He is chasing after us for no reason. P-Please help us." Jinhee managed to voice out in the midst of her heavy breathing.

"Are you two alright?" The security guard asked.

"Yeah, we are fine, but that man, he seems to be following us for a while, and when we ran, he ran after us," Jinhee lied. She had no time to put others into consideration when her life was in danger.

"Go back to your home, students; I'll take care of him," The security guard vocalised while Jinhee nodded.

As the security guard walked towards the male, a bright smile formed on Jinhee's face as she looked towards Hyunbin. Now that the danger was removed, Jinhee felt this was truly thrilling and refreshing.

'I can't believe that I actually enjoyed this. It seems our genes are the same when it comes to this aspect.'

Watching Jinhee with arrogance, Hyunbin said, "You run too slow; You should exercise more."

While both of them continued walking, Jinhee retorted, "You did not have to maintain pace with me if I was that slow."

"I did not want to deal with a girl crying," Hyunbin stated whilst turning the other way. Jinhee noticed the small blush which formed at the side of his cheeks.

Jinhee chuckled.

"What's that little red thing on your cheek? Wait! It seems to be getting darker? It could be something dangerous," Jinhee said as she feigned concern in her tone.

Hyunbin turned towards Jinhee and glared fiercely at her. His gaze only made Jinhee more amused. Truly she was getting affected by Taehee. At the thought of Taehee, that smile on her face disappeared.

'How many times have I told you to not think about her!?'

"I'm out of here," Hyunbin said— about to walk away.

"Don't tell me that you're not keeping your word." Jinhee arched her eyebrows.

A sigh of frustration was let out by Hyunbin while he turned back. With his glare not becoming any less intense, he voiced out, "Of course not!"