Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 295 - Two hours

Regardless of how much Jinkyung desired to beat up Jinhee at this moment, Jinkyung knew that going violent is not the correct way to do so.

Staring at the phone in Jinhee's hand, Jinkyung had an inkling that is where the entire thing was recorded. As long as Jinkyung was able to snatch that phone away from her, everything will be going smoothly for her.

"Calm yourself down, Jinkyung, and do not look towards Jinhee. She is merely trying to provoke you. Just stare the other way," The voice in her head stated.

Taking in a deep breath, Jinkyung decided to go along with the voice in her head and stared towards the direction of the window.

Lee Jinhee's eyebrows furrowed at Jinkyung's actions, and she wondered about the possible reason behind it. For Jinkyung's temperament to change like this within a mere second was definitely something Jinhee deemed to be suspicious.

Recording conversations was something Jinhee frequently did in this life of hers for she might capture something valuable by chance. Jinhee thought of buying a recorder instead of recording in her phone, but she had never found the time to do so.

"Will you be looking away like a coward now, Jinkyung? It is expected from you though. After all, you can not exactly show your face after stealing fiancée," Jinhee said, "It's alright. After the engagement between us breaks, I will be going off to Jaehyun Oppa! I know that he will be accepting me without any hesitation."

Lee Jinhee's eyes noticed how Jinkyung's hand tightly gripped on to the seat, and a smirk formed at Jinhee's face for she was aware that she was getting on Jinkyung's nerve.

"Regardless of how talentless and inferior I am to you, at least I don't break relationsh.i.p.s, Lee Jinkyung," Jinhee voiced out, "Are you actually ashamed at this moment?"

Unable to control in her temper any longer, Jinkyung let out a groan. There was no way Jinkyung was going to allow Jinhee speak to her in such a way.

Directing a glower at Jinhee's direction, Jinkyung extended her hand towards Jinhee and tightly gripped onto the collar of her t-shirt.

"Calm down, Jinkyung! You fool, do not get provoked by this! Can't you see that she is trying to get you annoyed by this!? Are you crazy!?" The voice in her head cursed at her, but Jinkyung paid no attention to that.

Pulling Jinhee closer to her, Jinkyung vocalised, "How dare you show that behaviour towards me, Jinhee? Stop underestimating me! You might have gotten that incompetent father of mine behind the bars, but don't be too smug about it!

Han Taeho's heart belongs to me, and regardless of what type of tricks you try to pull, you can't have, Jinhee! Remember that! Jaehyun Oppa will be mine as well! I will show you that!"

Raising her hand, Jinhee gripped Jinkyung's wrist and pulled her hand away from Jinhee's shirt. Smiling towards Jinkyung, Jinhee said, "I have taken down one psychopath. Another one doesn't feel like much of a big deal to me. A third party should act like one; Don't raise your voice at me."

As mock showed on Jinhee's face, Jinhee scoffed at Jinkyung, and turning her head, Jinhee turned towards the window. At this moment, Jinhee felt absolutely satisfied.


After they have reached the place the conference will be held at, the driver stopped the car, and extending her hand towards the direction of the handle, Jinhee turned it to open the door. Jinkyung, on the other hand, stayed seated inside the car.

Shaking her head at Jinkyung, Jinhee got down of the car and stared at the scene before her. It appeared to her that this was another one of the Han's Mansion. However, this seemed smaller than the previous ones.

On the other side of the gate, Jinhee could see various reporters standing there, and on their clothing was a tag, which identified the company they were under.

A huge number of reporters were present, and as Jinhee got down of the car, each of them began to click her pictures. However, Jinhee remained unbothered by it as she walked into the mansion.

She did not about when Jinkyung will be exiting that car either. If Lee Jinkyung was expecting for someone to come and pick her up, then Jinkyung would have to be disappointed for Jinhee could not spot someone for that around.

A man dressed in black suit stood in front of the mansion, and seeing Jinhee approach the mansion, he bowed towards Jinhee. Feeling slightly awkward at the current situation, she bowed back at the man.

"Follow me, Miss," The man said, "I will be taking you to where Young Master is."

Jinhee nodded at his words, and as the man entered into the mansion, she stepped in after him. Looking around, she could see that the staffs were putting in their effort to arrange things for the press conference, and everyone seemed to be in a hurry.

"When will the press conference be held?" Jinhee asked.

"In two hours or so, Miss," The Man answered.

Lee Jinhee had an inkling that the reporters had arrived way earlier, and waiting under that burning sun for two more hours will definitely be difficult for them.

"Do you have any clue on what will be happening at the press conference?" Jinhee questioned.

"No, Miss, I am afraid I do not have any knowledge on that," The Man voiced out.

"Oh," Jinhee said before her eyes went to staring at her surroundings.

Her eyes fell towards the direction of the room the press conference will be held at, and seeing how the interior looked, Jinhee found herself being amazed at the surroundings. It seemed that Taehyun was putting in his best effort into arranging everything.

Nervousness began brewing within Jinhee at the thought of attending the press conference, and she took in a deep breath. The ominous feeling within Jinhee began to rise, and she patted her chest in order to calm down her rapid heart.