Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 278 - Foolish

Nervousness brewed within Jinhee as she saw Jaehyun hear contents of the message. A grim expression sat upon his face, and she could not identify what he was thinking about at this very moment.

Both of his lips were pursed together as Jinhee held in her breath. The two of them were currently in a secluded café, and Jaehyun had a mask over his face.

Finally, after the recording was over, Jaehyun raised his head, and Jinhee released her breath as she was waiting for his response.

"Youngmi and Jinkyung," Jaehyun enunciated.

Lee Jinhee nodded and knew that Jaehyun was too shocked to utter anything at this moment. Tapping her hand on top of the table, Jinhee scanned the current expression on his face.

"I guess, Youngmi's involvement doesn't shock me that much, but Jinkyung… How could she hide such a big matter? Murder you? How are you feeling regarding the entire thing?" Jaehyun vocalise.

His eyes held a worried expression in them whilst they gazed upon Jinhee, and letting out a sigh, Jinhee just shrugged her shoulders.

"With how things have been turning out, I would be surprised if Jinkyung did not try to kill me. Anyway, what are you going to do about the entire thing? If you need my help, I am ready to lend it to you," Jinhee stated.

"Youngmi is not something I will be able to go against currently, and investigating this might be difficult for me. But for Yejun, I will be doing this. I will make sure that he is avenged, and since Jinkyung mentioned on how he is just captured, there could be a chance that Yejun is alive," Jaehyun said as a determined expression formed on his face.

He then continued, "I want to hold on to that hope regardless of how foolish it might seem."

Jinhee shook her head and said, "It is not foolish; It is always better to look at the positive side. I know that it would be tough, but you can do it, Jaehyun."

Lee Jinhee decided to leave the part about how she will be personally uncovering this part with Taeho to let Youngmi be behind the bars or let her be admitted to the mental institution. Either of them worked with her.

Letting Jaehyun know at this moment would just complicate the matters now, and she did not want to have a problem with their friendship merely due to this.

Hesitantly, Jinhee asked, "What about your parents?"

Even though Jaehyun was not that close to her to let her know about his problems completely in her last life, she had an inkling on how his parents were.

Despite the fact that his parents did not like her, she could clearly see that they were not warm to Jaehyun either, and dealing with this alone at his age will be extremely difficult for him.

She could at times relate to him and felt pity for him. Although she was lonely, she had her Grandfather Dowon and now a lovely pair of parents with her. However, it was not the same for Jaehyun.

Seeing how the expression on his face went dimmer, Jinhee grew aware of how it was a bad idea for her to mention this at this moment, and guilt hit her at this moment.

A sigh left her mouth.

"Jaehyun-ah, everything will be fine! Yejun will be getting the revenge he deserves," Jaehyun said, "Call this a woman's intuition."

Brushing the thoughts off of his mind, a small smile formed on Jaehyun's face as he nodded and said, "Thank you letting me know about this, Jinhee. This truly means a lot to me."

"Jaehyun, you are my friend, and of course, I will be helping you. Yejun too helped me tremendously, and knowing that I have been of help to you makes me happy," Jinhee said.

She then added, "Do not stress yourself too much, and take things slowly. Although I personally did not know Yejun, I know that he will not be happy if he saw you exerting yourself like that."

"I guess you are right," Jaehyun said.

In her last life, Jaehyun must have felt lonely as well. Lee Jinhee was not exactly that mature in her life to make Jaehyun feel comfort, and she could guess that he was not able to open up to her.

Even though she had no idea what caused him to let her know about all that happened in this life of hers— maybe because how he knew that Yejun spend time with her— she felt happy.

Although she did not hold those romantic feelings for Jaehyun any longer, it did not mean she did not want to alleviate those worries of him. She truly hoped that he could meet someone to whom he can entirely reveal himself to.

"Kim Jaehyun, I hope you can really find someone, who will make you feel, I guess, less lonely," Jinhee said as a small smile sat on to her face.


After she had arrived at the Lee Mansion, Jinhee was called to one of the room in the mansion, and being on guard regarding what the reason could be, she walked towards the room.

Without all the maids and butlers, the mansion seemed to be quite empty, and Jinhee was well aware that they will be dismissing all the chefs soon as well.

Jinhee wondered about who will be cooking for them if that were to occur. Nonetheless, she did not care much about that because she was not planning to stay at this mansion for long.

Walking closer to the door, she knocked on it multiple times before holding the knob and turning it to push the door open.

After opening the door, she peeked in her head through the opening, and her eyes stared at all those who were seated inside in room— Lee Youngchul, Lee Jiyoung, Lee Jinkyung, and also Han Taeho.

Han Taeho did not contact her prior to this, and this left her wondering about what his intentions for being here could be.