Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 273 - Control

Before Jinhee could slip down the series of stairs, her hand was gripped and pulled back by someone. A sigh of relief left her mouth.

Seeing Taehyun stand before her whilst holding on to her wrist, she knew that it was him who rescued her and said, "Thanks. That was close."

"What's with you and stairs? This is definitely not the first, second, or the third time you were about to trip down of it," Taehyun pointed out.

"The floor was slippery," Jinhee vocalized, "I should have paid more attention to it."

Raising his hand, Taehyun brought it closer to Jinhee's forehead and flicked on it. He then said, "You always mention about how careful you should be, but then you are never careful."

Jinhee cheekily voiced out, "Isn't that because I have you with me? If it is not to help me, what are you here for?"

Extending his hand towards Jinhee's nose, he pinched it slightly before stating, "Is that so?"

Scrunching up her nose, Jinhee nodded to which laughs left his mouth, and Taehyun said, "If you want to be protected by me that much, then you should be by my side always. Regardless of what happens, you can not leave my side."

Letting out a sigh, Jinhee said, "As much as I want for that to happen, it would not be possible. You can not exactly follow me to the washroom."

"Why can't I follow you to the washroom? We are girls, and it is quite normal for girls to follow each other to the washroom." Taehyun winked at Jinhee.

"Creep," Jinhee expressed, "Let's go to the class now before it is too late."

It took her by surpised when Han Taehyun leaned closer to her and placed his lips on top of Jinhee's for a second. Jinhee's eyes widened at the feel of Taehyun's soft lips on top of hers.

Then, realizing on how she was still in the hallway, Jinhee looked around to see if anyone had noticed, and her current expression caused a chuckle to leave Taehyun's mouth. He found her truly endearing at this moment.

Pinching at Jinhee's cheek, he said, "Don't worry, Jinhee-ah. No one saw us. I made sure of that."

A sigh of relief left her mouth after hearing Taehyun's words, and she placed her hand over her chest before expressing, "That gave me quite a scare. Warn me before taking such actions again."

Taehyun exclaimed, "What's the fun in that!?


Jinhee felt someone throw paper balls at her from the left, and she clenched her hand tightly at that. As the third paper ball was thrown at her direction, Jinhee gripped the paper ball.

The person throwing the paper ball was not exactly meticulous at her job, and from the corner of her eyes, Jinhee could clearly see who it was.

Placing the paper ball on top of her table, Jinhee shook her head and let out a sigh at the childish act. She wanted to ask that person whether or not she was some elementary kid for pulling pranks like that.

The teacher had gone outside of class for five minutes in order to handle something and left the student with work to complete within the class.

Pulling her chair back, Jinhee stood up as a serious expression sat upon her face. Most of her classmate's eyes were on Jinhee at that point, and they were awaiting to see what she would do.

Instead of yelling towards the one who threw the paper balls— which almost everyone involved had expected— she turned to face Han Taehee whilst wearing a soft smile on her face.

"Taehee, do you mind giving a call to Taeho? I have some matters to discuss with him, and I do not think he will be taking the matters of me being bullied in class well," Jinhee said as a wide smile stretched on her face.

She had no time to argue with her classmates on such a petty matter, and using Taehyun to get a way out of it was the easiest option in Jinhee's opinion.

Taehyun nodded at Jinhee's words.

Seeing that Taehyun was about to take out his phone, the girl, who threw the paper balls, slammed her hand on top of the table and stood up.

Although her body was shivering slightly at the mention of Taehyun, she managed to keep her composure, and Jinhee knew that it was Youngmi who gave her the confidence.

"Kim Yoona," Jinhee enunciated, staring at her classmate.

"Yah! Lee Jinhee, what I did to you was not big enough for you to call Taeho! You are one who is bullying me by the mention of his name! This is absolutely unfair," Yoona said.

Jinhee was not in the mood to further argue with the girl in front of her or create a scene. Knowing that she would not dare to throw paper balls at her anymore, Jinhee shrugged her shoulders and sat down at her place.

"I am letting you go this time," Jinhee said before sitting down upon her place and turning her head towards the direction of the book.

Kim Yoona clearly did not take Jinhee's behaviour well for she had stomped towards Jinhee's place, and anger was written all over her face. Yoona took herself to be a very close friend of Youngmi and was well aware that Youngmi's power was wider than Jinhee's.

Standing beside Jinhee, Yoona glared towards Jinhee and slammed her hand on top of Jinhee's desk. Jinhee just sighed at how she had to deal with another impulsive fool.

"We are all classmates! Do you really need to act this way towards us?!" Yoona vocalised.

Lee Jinhee had her work to complete, and if she did not finish it in time, she could possibly get reprimanded by the teacher. For such a silly reason, Jinhee was not willing to be scolded by the teacher.

Looking towards Youngmi, Jinhee voiced out, "Control your lackeys, Youngmi. I have important matters to handle than paying them attention."