Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 271 - A mess

"Oh! You came," Jinhee vocalised.

Her heart began to palpitate rapidly within her chest at Taehyun's presence, and Jinhee found herself feeling content with everything.

Pulling away from the hug, Taehyun said, "Of course, I did."

Lee Jinhee's eyes widened when she saw the slight tears, which formed on Taehyun's eyes. They brought surprise to Jinhee because she did not expect Taehyun to shed tears for her.

Han Taehyun did not seem who would easily cry to her, and seeing him cry for her made Jinhee feel joy spread through her. This showed to Jinhee how special she was to Taehyun.

"Are you crying?" Jinhee questioned.

Wiping the stray tear, which formed at the corner of her eyes, Taehyun vocalised, "What does it seem like? Do you know how much it hurt for me when I saw him directing all those attack towards you? It was extremely suffocating, and I felt utterly useless."

Lee Jinhee chuckled and said, "It was not that bad. This was not anything like I have not gone through before, Taehyun, and thank you for playing along."

"There is no way I am letting you go through that again, and I do not care that Youngmi is a female because I will be directing all those punches towards her one day," Taehyun vocalised.

Jinhee laughed at his words and stated, "That would not make you gentlemanly, but I am looking forward to it. I might need to get couple more punches from him, and I am looking forward to you avenging me."

"Couple more punches? I definitely would not let you go through that regardless of what you say," Taehyun said as he brought his hand behind Jinhee's shoulder.

Wrapping his hands around her, he stood up whilst carrying her in the bridal style, and surprised by his sudden movement, a gasp left her mouth.

"My heart was squeezed terribly in that instant, and seeing you go through this pain is definitely something I will not be allowing next time around.

I told you that I will be protecting you, and I will be keeping my words; Never again I will be letting you play around like this by putting your life in danger," Taehyun added whilst wearing a serious expression.

Taehyun's words caused a blush to form upon Jinhee's cheeks, and as they began to get warmer, Jinhee could distinctly hear her heart beating rapidly within her chest.

"You are exaggerating everything, Taehyun. People will be calling me incompetent then," Jinhee pointed out.

As Taehyun walked outside of the washroom, he vocalised, "How are you incompetent? Weren't you successful in capturing my heart? This definitely puts you above of everyone."

Jinhee scoffed and said, "Tch! You are really! Now, let me sleep in your arms. I feel really tired after all of that."


As the scent of disinfectants invaded her nostrils again, Jinhee let out a groan. Waking up from her small nap, she saw herself at the hospital again, and at this point, she was starting to form a strong disliking towards the hospital.

"Why am I back here again?" Jinhee vocalised, "This was not even that serious."

"We need a doctor's report in order to make your plan more effective, and even without that, I wanted to make everything confirmed with the doctors. What if it was really serious?" Han Taehyun raised one of his eyebrows.

Jinhee vocalised, "Well, that sounds reasonable enough. Now that it is done, let's go home."

"The doctor said that it will be better for you to spend at the night at the hospital, and I would not want you to go to Lee Mansion in this state. Some assholes there would not allow you to rest," Taehyun vocalised.

"I need to face them sooner or later, and U am curious to see what type of drama is happening there. Moreover, wouldn't you be there to protect me?" Jinhee stated.

"I will be there to protect you, but at this moment, there is no better place for you other than the hospital," Taehyun voiced out whislt staring at Jinhee sternly.


No improvements were made in her father's case, and Jinkyung was extremely frustrated at this point. Her social life plummeted a lot, and she was made a joke at the school today.

Those who did not dare to speak to her and worshipped her was mocking her the entire time today, and they laughed at her whenever they got the chance to go so.

Negative gossips about her spread throughout the school, and sooner or later, she will be turned into a joke at this rate.

She needed someone to clarify her father's matter for her. She was extremely angry at her father for the entire ordeal. There was no need for her to go through this if he had handled things properly.

Jinkyung also felt enraged towards Jinhee. Jinkyung had an inkling that it was Jinhee who had revealed the entire matter of her accident and how she was not the actual daughter to the media.

Jinkyung tried to contact Han Taeho the entire time. However, Taeho's phone remained switched off everytime she called, and she was desperate to give that man a piece of her mind.

Stabbing Jinhee multiple number of times might make her feel better currently, and Jinkyung was tempted to do it. Because of Lee Jinhee, everything was going wrong in her life, and now, even Kim Jaehyun would have a negative opinion on her.

"Lee Jinhee, you will certainly be suffering for all of this. You probably think you won, but that will never happen. I would not let you win," Jinkyung mumbled to herself.

At that moment, Jinkyung did not know what to do or how to make herself feel better. She desperately craved to destroy Jinhee at this point, and there was no limit to how long she will be sinking for that.

At that moment, she received a notification on her phone.

Placing on a nonchalant expression on her face, Jinkyung picked up her phone and turned on her screen to see the notification she had received. It seemed to be a picture from Kwon Youngmi.

Clicking on the picture, Jinkyung let it load before the picture displayed in front of her. The picture was of Jinhee being all battered up, and Jinkyung knew that Youngmi was behind it. This gave great satisfaction to Jinkyung at that moment, and she laughed at it.

"I definitely did not take a bad decision when I put in Youngmi for the job"You look like a joke at this moment," Jinhee mumbled as she stared at herself in the mirror.

A sigh left her mouth as she felt the wet sensation upon her body, and coupled with the flour, she knew that this was showing to be a sticky mess. Jinhee was desperate to wash this off of her.

Shaking her head, she walked towards the door, and extending her hand at the door, she banged her hand on the door, creating loud sound in order to not raise any suspicion within Youngmi.

"Help! Help! Someone really help! It is extremely cold here, and I am seriously close to fainting! Help me! This is really scary!"

Jinhee continued to repeat the same words. She had no idea on whether or not those person were gone, and therefore, she had no idea on when to stop her call from help.

Her throat was starting to hurt from now, and her voice cracked. Deciding that she had screamed enough for now, she stopped with her acting, and pursing both of her lips together, she waited for Taehyun to show up or for him to send help.

Being affected by the cold, Jinhee shuddered and rubbed both of her palms together. She prayed to not catch a cold after this.

Even if it was for the sake of the plan, getting sick after just being out of the hospital was most definitely not something which Jinhee found to be pleasant.

Probably around fifteen minutes had passed by now, and Jinhee tapped her foot upon the floor. Jinhee knew that Taehyun was waiting for Youngmi to leave before opening the door, and that might take some time.

Hearing footsteps towards her, Jinhee raised her head and looked at the direction of the door. She heard someone working with the knob, and a small smile formed on Jinhee's face.

The door in front of her was pulled open, and when Jinhee saw who it was, her eyes widened, showing her surprise. Nonetheless, she instantly replaced it with a smiling expression.

Kwon Youngmi stood before her, and Jinhee did not expect for Youngmi to be the one who would open the door. She did not understand what Youngmi was trying to play at, and maybe Youngmi's plan was not the one same as what Jinhee thought of it to be.

A gasp left Youngmi's mouth as she vocalised, "Jinhee-ssi, this is such a mess. What had happened to you?"

Lee Jinhee's eyes narrowed at Youngmi's expression. There was no feigned worry in those eyes of hers, and they instead showed mock. It was as if Youngmi was revealing her true side to Jinhee.

Pulling her hand into a tight fist, Jinhee stared at the girl in front of her in wary. If Youngmi was showing her true side, it meant that she was confident that it would not known to everyone.

Although Jinhee found it mortifying to have Youngmi see her in such a state, she had to bear with it for now.

Kwon Youngmi chuckled at Jinhee's silence and vocalised, "You appear extremely pitiful at this moment. How long would it take for me to break you now? It would not be fun to do that quickly."

Feigning to be shocked by Youngmi's change of behaviour, Jinhee widened her eyes and, as her voice was shaky, asked, "W-What do you mean?"

Youngmi took a step closer to Jinhee as a sadistic joy showed in her eyes, and pretending to be frightened, Jinhee took a step back. This continued until Jinhee's back touched the wall.

Youngmi inched nearer to Jinhee until the point she cornered Jinhee at one place, and when Jinhee could not move further, an amused look crossed Youngmi's eyes. Youngmi let out an intimidating aura, and it was definitely not difficult for her to make most shudder in her presence currently.

"Lee Jinhee," Youngmi vocalised, "Look at you being oblivious to all of this. It is actually cute."

Kwon Youngmi raised her hand, and her index finger grazed against Jinhee's chin. Pulling on an alarmed expression, Jinhee directed a glare towards Youngmi.

"It is funny how you took me to be a target when you are the prey in my hand," Youngmi vocalised.

'You have to get her pissed off now, Jinhee. That is your job currently.'

Whilst mock showed in her eyes, Jinhee scoffed and pointed out, "Prey or not, I really got you to bow down to me, beg me, and apologize to me."

Seeing the ridicule in Jinhee's eyes indeed enraged Youngmi, and now that Youngmi was not attempting to hide her emotions, Jinhee could completely see all those in her eyes.

"I utterly got the chance to stomp upon your pride, but you would not be able to do that Youngmi. No matter how much you try, I won't apologise, bow down to you, or beg you," Jinhee said as her lips curved to form a smirk.

"That indeed irritates me, but I will make sure you apologise, bow down to me, and beg me. Since I, Kwon Youngmi, had said about it, this is bound to happen," Youngmi stated as a threatening glint crossed her eyes.

"How are you going to do that? That is absolutely impossible for you," Jinhee said, "I wish you all the luck though, My Slave. Isn't that what you have agreed to become?"

Lee Jinhee clearly saw how Youngmi clenched her hand into a tight fist, and this just intensified the joy Jinhee felt in that instant. Jinhee was waiting for when Youngmi will be getting physical with her.

Seeing how the creases were starting to form upon Youngmi's face, Jinhee could guess that she was very close to losing control.

"Is that a frown that is forming on your face? Are you having a difficulty with the fact that you were your victim's slave and did all of the errands for your Master? It was fun as long as it lasted, Youngmi," Jinhee vocalised.

Leaning her face closer to Youngmi's, Jinhee added, "Kwon Youngmi, I might not find as much as an obedient slave as you for my entire life."

. With Youngmi, I would not even need to personally handle Jinhee anymore."