Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 260 - Flattery

"You are really stupid for getting this many accidents, You—"

Before Min Hyunbin could continue further, his mother, Min Sooah, hit him at the back of the head, causing him to stop talking, and seeing the glare that was directed towards her from Hyunbin, Jinhee chuckled.

Min Yoojoon, Sooah, and Hyunbin came to visit her after they had learned about her accident, and seeing the worried expression upon the couple's face, Jinhee found herself feeling warm.

Han Taehyun had not left her side ever since she was admitted to the hospital, and finally, she was able to send Taehyun home slightly earlier with the excuse that he smelled bad. He was required to take a bath.

"Talk properly, Hyunbin," Sooah reprimanded.

"How are you, Jinhee Dear?" Yoojoon asked as he walked towards Jinhee. Lee Jinhee's eyes fell upon the creases between two of his eyebrows, and the concern was very much visible in those eyes of his.

"I am alright. The car accident was not that severe, and before anything could get serious, the police came. I will be able to get discharged in two or three days," Jinhee said. A soft smile sat upon her face as she did so.

"That's a relief then. Your father and I panicked when we got to hear about your accident," Sooah vocalized, "Fortunately, it is nothing fatal."

"Thank you for coming," Jinhee vocalised.


Hearing the knocks upon the door, Jinhee pressed her palm against the soft material of the bed, and sitting up straight, she leaned her back against the headboard.

"Come in," She vocalised.

The door opened, revealing a man wearing a mask upon his face, and he had his brown hair styled backwards. As those familiar green eyes of his fell on Soohyun, she flashed him a smile.

"Han Taeho," She enunciated.

As the door behind him closed, Han Taeho stepped further into the room, and as most of the times, nonchalance covered his face. Taking a seat beside Lee Jinhee, his eyes stared at Jinhee.

"Are you feeling alright?" Han Taeho questioned.

"Yes, I am all fine. Things were less violent than what I have expected. What about that driver? Did he confess on anything?" Lee Jinhee raised one of her eyebrows.

"A slight trip to the torture chamber was enough to make him spill out about everything, and now they are working to collect enough evidence to prove Minjoon guilty.

Earlier today, Minjoon's past of embezzling funds and other misconduct was revealed to everyone by the media. Knowing that there is no way out of it, he is most definitely trying a place to hide at," Taeho explained.

Lee Jinhee said, "That makes sense. What about Jinkyung? I am pretty sure she had called you about thousand times."

"She indeed did, but none of them were received. After this, I will be calling her, and I will be using her to trap her father," Taeho said as a glint appeared in his eyes.

Even though this was not directed towards her, a chill went down Jinhee's back. Jinhee wondered whether or not Jinkyung was a fool in her last life.

She got someone like Han Taeho to be devoted to her yet she chose to chase after someone whom she had no chance with. Jinhee sometimes wondered about what caused Jinkyung to have such deep feelings towards Jaehyun when he barely paid any attention to it.

However, in Jinhee's opinion, more than love, it seemed as if Jinkyung was obsessed with Jaehyun,.

"Oh! What about Kwon Youngmi? Although she created a lot of troubles for me, there is no evidence to actually put her behind the bars, and what about that person who posted those things in the forum? Were you able to get any hint?"

"There are three people that are suspected at this moment for the post, and after a further investigation, we would be able to settle down to one person," Taeho vocalised.

Jinhee nodded and said, "I just hope everything could go smoothly after all that work."


Feeling his phone vibrate within his coat's pocket, Han Taeho extended his hand towards it as he sat at the backseat of his car. The driver started the car.

Reading the name on top of the screen— Lee Jinkyung— the look in his eyes turned colder, and receiving the call, he placed the phone beside his hair.

Noises from crying and sniffing reached his ear, and he was well aware that Jinkyung was planning to convince him make things right for her father.

"Are you alright, Jinkyung? What's the matter?" He questioned— his voice sounding gentle.

"Taeho-ah, help me; I really don't know what to do. I am absolutely helpless at this moment, and you are the only one who could provide me with help at this moment. T-T-Taeho, t-things are going really horrible for my family.

At first, Jinhee got into an accident, and now, father is being falsely accused by the media. Police are about to take him for custody, and with his weak heart condition, Father will be sooner or later admitted to the hospital with how things are going.

Taeho, please save my Father. I really don't want to lose him, and please protect my father from all this," Jinkyung vocalised— her voice sounding broken.

Her cries continued, and he said, "I have seen the news earlier, and about everything that happened, don't worry, Jinkyung! I will be helping you. Didn't I say you earlier on how I am there for you regardless of what happens.

About your Father's case, let the police take him, and I will be directly heading to the police station to release him. Hiding him would just make him seem more suspicious to everyone.

Don't cry anymore, Jinkyung. You know, how much it hurts me to see you cry. Regardless of what the truth is, I will stop your father from being behind the bars."

Lee Jinkyung sniffed and said, "Really, Taeho? I will do just as you say. I am really grateful because of what all you have done for me, and I know that I can never repay you for what you have done to me. All of this means a lot to me. I would not be able to hold on this long."

Hearing those words from Jinkyung made Han Taeho feel pathetic. He could not believe that he was easily swayed by those words from Jinkyung. Being experienced in this field, he should have been better when it came to believing flattery.