Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 257 - You Fool

Before the truck driver could slam the rurck against the car again, sounds from the police car could be heard, alarming the driver, from both the sides, and caught in between two, the driver was now confused on where to go.

Clearly hearing the noise, Jinhee let herself drift off to her Dreamland regardless of how difficult it was due to the pain in her body. One slight move was enough to make her wince.

Wearing the footsteps, Jinhee understood that the police had gone down their cars, and that was the last thing she had heard before going to sleep.

The police had made their way out of the car whilst a serious expression sat upon their faces. Someone had reported to them on an accident occuring on this road, and seeing the current state of the accident, they noticed that it was not an accident rather than intentional attempt.

One of the police shouted, "Call the ambulance quickly; It is an emergency."

Two of the police walked towards the direction of the Truck's window— the side the driver was seated at— and repeatedly knocked on the window.

Knowing that there was no way for him to escape currently, a panicked and scared expression sat upon his face whilst his shivering hand extended towards the door. The police will most definitely not spare him after that.

After the door was open, the man got down of the car, and before the police could catch him, he bowed repeatedly and said, "I am sorry. Please spare me; I did not mean to do this. I was ordered by someone to do this; Please leave me."

The police did not seem to be affected by his words as no shift of expression could be seen upon their faces and vocalised, "Follow us."

Seeing an opening, the driver raised his hand to push the police away, and without waiting a second, the driver frantically ran for the other direction, where there were no police.

Nonetheless, he was caught by one of the angry police before he could run away, and that was when he heard the sounds of the ambulances.


A groan of pain left Jinhee's mouth as she opened her eyes, and the smell of disinfectants wafted into her nose. Once again, she ended up being in the hospital— something that happened frequently in this life of hers.

Opening her eyes, she felt the bright lights blinding her, and immediately, she closed her eyes tightly before gradually opening them in order to adjust to the brightness of the light.

Her body ached, and the events of what happened earlier flooded inside her mind. She hoped that everything went perfectly, and as she pressed her palm on to the bed, a wince escape her mouth die to how painful it was at this moment.

"She is awake."

Jinhee heard a foreign voice say, and turning her head towards the direction of the voice, she noticed that a doctor was standing there with his board. Behind the doctor was a nurse.

Lee Jinhee could feel her forehead being wrapped by a bandage, and both of her hands were wrapped by bandage as well. As Jinhee made the wounds upon herself hurriedly at that time, she did not know where she exactly made them.

Finding her throat to be slightly dry, Jinhee coughed and, pretending to be confused, asked, "What happened?"

"Miss Lee, you have gotten under an accident, and the culprit behind it had been caught. It is currently under investigation, and the police will be coming soon to question you. How are you feeling now?" The doctor explained.

"Other than the pain from the wounds, there is a slight headache," Jinhee answered before asking, "What about the ones who were with me?"

"Only couple of wounds on your body was dangerous. However, they were not life-threatening, and it has been taken care of properly. You did not lose much blood, and you can get discharged within two to three days," The Doctor vocalised.

He then added, "As for that girl and the man, they are currently resting at the room, and they are doing fine as well. Before the car could get attacked again, the police stopped it.

I'll be taking my leave them, Miss Lee, and ring the bell if anything is needed. Your friend is waiting for you outside. I will tell her to come in."

Jinhee nodded whilst watching the doctor turn his back on her and walk outside of the room as he was followed by the nurse behind him.

A thought on what the time was at this moment popped up inside her mind. Jinhee had an inkling that friend of hers would be Taehyun, and knowing that Taehyun has an exam, Jinhee did not want him to be here.

As the door in front of her opened, Jinhee turned her head to look at the direction of the door, and seeing Han Taehyun, she let out a sigh.

She then voiced out, "Shouldn't you be attending an exam, Han Taehyun?"

Whilst a stern expression sat on his face, worry could be detectable in his eyes as he walked towards Jinhee. The door behind him closed, and Taehyun stood beside Jinhee.

"Is that the thing you should be saying now?" Taehyun questioned.

"You make me feel guilty with how you skip exams for me," Jinhee said, "Moreover, this was just a plan to make Minjoon fall into a trap, and I had it under control. I was going to be safe."

A groan left Han Taehyun's mouth whilst he ran his hand through his hair, and whilst slight anger showed on his face, he voiced out, "You could have at least warned me before it. When I heard about how you were admitted to a hospital here, I almost panicked due to how worried and scared I was. How could you not tell me about it?"

"I really must have frighten you, Taehyun. There was a reason I did not tell you about it though. You would have tagged along or you wouldn't let me proceed with the plan," Jinhee pointed out.

"You are right about that; How could I let you go along with something as dangerous as that?" Han Taehyun stated, "There were other ways to get that Minjoon to fall into a trap, which does not require you to endanger yourself."

"I was not endangering myself though. I knew that Taeho had something in mind to protect me, and I am really sorry for scaring you," Jinhee confessed, "But I felt happy that I got to do something on my own."

"Geez, You Fool! Even if I want to scold you more, seeing how injured you are, I will refrain myself from doing so," Taehyun stated, causing a chuckle to leave Jinhee's mouth.