Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 247 - The bud

The breakfast for today was Japanese styled for her Grandfather Dowon had wished for it to be like this, and after staring at him, Jinhee had a slight clue on why he wanted so.

He must have been reminiscing about her Grandmother and Mother. At time, Jinhee found him too pitiful. At his age, he had no one around him that he could trust, and in her last life, she turned out to be a disappointment.

Thinking about that made her heart clench painfully, and raising her head to look towards him, a bright smile was upon her face. She was determined to not let him feel lonely in this life of hers.

"Grandfather Dowon, I was craving for Japanese meal for a long time, and this tastes absolutely delicious," Jinhee vocalised as she extended her chopsticks toward the salmon.

As Lee Dowon's lips curved slightly upward, he said, "Then, have more of it. There is enough for seconds, and satisfy your hunger completely before the exam. You wouldn't perform as efficiently with an empty stomach."

Jinhee nodded and vocalized, "Yes, Grandpa Dowon, I will be eating to my heart's content."


The entire time Han Taehyun had a wide smile upon his face, which he had a hard time removing, and holding Jinhee's other hand under the table, he felt an inexplicable rush of joy within him.

In order to feel Jinhee's warmth more, he tightly gripped Jinhee's hand, and thinking that he wanted something, turning her head, Jinhee looked at Taehyun. Raising one of her eyebrows, she stared at him.

Shaking his head, Taehyun indicated that it was nothing.

Looking towards Han Taehyun, Lee Yeeun, Hyunki's mother, asked, "Taeher, since you're our Jinhee's friend, it wouldn't be a problem for you to invite us to your house, right?"

As there was a sparkle in her eyes, Yeeun shamelessly vocalised, "I have always wanted to see how the Han Mansion completely was like, and as you're our Jinhee's friend, this is only proper.

Moreover, our Jinhee is your brother's, Han Taeho's, fiancée. Visiting Han Mansion during parties just seems too formal, and now, we are families."

Even though Lee Jinhee did not consider Lee Yeeun to be her family, this was too embarrassing for her as they were connected in name.

Before Lee Jinhee could answer with something, Han Taehyun pressed on her hand tightly, indicating her to not say anything, and looking up towards Lee Yeeun, Taehyun showed her a friendly expression.

"Sure, you're invited, Lee Yeeun-ssi, but currently, my parents are out of the country, and I am not exactly fit for taking care of the guests," Taehyun voiced out.

Biting her lips, Jinhee held in her urge to let out a laughter. Han Taehyun clearly demoted Lee Yeeun from a family to a mere guest. Nevertheless, knowing how Yeeun wasn't exactly that bright, she wouldn't able to get the hint of it.

Just because Yeeun did not notice it doesn't mean the others did not, and hearing Taehyun's reply after Yeeun's word brought pure humiliation towards them.

"Don't talk too much during breakfast!" Lee Youngchul vocalised whilst shooting a glance of disapproval towards Yeeun.

"What did I do this time!? All of you are just jealous that Han Taehee invited me to his place while he did not do the same to you all. Even if you beg me, I wouldn't be taking you along," Lee Yeeun said haughtily whilst staring at Lee Youngchul.

Her words made Jinhee snicker, and the Lee family was desperate to drag Lee Yeeun out of here before she embarrassed them further.

With excitement clearly showing upon her face, Yeeun turned to look at Taehyun and vocalised, "I have seen in magazines on how beautiful the interior of the mansion is, and don't forget to invite me when your parents are back.

I'll be taking thousands of pictures and show them to my friends. They don't believe that Han Taehee is staying at my house. Tch! Those idiots— How much do they know about how prestigious we are at this moment?

Lee Family is families with Han Family, and those idiots haven't even talked or seen the members of Han Family properly. They should clearly see how above we are."

Placing her hand on top of her mouth, Jinhee resisted her urge to laugh at that moment. In her opinion, most of the members of Lee family's expression looked too funny with mortification at this moment, and Jinhee subtly raised her thumb up towards Yeeun.

"Don't pay attention to irrelevant matters, and eat up, Jinhee, or else you will be hungry later on," Lee Dowon vocalised, causing Jinhee to shift her eyes off of Yeeun.

Staring at her food, Jinhee nodded and decided to eat it. Then, she recalled about something she had to discuss about with Dowon, and from the corner of her eyes, she noticed Lee Minjoon. As he was present, this would be best time to mention it.

Raising her head to stare at Lee Dowon, she vocalised, "Ah! Grandpa Dowon, I am done with my design. Should I submit it?"

"Already?" Dowon arched his eyebrows.

Jinhee nodded and said, "It cost me some sleepless nights, but I managed to get it done. Of course, it is far from being perfect, but I gave it all, Grandfather, because I need to start fighting for my rightful position."

Lee Jinhee's words caused Minjoon to narrow his eyes upon her. Although he had previously ruled out her as a source of threat, seeing her determination, he knew that he had to get rid of her— as fast as possible.

Knowing that Lee Dowon, no matter how much he favoured, he will surely be handing down the business to Lee Jinhee if she shows determination. If the truth is let out and Jinhee shows proper growth, she might become the owner to Lee Dowon's shares for the business.

After all that effort he put into the business, there was no way Minjoon could allow that! He had his plan to shoot Jinhee and nip the problem at the root before it had the chance to grow.