Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 240 - All bark

"He is all bark but no bite, so it is alright," Jinhee vocalised as she finished eating the last part of her pancake.

Licking her lips, she removed the syrup off of it before placing a call to Min Sooah. Seeing that the call was going through, she waited for Sooah to receive the call.

After the call was picked up, Jinhee placed the phone beside her ear and vocalised, "Hello, Ahjumma, will Hyunbin be going to school."

"Yes, as you have said, I am sending him to school, and about the post, I have seen it. Were you the one behind it, Jinhee-ah?" Sooah voiced out.

"That's good then! Not exactly me— I have help from one of my friends, but things are going positively. You just have to wait for the Principal's call now, and make sure that Hyunbin doesn't escape, Ahjumma, or else everything will go to ruin.

"Yes, I will make sure to do that, Jinhee-ah," Sooah voiced out, "Your father and I are really grateful to you. Even though Hyunbin is rude to you, you have done a lot for him."

"No, Hyunbin is quite sweet when he is needed to be so, and, Ahjumma, you can relax now. I'll be hanging up now as I have to go to school. Bye, Ahjumma," Jinhee said.

"Bye, Jinhee-ah! Good luck about the exam! Best of luck from your father as well! He is unable to convey these words personally as he is busy currently! Hwaiting!" Sooah exclaimed from the other side of the phone, and excitation could be noticed in her tone.

Hanging up the call, Jinhee placed the phone on top of her bed, and a small smile sat on her face. She had an inkling that the exams are going to go well today.

"Jinhee-ah, if you keep smiling like this, sooner or later, I am going to have a heart disease. Do you have any idea on how beautiful you seem and how you make my heart beat rapidly?" Taehyun voiced out.

Hearing those words from Taehyun made Jinhee's eyes dilate— for she was taken aback how he mentioned those words all of a sudden— and blinked her eyes at him.

"Yah! Han Taehyun, what are you saying all of a sudden?" Jinhee asked as light pink blush coated upon her cheeks.

"Aigoo! It should be considered a sin for you to exist. How can someone as beautiful as you even exist?" Taehyun vocalised before letting out a sigh.

Although the temperature of Jinhee's cheeks began to rise, she managed to bd in her composure what her eyes glared upon Han Taehyun and said, "Did you add cheese in your pancake today?"

Shaking his head, Taehyun vocalised, "No, when I see you, Jinhee-ah, I don't need extra cheese. Just by standing there, you make those words leave my mouth."

Giving an understanding nod to Taehyun, Jinhee stared at him apologetically and said, "As much as I want to entertain you at this moment, I have studying to do, so bye. Flirt with yourself, Han Taehyun."

"Geez! You cold lady," Taehyun commented as a chuckle left his mouth.

Shrugging her shoulders, Jinhee vocalised, "I never told you to fall for me. It is you who fell at my feet despite my warning."

Taehyun let out a scoff at Jinhee's words.


Stepping into the school building, Jinhee stared at her surroundings and could hear occasional gossiping on Hyunbin's matter.

"The more people talks about it, the better it is," Lee Jinhee mumbled to herself.

Held within her hand was a book, and as her eyes were upon the book in her hand, her mind concentrated on the gossips. She could not at all put her attention into the book.

Realizing what Jinhee was doing, a chuckle left Taehyun's mouth, and shaking his head, he took the book from Jinhee's hand. Dilating her eyes, Jinhee stared at Taehyun questioningly.

"You're not getting anything done by pretending to read," Taehyun vocalised, "So, stop this and calm down."

Bending down to her height, Taehyun whispered, "I will let you copy off of me if you are unable to do any of the questions."

Raising her fist, Lee Jinhee pushed away Taehyun's chest from her, and whilst staring at him incredulously, she said, "There is no use for that."

"I am there for you if you're planning to change your mind," Taehyun voiced out whilst winking towards Jinhee.

"At first, let's see what happened to Min Hyunbin's matter. The exam will be starting within forty minutes, and they are bound to reach into a decision by now," Jinhee said.

"Jinhee-ah, what can I do to make you worry about me and work hard for me this way?" Taehyun questioned.

"Nothing," Jinhee answered as she pulled open the door to her classroom.

Noticing that a sad expression crossed over his eyes whilst his eyes stared down at the ground, guilt stabbed Jinhee, and a part of her felt like as if this expression of his was genuine.

Subconsciously, she placed her hand over Han Taehyun's shoulder, and coughing, she mumbled, "I can't worry about you because it is you who is taking care of me most of the times and you never get into trouble."

Hearing those words from Jinhee made Taehyun's eyes wider, and his eyes held a certain sparkle to them as they stared at her.

Blush covered Jinhee's cheeks as she stared at the other direction, and Taehyun could very well see that she was being shy. His heart fluttered at this moment.

Lee Jinhee wasn't pushing him away at all this moment, and a sense of accomplishment came through him at that moment. He had a good feeling within him.

Extending his hand, he pulled Jinhee into a tight hug, causing for Jinhee to be taken aback by his sudden action. Holding her hands wide, Jinhee was awkward on where to put them.

"Thank you, Jinhee, for letting me enter your heart," Taehyun vocalised.


That's all Jinhee could reply to Taehyun's words.