Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 220 - Bear that

After Han Taehyun was done freshening up, Lee Jinhee patted her empty stomach and stepped towards the direction of the door. She missed the taste of Taehyun's food. Although his cooking wasn't the best, it had a flavour which Jinhee had grown addicted to.

Pulling the door open, she walked towards the hallway as Taehyun followed after her and noticed that no one was around. None of the members of the Lee family could be seen in sight, making her wonder about what kind of drama they were about to start.

Jinhee sighed. She should enjoy the peace for as long as she could.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Taehyun questioned.

"Thinking about where those annoying family members of mine were and why wasn't I called for breakfast despite Grandfather Dowon being here? There is something suspicious about it, and it seems that all the maids have been dismissed," Jinhee voiced out.

Taehyun shrugged his shoulders and said, "Don't worry about something as trivial as this. First, fill that empty stomach of yours, and then, we will think about this together."

She then nodded and vocalised, "You're right! My stomach is my priority at this moment. After I fill it, I will think about other things. I am sure they are planning something new, but too bad, I am almost untouchable for them."

Taehyun let out a laugh and patted the top of Jinhee's head before expressing, "Confident Jinhee is extremely hot!"

Scrunching her nose, Jinhee vocalised, "You find all sides of me hot. I really got you wrapped around my fingers. It feels nice."

"You are going crazy, Jinhee. However, I—"

"You find this crazy side of me hot as well? I know! I know! Taehyun, you don't need to specify it anymore," Jinhee voiced out.

"How are you so sure I was going to say that?" Taehyun asked.

"Taehyun-ah, don't be too surprised when I say that. However, I know you better than you know yourself," She vocalised whilst wearing a cheeky smile on her face.

Pinching her cheek, Taehyun said, "Is that so? Could it be that you have started to closely observe me because you are attracted to me?"

Slapping Taehyun's hand away, Jinhee shook her head and voiced out, "It is nothing like that. It's merely the fact that you're very transparent, and I am good at reading people."

Hearing Jinhee's words, Taehyun began to laugh, causing Jinhee's nose to scrunch up in annoyance, and said, "That was a funny joke, Jinhee. If you actually knew of my feelings, you would have noticed it in the beginning. However, you were so hostile to me back then without even knowing me properly."

"Ah! You're talking about that! My pervert detecting radar immediately lit up when I saw you for the first time, and that's why I decided to steer clear of you."

Taehyun chuckled and vocalised, "Your radar reacts wrongly then. Maybe you should get it fixed."

Jinhee scoffed and said, "Just like how you should get your head fixed?"

Dramatically, Taehyun voiced out, "If I am called crazy for being so in love with you, then so be it."

Looking at Taehyun, a laugh escaped Jinhee's mouth as she punched on Taehyun's chest playfully. She then voiced out, "What was that about?"


As Taehyun brought in his stir fried chicken noodles, Jinhee was close to drooling at the scent alone. As always, Taehyun's cooking had a unique aroma to it.

Taehyun placed one plate in front of Jinhee, and he kept the other one on his side of the table. As he sat upon the chair, Jinhee flashed a bright smile towards Taehyun.

Clapping both of her hands together, Jinhee voiced out, "Thanks for the food."

With that, Jinhee picked up her fork and was ready to eat her food when Taehyun voiced out, "Jinhee-ah, doesn't this feel like a date? Should we treat this as our first date after officially being a half couple."

Widening her eyes, she turned her head to look towards Taehyun, and raising one of her eyebrows, she vocalised, "When did we become a couple? If you remember, I am clearly Taeho's fiancée."

Letting out a gasp, Taehyun voiced out, "Heol! Jinhee-ah, you really know how to rub salt over one's wounds. You clearly know how that phrase hurts me yet you repeat it multiple times, and I know we're not a full couple yet. That's why I mentioned half couple."

"Which phrase? That I am Taeho's fiancée?" Jinhee questioned whilst placing some noodles inside her mouth. Feeling the mouthwatering taste, she found it hard to control in a m.o.a.n. Taehyun's cooking was truly heavenly.

Taehyun nodded.

Shrugging her shoulders and before placing more noodles inside her mouth, Jinhee said, "Well, there is nothing I can do about that. It is the truth after all, and what is even a half couple?"

"It's more or less something like friends with benefits. However, it has romantic feelings involved," Taehyun expressed.

Hearing Taehyun's words made Jinhee choke on her food, and she began to cough. How could Taehyun even say such words that easily? As Taehyun pushed the glass of water towards Jinhee, she picked it up and drank down the water.

Turning towards Taehyun, she directed a glare at him, and before she could say anything, he said, "You're really clumsy and careless, Jinhee-ah. You trip over any type of surface and choke on food every time. Are you some five year old? I should stick much closer to you starting today! Who knows what type of disaster you will be getting yourself into."

"Please I beg of you; Don't do that. I don't think I will be able to bear that," Jinhee said.

Then raising her head, she stared towards Taehyun and, with anger visible within her tone, voiced out, "If it wasn't for your weird words, I wouldn't have ever choked on my food. You're the one to blame for all this."

At that moment, Jinhee heard footsteps of someone entering into the room. Nonetheless, she did not bother turning her head back, and that someone slammed their hand on top of the dining table, startling Jinhee.