Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 194 - Revolve

As much as Lee Jinhee wanted to fall asleep in the car, the tense atmosphere was making it hard for her to do so. A nonchalant expression sat on Taehyun's face as he stared at the front of the car. Not once did he glance at Jinhee. Unbeknownst to her, a pout formed on Jinhee's face.

Leaning her head against the window, Jinhee closed her eyes and tried to calm herself down. Last night, Jinhee did not get a proper sleep as she was thinking about Lee Jinkyung, while today, she barely got one hour of sleep.

Yawning, Lee Jinhee closed her eyes and tried to fall asleep. She counted numbers in her head in order to get a slight amount of sleep. However, that did not happen.

Soon enough, they reached school. An annoyed expression — due to her headache, guilt, and Han Taehyun ignoring her— sat on Lee Jinhee's face as she opened the door to the car and got down.

'Geez! Jinhee, you're thinking too much. You'll see that this will turn out to be one of Han Taehyun's pranks.'

Stepping into the school building, Jinhee noticed that Taehyun walked in front of Jinhee without bothering to wait for her, and a pang of hurt stabbed Jinhee at that moment.

'Lee Jinhee, did you not want Taehyun to ignore you? You should be happy with this, and you'll see, sooner or later, Taehyun laughing at you, saying how you fell for his prank."

Jinhee yawned as she walked into the classroom and sat down in her place, Jinhee laid her head down on the desk. Taehyun sat beside Lee Jinhee and his attention was focused on the book he took out from his bag.

"Wow! You look like a zombie today!" Min Hyunbin commented whilst stifling a laugh.

Looking up, Lee Jinhee stared at Hyunbin blankly before laying her head back down onto the table. Closing her eyes, Jinhee hoped for the pain to leave her.

'Aish! I should have taken a paracetamol before coming to school.'

"Out of all days, you look the ugliest today," Hyunbin voiced out.

Dealing with messed up emotions and physical pain, Lee Jinhee was already annoyed enough, and now, adding on Hyunbin's words, Jinhee's irritation to increase to the point that she could not hold it in anymore.

"I should take a picture and post it online. I bet you will—"

Lee Jinhee groaned, and scowling at Min Hyunbin, she exclaimed, "Can you just shut up and be any less annoying!?"

Her sudden words managed to attract the attention of many, and Min Hyunbin appeared to be in shock. Looking at Hyunbin's expression, Jinhee instantly felt guilty.

Standing up, Jinhee said, "I am really sorry at this moment, Hyunbin-ah. I am just not in the mood for anything and it has nothing to do with you."

Min Hyunbin stared at Jinhee silently, and Jinhee was glad about it. Lee Jinhee did not think she would be able to attend the first class for today, and it was better for her to get some sleep before she started yelling at someone else.

Turning towards Shin Soyeon, Jinhee said, "You can stay here. I will be just going to the infirmary."

Carrying her bag, Lee Jinhee stepped out of the classroom with one last glance at Han Taehyun. Jinhee noticed that Youngmi was about to approach her. However, before that could happen, Jinhee walked out. She was afraid that she would lose control over herself and beat Youngmi up.

Walking towards the infirmary, Lee Jinhee turned the knob and stepped into the room. The Nurse turned to look at Jinhee, after approaching her, the Nurse asked, "What is the matter, Student?"

Lee Jinhee voiced out, "I'm having a headache and I think I need to sleep it away."


Just because Jinhee wanted to sleep did not mean that sleep would come to her. At this point, Lee Jinhee felt that her head was almost about to burst, and although due to the paracetamol her headache had calmed down considerably, she could feel it coming back.

After being reborn, Jinhee found herself losing sleep a lot. Worries regarding Jinkyung, Youngmi, and now Taehyun were making it difficult for her to sleep.

Glancing at the clock, Jinhee noticed that it was the time for lunch break . Sighing, Jinhee removed the covers off of her and stepped out of the bed. There was no use in trying to force herself to sleep.

"Maybe I need to take some sleeping pills," Jinhee mumbled to herself.

Withdrawing the curtains, Lee Jinhee walked out and saw that the nurse was not present in the room. Turning the knob, Jinhee walked out of the room. Although her stomach craved for food, Jinhee was afraid that she would throw up everything she ate and therefore she headed towards her classroom.

Opening the door, Jinhee entered the classroom and sat down on her seat. Thoughts of how Han Taehyun abandoned her in her last life resurfaced inside of her mind.

"Lee Jinhee, Taehyun will sooner or later abandon you in this life because of your attitude as well. Isn't this what you wanted in the beginning? So, why are you being so emotional about it at this moment? You're really pathetic, Jinhee. Do you know that?" Jinhee mumbled as she sat upon her place.

Her eyes stared at the place Han Taehyun sat at, and all the memories of both of them in this life of hers surfaced inside of Jinhee's mind. Unbeknownst to her, a smile formed on her face.

"Han Taehyun, you have made me addicted to your presence in this life of mine as well. Aish! I am really going crazy," Jinhee vocalised whilst hitting her head against the table.

Jinhee groaned.

"Ouch! That really hurts!" Lee Jinhee exclaimed.


As the door to the classroom opened, Jinhee raised her head and stared at the direction of the door. Students began gradually filling the classroom, and Jinhee saw Soyeon walking in.

Min Hyunbin sat down on his seat and commented, "Wow! You look like a zombie now as well."

Lee Jinhee made no reply to Hyunbin's words and kept staring at the door. Han Taehyun had not walked into the classroom yet, and unknowingly, she could not move her eyes away from the door.

That was when, Han Taehyun stepped into the classroom. A wide smile sat on his face, and seeing her laughing around with two other girls made Jinhee's eyes widen.

Without her presence, it seemed that Han Taehyun had made friends with other girls. Without Jinhee, Taehyun was not easily affected and easily made friendship with others. It was only Jinhee who was sad over it.

Turning the other way, Jinhee tried to gain control over her emotions.

'No, Lee Jinhee, you cannot be that possessive. You can not exactly expect for Taehyun's life to revolve around you. Judging by how you treat him, he was sure to leave you sooner or later. You thought too highly of yourself.'