Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 182 - Always cool

"Wow! Lee Jinhee, you're really cool today!" Han Taehyun commented as their driving started driving.

Lee Jinhee flipped her hair dramatically and said, "What's new about that? I am always cool."

Han Taehyun began to laugh, and seeing that, Lee Jinhee let out a chuckle. She too felt extremely satisfied after today's event. Kwon Youngmi could not possibly hate her more after today's actions since she already hated Jinhee to the maximum from before.

Her actions today could make Youngmi angry, and when people get very much angry, they tend to act rashly. This was what Lee Jinhee needed— for Youngmi to act rashly so that Jinhee could destroy her completely.

"What did the poor New Student do to make you bully her like this?" Han Taehyun asked.

Lee Jinhee shrugged her shoulders and voiced out, "I am not sure. Maybe I don't like how cute she looks."

"Why? Are you afraid that I'll be finding her cuter than you and dump you for her? Well, she is cuter than you in terms of appearance and—"

Before Han Taehyun could continue, Jinhee elbowed the Taehyun in the stomach causing for him to wince in pain and said, "Don't even compare her and me."

Saying that, Lee Jinhee folded her arms on her chest and turned to look at the other way. To her dislike, Han Taehyun calling Youngmi cuter than her affected her mood.

A smile formed on Han Taehyun's face, and extending his hand, Taehyun pulled Jinhee's cheeks softly. Taehyun then said, "Youngmi could be cuter than you in terms of appearance, but when it comes to behaviour, you're cuter than her."

Hearing such words from Han Taehyun, a light pink blush formed on Lee Jinhee's cheeks, which did not escape Taehyun's eyes. Noticing that, the same on Taehyun's face grew wider.

Taehyun added, "Moreover, no one can eat as cutely as you do, so stop sulking."

Turning towards Han Taehyun, Lee Jinhee scoffed and expressed, "I was not sulking. Because I did not want to look at your annoying face, I was staring at the view outside. Doesn't the clouds look beautiful today?"

Letting out a chuckle, Taehyun said, "Clouds? Are you addicted to them today?"

"Yes! Do you have a problem with that?" Lee Jinhee asked.

"If I bring a cloud from the sky to you, will you be falling for me?" Taehyun questioned.

"Of course, if you bring the stars, the Moon, and also the Neptune, I will definitely love you," Jinhee said.

Taehyun laughed and said, "If the Earth was big enough, I would definitely bring them to you."

Lee Jinhee shrugged her shoulders and stated, "Well, as long as you can not bring those to me, you can forget about receiving my love."

"Jinhee-ah, you're really cruel. You know how this is impossible yet you ordered me such a thing. You're truly unjust," Taehyun voiced out dramatically.

"That's what I am trying to say," Jinhee voiced out.

Facing Han Taehyun with a forced out smile on her face, Jinhee voiced out, "Love between both of us is impossible so stop trying, Han Taehee-ssi."

"Wow! Lee Jinhee, you'll be single for the rest of your life it seems," Taehyun said.

"What makes you say that?" Jinhee questioned— raising one of her eyebrows.

"Because there is not a better person from me to choose from. I am charming, caring, wealthy, fun to be with, and most importantly, willing to tolerate you," Taehyun voiced out confidently.

"Did you forget to mention how conceited, mischevious, and immature you're?" Lee Jinhee questioned.

Han Taehyun began to laugh and voiced out, "You're really interesting, Jinhee-ah. This makes me want to be with you more."

"Heol! Does your feeling of love for me exceed my desire to flip you over my back?" Lee Jinhee asked whilst forcing out a smile.


Watching the television in front of her, Lee Jinhee continued to eat the popcorns. She had finished her studies for today, and it seemed her hand got a lot better.

Lee Jinhee felt the couch beside her dip down, and turning to her left, Jinhee noticed that Han Taehyun— dressed as a male— sat beside her. Chewing on her popcorn, Lee Jinhee let out a sigh. Now that Han Taehyun was here, Jinhee won't have peace anymore.

"Wow! Lee Jinhee, I did not expect you to watch such melodramas!" Han Taehyun exclaimed.

"Did you dismiss all the servants again?" Jinhee asked as she put another piece of popcorn inside her mouth.

Grabbing some of the popcorns from Lee Jinhee, Han Taehyun voiced out, "I wanted to cook for you, and moreover, wanted to dress as a boy, so that, you can think of me as a man."

Watching the scene in the television in front of her unfold, Lee Jinhee said, "Is that so? Everytime I see your face, I can right away imagine you with long hair and wearing the girl's uniform."

"Could it be that your preference lies that way, Lee Jinhee?" Han Taehyun questioned whilst widening his eyes.

"Well, if it does then, I suppose it can't be helped. I don't mind dressing up as a girl for the rest of my life," Taehyun added.

Staring at Han Taehyun with a disgusted expression, Jinhee said, "Even if I like girls, it most definitely will not be you. Moreover, if you want to date someone so badly, just go on a blind date or something instead of bothering me like this."

"Instead of going on a blind date, why don't both of us go a date together? I think that sounds way better!" Han Taehyun expressed.

"Both of us and date?" Lee Jinhee scoffed.

"Trust me, with the way you're, it would turn out to be an utter fail, Han Taehyun," Lee Jinhee vocalised.

"Does that matter, Jinhee-ah, as long as both of us have fun until the end?" Han Taehyun questioned whilst raising one of her eyebrows.

"Fun!? FUN?!" Lee Jinhee exclaimed.

"Han Taehyun, if you had forgotten, it's only you who has fun the entire time while I suffer! Remember how the so-called date to the amusement park turned out to be!? I felt humiliated the entire time!" Lee Jinhee exclaimed.

"The planetarium? You enjoyed that, right?" Han Taehyun questioned whilst raising one of her eyebrows.

"And about those rides, I did not force you enter; You did it with your own free will," Han Taehyun spoke out.

"I would have had fun in the water ride if it was not for you throwing us into the water, Han Taehyun-ssi," Lee Jinhee pointed out whilst using a formal and polite tone.