Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 170 - Living hell

About after a long time, Kwon Youngmi returned back to South Korea in order to attend an important event, and if it was not for the fact that she could meet Kim Jaehyun, Youngmi wouldn't have returned to South Korea.

After the long trip to South Korea, Kwon Youngmi felt tired. Nonetheless, as she had to meet up with Kim Jaehyun later on, Youngmi was searching for a cute dress to wear that would attract Jaehyun's attention.

The maids presented couple of dress to her— each looking more glamorous and beautiful than the other. Nonetheless, none of them suit Youngmi's taste, and unable to find the perfect dress to wear after so long frustrated Youngmi.

Before she could start her tantrum, a knock on the door was heard, and Youngmi loudly ordered, "Come in!"

The maid entering had her legs shaking at Youngmi's voice. Knowing that Youngmi did not prefer her maids being inefficient, the maid rushed towards Youngmi, and held in her hand was an envelope.

"What's this?" Youngmi questioned in a commanding tone.

"S-Someone sent this for you, Young Miss," The maid voiced out, "They said that it is urgent, and you won't be disappointed in the contents of the envelope."

Youngmi snatched the envelope from the maid's hand and was interested in seeing what the material inside it was. Judging it how it felt to the touch, it could not be one of those annoying love letters.

Tearing open the cover of the envelope, Kwon Youngmi saw that there were couple of pictures inside the envelope. Curiosity filled her as she took out the picture, and seeing the contents of the picture, that curiosity immediately changed to rage.

"GET OUT! ALL OF YOU GET OUT!" Kwon Youngmi exclaimed.

Knowing how psychotic their Young Miss could be, the maids did not waste a second before hurriedly rushing out of the room. None of them wanted to be the victim of her rage.

"STOP!" Kwon Youngmi ordered.

All, except for one, of the maids ran out of the room, and the poor maid who could not leave in time had her facing turning pale due to fear. It wasn't a new thing for their Young Miss to take out her anger on maids, and the torture methods was enough to make one faint.

The maids body trembled, and her legs shook. Losing her balance, the maid fell down on the ground. Nonetheless, the maid bowed countless number of times whilst tears clouded her vision.

"I am sorry, Young Miss. Please spare me, Young Miss. I am sorry," The maid voiced out before starting to sob.

"Stop that! If you don't quit with your rambling, I'll make sure to worsen your punishment!" Kwon Youngmi exclaimed.

The maid immediately shut close her mouth and quietly began to cry. She continued to blame herself for running too slow. If she had learnt to run fast enough, she would not have to face Youngmi's torture methods.

Each of the pictures had Kim Jaehyun on them, and he was being intimate with some other girl, who wasn't her, in the picture. This was enough to make Kwon Youngmi's blood boil.

The picture crumbled as Kwon Youngmi gripped tightly onto it, and she voiced out, "How can someone so ugly get to be with my Jaehyun Oppa? Only someone as perfect as me deserves to be beside him. Who does she think she is?"

On the envelope was a number written with few words. The words read, "If you want to know more, contact me, Kwon Youngmi."

Kwon Youngmi did not waste a second before taking out her phone and typing in that number. Making a call to that number, Youngmi waited for the call to be picked up.


Lee Jinkyung sat opposite to Kwon Youngmi, and both of them were currently in a private room at one of the restaurant. A cutesy expression sat on Youngmi's face whilst a slight smile played on Jinkyung's face.

"Youngmi-ssi, I assume that you have seen those pictures," Jinkyung spoke out, "And felt curiosity."

"I want to know Jinkyung-ssi's purpose for sending me those pictures," Youngmi voiced out.

"I have seen you at one of the parties last time, and I had noticed how you stare at Kim Jaehyun with a look of love. The love you hold for him touched my help, and I wanted to help you.

My sister barely likes Kim Jaehyun and is seducing him in order to use him. Moreover, I don't like my sister for playing with someone's feelings like that. So, I hope both of us can cooperate," Jinkyung expressed.


"Jinhee is still in contact with Jaehyun after she had rejected him, and today, she called him earlier for a personal use of hers. It's horrible of her to use his feelings like that," Jinkyung spoke out.

She then added, "Jinhee also told me about how Jaehyun would only like her. Only if someone resembles her, Jaehyun would give that person a chance as her replacement. Her actions today made me really angry, and I wanted to inform you about it."

Anger coloured Kwon Youngmi's face, and clenching her hand tightly, Youngmi spoke out, "I'll be attending school tomorrow, and that's when she will learn her lesson for acting haughty."

"Be careful though, Youngmi. Jinhee always brags on how she has Han Taehee backing her, and Han families power is really strong."

Kwon Youngmi scoffed.

"What Han Family? My father is the president, and that alone gives me more power over than Han Taehee. Who in the school would even dare to offend me and go against my orders?" Youngmi spoke out before hanging up the call.

Rage within Kwon Youngmi started to intensify as she thought of Lee Jinhee, and Youngmi had the compulsion to take the out on someone.

"Bring one of the newer maids to me!" Kwon Youngmi yelled out an order.


Lee Jinkyung smirked.

"Let's how you handle your school life from now on, Lee Jinhee. Kwon Youngmi will be attending, and I'll make sure that your life turns into a living hell," Jinkyung said.