Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 144 - Bribe me

At that moment, knocks made on the door could be heard, and raising her head, Jinhee voiced out, "You can come in."

The door to the room opened, and Han Jihye stepped in. A purple floral, knee-length dress was worn by her, and her hair was pulled up into a ponytail.

"Jinhee Dear, come down for breakfast. Do I need to help you?" Han Jihye voiced out. A smiling expression sat on her face.

Lee Jinhee wondered whether or not Han Jihye was aware of what happened. Judging by her expression, it seemed that she did not know know it even if she knew, she did not care about it.

"Sure, but where is Taehee, Jihye-ssi?" Jinhee questioned.

Jinhee decided to have a proper talk with Han Taehee after breakfast and clear away all of this unnecessary thoughts from her mind.

"That boy hasn't been out of his room since morning and is probably crying," Han Jihye replied.

Jinhee noticed how Han Jihye used 'boy' instead of 'girl', and this made her sure of the fact that Han Jihye knew about it.

"Jihye-ssi, you're not angry with me?" Lee Jinhee questioned.

Mothers of the elite class would usually be angry if their children was sad, hurt, or irritated by someone at a lower class than them. Lee Jinhee most definitely couldn't be compared with Han family when it came to status, power, wealth, or influence.

"Why should be, Dear?" Han Jihye smiled.

"Of course, if I was in your place, I'd beat him up instead of being so distant with him or mulling over it," Han Jihye added.

Lee Jinhee was surprised by how Han Jihye was alright with her getting violent with Han Taehee. After all, it hasn't been twenty four hours yet since both of them had met.

Lee Jinhee let out a chuckle. Han Jihye truly was one of a kind.

"Thank you, Han Jihye-ssi. I'll talk to him later then," Jinhee expressed.


The maids bought upon the dishes and placed them on the table in a neat and orderly manner. Han Jihye, Han Taehee, and Lee Jinhee was present in the dining room, and each of them were seated on their respective seats.

Jinhee sat beside Taehee, and the entire time was awkward for her. From the corner of her eyes, Lee Jinhee could see that a dull expression sat on Han Taehee's face, and her eyes had lost all of the usual liveliness.

Gripping the garment of her dress tightly, Lee Jinhee did not know how to react to that. A small smile, which did not reach her eyes, sat upon Jinhee's face.

Watching the two of them, Han Jihye let out a subtle sigh. There was not anything she could do to solve the matter between both of them; They had to do it on their own.

Hearing the sound of chair being pulled back, Lee Jinhee raised her head and turned towards her right. Taehee's father sat down upon his seat.

If one were to look at Han Taehee's father, one would have a hard time believing that he was the Chairman to the leading group of South Korea.

No signs of strictness or harshness was visible on his countenance, and his demeanor looked to be gentle. His eyes held a soft expression, and a smile sat upon his face. No sign of arrogance was present on his face.

"Lee Jinhee, isn't it?" Taehee's father questioned— his tone sounding warm.

Realizing that his father was talking to her, Lee Jinhee nodded and voiced out, "Yes."

The friendly smile on his face grew wider, and he said, "I'm Han Jinyoung. Ever since I have had a talk with your grandfather, Lee Dowon, about you, I was looking forward to meeting you. I must say that he was quite a hard man to please."

"You talked to Grandfather Dowon about me?" Jinhee was surprised.

"Yes, Taeho was adamant on getting you as his fiancée, and since his words alone weren't enough to convince Lee Dowon, I had to visit him in the end."

Han Jinyoung personally met up with her grandfather just because of having her as his fiancée. For a man like him to do so, it was definitely a surprising matter.

'Does this mean that he knows why Han Taeho wants to get me as his fiancée or did he talk to my grandfather without knowing about it?'

Noticing Han Jihye's glare towards him, Han Jinyoung turned sideways, and wearing a confused expression, he questioned, "What's the matter, Jihye-ah?"

"So, you knew about it?" Han Jihye raised her eyebrows.

Han Jinyoung visibly gulped, and with an awkward smile on his face, he questioned, "What are you talking about, Jihye-ah?"

"You exactly know what I'm talking about!"

Han Jihye slammed her hand on the table, and a pout sat upon her face. Her eyes continued to glare at Han Jinyoung, and she folded her hands over her chest.

"You knew that Taeho will be taking Jinhee as his fiancée and yet you decided to hide it from me! What did you think? I won't ever find out about it!? From today onwards, if you dare to step in my bedroom, I'll break both of your legs, Han Jinyoung," Han Jihye voiced out.

Rubbing the back of his head, Han Jinyoung wore a sheepish smile and voiced out, "You didn't know about it? Sorry, Jihye-ah, I thought you knew it. If I knew that you had no idea about it, then I definitely would've—"

"I'm hungry now, and I don't like holding conversations during breakfast," Han Jihye stated as she looked away from Han Jinyoung.

"Ah! Is that so? Then, let's talk after breakfast, and we can go on a date later if you'd like," Jinyoung stated.

"Don't think that you can bribe me that easily, Han Jinyoung," Jihye voiced out.

"Certainly not," Jinyoung replied.

"Glad to see that you know it. About the date, we'll only go to places I prefer."

'It was really refreshing to look at a couple with true love in between of them in his society.'

"Alright, Jihye-ah. Now, don't be angry any longer."

Han Jinyoung pinched her cheeks softly, and slapping his hand away, Han Jihye voiced out, "As I said before, I won't be bribed that easily."

In Lee Jinhee's opinion, Han Jinyoung seemed like a dejected puppy, and turning to her side, Lee Jinhee faced the quiet Han Taehee, who was slowly eating his meal.

"Let's talk later, alright?" Jinhee whispered to her.

With a shocked expression, Han Taehee turned to look at Jinhee. She did not expect Jinhee to want to talk to her that soon.

Han Taehee nodded.


Reading this at any other site would make you lose brain cells, and the one who is pirating this is a nutcase.