Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 130 - No way

Seeing the wheelchair in front of her, Jinhee's eyes widened in horror, and she turned towards Taehee. A smile, which Jinhee deemed to be an evil one, sat on Taehee's face.

'No way I am going to sit on it!'

"Han Taehee, clutches would be perfect for me," Jinhee voiced out, "Using a wheelchair is like going too far."

"No, we can't put strain on that leg of yours," Taehee said— concern could be noticeable in his tone. Nonetheless, Jinhee found that fake.

Staying inside this room, no matter how big it was, for three days made Jinhee feel suffocated, and she wanted to go outside for fresh air.

Using a wheelchair, when she wasn't hurt to that extent, was humiliating for Jinhee. Nonetheless, Taehee was adamant on getting Jinhee on a wheelchair.

"My leg isn't broken Taehee. I can perfectly walk with clutches," Jinhee vocalised, "It is just sprained."

"Don't call it just sprained," Taehee, in a strict tone, said, "You never know when it can turn to something more serious. What if you have to amputate your leg in the end? That would be horrible!"

"Yah! Han Taehee, even you know it won't go like that from a simple sprain," Jinhee voiced out, "You just want me to sit on that wheelchair."

"If you know my true intention, why are you not sitting down on it? Stop being so stubborn, Jinhee-ah. Your entire future depends on this," Taehee vocalised.

"You're being too dramatic."

Jinhee rolled her eyes.

Taehee gasped and said, "You don't believe me? My great grandmother's friend's niece was in the same situation as yours. She thought that a sprain did not matter, but in the end, she lost both of her legs."

'Does she take me for an idiot and expect me to believe this?'

Jinhee stared at Taehee with a bored expression, and her eyes clearly showed what she was thinking at this moment.

"Stop being so stubborn just for the sake of your reputation," Taehee said, "This is a serious matter."

"So, you do realize that this is embarrassing." Jinhee arched her eyebrows.

"Of course not! There is nothing embarrassing about using a wheelchair. After all, there are thousands and thousands of people out there who uses them," Taehee spoke out.


A bright smile sat on Taehee's face as she hummed. Taehee pushed the wheelchair at a comfortable pace on the ground surrounding the garden.

Looking down, Jinhee made sure that her face was being covered with her hair, and she bit her lips tightly due to embarrassment.

'Please don't let anyone I know notice me,' Jinhee repeatedly chanted inside her head.

Although Jinhee was completely against it, she was helpless when it came to Taehee's forcefulness and persuasion. In the end, she had to concede.

Hearing Taehee's soft and melodious humming, Jinhee could guess that she was enjoying it, and this made her feel more irritated.

Jinhee wanted to say Taehee to not visit her anymore. However, since— without Taehee being here— she'd get bored out of her mind, she did not say so.

"Such a beautiful day! Isn't it?" Taehee questioned.

Slightly warm breeze flew up, making one feel refreshed, and as Taehee stared up at the sky, her eyes sparkled. A smile that reached up to her eyes was on Taehee's face.

Noticing that Taehee had stopped, Jinhee turned her neck back to see what had happened.

Under the blue sky, Jinhee had to admit that Taehee looked mesmerising, and her appearance attracted the attraction of many passerbys.

Her long eyelashes fluttered as Taehee blinked her eyes, and the breeze caused her hair to flow.

As some of her hair flew in front of her eyes, Taehee tucked them back behind her ear and was slightly surprised when she saw that Jinhee was staring at her.

A teasing smile formed on Taehee's face in that instant, and she spoke out, "Is my little squirrel fascinated by my beauty?"

Jinhee shook her head.

"You look very much like a girl, but there is something off about your appearance. One wouldn't notice it unless they notice you from very close," Jinhee pointed out.

Taehee was most definitely a heartthrob in Jinhee's opinion. However, no matter how times Jinhee watched her, there was something that did not match up about her entire look.

"Really?" Taehee questioned.

A mischevious smile formed on Taehee's face, and bending her waist, Taehee bought her face closer to Jinhee's.

"Now, look at it properly and find the the odd part," Taehee voiced out.

Feeling irked that Taehee was taking this as a joke, Jinhee, using her utmost strength, bumped her head with Taehee's.

Although it was irritation that Jinhee felt lead her to do this, her head was killing her, and tears formed at the corner of her eyes.

Her forehead reddened up, and using her left hand, Jinhee rubbed the bump which was forming.

Taehee's laughs reached her ears, and she commented, "You're so stupid, Jinhee-ah!"

"Is that you, old lady?"