Reborn: The Unexpected Twist

Chapter 107 - Karaoke

With a visible scowl on his face, Hyunbin slammed down the lemonade glass on the table, causing some of the drink to splash on to Jinhee and table.

"This boy!" Yoojoon exclaimed.

Four of them— Jinhee, Sooah, Yoojoon, and Hyunbin— were at the living room. Sooah and Yoojoon were seated at one couch whilst Jinhee sat at the single couch.

Stomping loudly, Hyunbin went towards the couch opposite to Jinhee and sat down abruptly. Hiss eyes still continued to glare at Jinhee.

Both Yoojoon and Sooah sighed at Hyunbin's behaviour before turning to Lee Jinhee.

"About accepting, the matter you talked about earlier," Jinhee voiced out awkwardly, not sure on how to start on the matter.

"Yes?" Yoojoon questioned eagerly— his eyes twinkling with hope and anticipation. A similar expression sat on Sooah's face, and Hyunbin wore on an angry outlook.

"It's hard," Jinhee voiced out, "No matter how much I try, it's not possible for me to accept you entirely. But I want to give it a try. I don't want to end up regretting at the end."

Jaehyun's word earlier, although they were regarding Taehee, helped Jinhee finalize her decision. If the Min family has some bad intentions towards her, she had the backing of her grandfather Dowon and could pull out from it.

Clapping both of his hands together, the smile on Yoojoon's face grew wider, and his eyes brightened up, showing how pleased he was.

"That's great then, Jinhee-ah!" He exclaimed.

A smile appeared on Sooah's face, mirroring Yoojoon's expression, and Hyunbin did not look too happy about it. For a guy like him, it was absolute torture to be around Jinhee.

"Later on, I want to take Hyunbin with me for karaoke. Will that be alright?" Jinhee questioned.

"Nope, I—"

Interrupting Hyunbin, Sooah voiced out, "This boy doesn't have any friends here in Japan. Since it might help you two siblings bond as well, surely take him away."

"Sure, take me away. Since when did my opinions matter to you all?" Hyunbin sarcastically voiced out whilst rolling his eyes.

Turning towards Hyunbin, Sooah gave him a wide grin and said, "Now that we have established it, obedient go along with Jinhee to the karaoke later."

"I'll have to trouble you with this boy," Yoojoon said while wearing a humble expression.

Jinhee just smiled at him in reply.

"Tch!" Hyunbin scoffed as he got up from the couch and walked towards the stairs that led to the upper floor.


Today was her last day of Jinhee at Japan, and she had to admit that this trip was very eventful. As the five of them walked towards the karaoke bar, many thoughts captured Jinhee's attention.

"What did Jinhee do to bring you here?" Taehee questioned, turning towards Hyunbin.

A bucket hat was worn at top of Jaehyun's hair, and on his face was a sunglass and mask. Luckily, until now, he remained inconspicuous to those fans of his.

"That old lady used horrible methods!" Hyunbin glared at the back of Jinhee's head.

Turning back towards Hyunbin with a smile, Jinhee questioned, "May I ask what those horrible methods were?"

"No, you may not, you old lady!" Hyunbin voiced out, "Even if you brought me here, don't expect me to participate in such childish things."

"Childish, huh? That sounds funny coming from you," Jinhee commented.

Jaehyun's and Taehee's chuckle fueled up Hyunbin's anger, and his scowl towards Jinhee grew more intense.

Jinhee wanted to express on how unfair this was since Jaehyun and Taehee was the one who chuckled but later, found that unnecessary.

"Well, since you don't want to participate, sure. It's understandable you might feel inferior to us when you sing with that horrible voice of yours, and you're really kind to not give us ear infection with that voice of yours," Jinhee voiced out— looking understanding.

"Yah! You! You! The competition is on!" Hyunbin exclaimed due to the influence of being provoked.

Taehee had her eyebrows arched in amusement, and noticing that, Jinhee immediately turned towards the front, attempting to avoid Taehee's gaze and hide that blush, which formed on her cheeks.

Without realising, she used the words which were similar to Taehee's on Hyunbin.