Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 841

In the warm applause of the on-site students, Fang zhe began to answer the questions of netizens. Later, what really made me move from recklessness to entrepreneurship was the third game that Zheng Zong and I started to play, "fruit Games".

In fact, in the earliest days, the prototype of fruit Games was not called fruit games, but fruit ninja.

At that time, the users of Apple mobile phones and iTouch were basically in European and American countries, and Japanese ninja culture was very popular in these places.

So at the beginning, the name of my project was called fruit ninja.

Until later, when I came to Yanjing at the invitation of President Zheng and felt the strong Olympic atmosphere at that time, I suddenly realized that there was no culture that could be more popular than the Olympic culture at that time.

At that time, Yanjing was the focus of attention all over the world.

Reminded by my colleagues who participated in the production of fruit ninja, I changed the name and style design of fruit ninja to fruit games, which was popular at the Olympic Games at that time.

Sure enough, when we rushed to launch the fruit games at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, its innovative playing methods and exquisite pictures immediately captured the recommendation of Apple\'s application editor.

As expected, "fruit Games" took advantage of the east wind of Yanjing Olympic Games!

I also have enough start-up funds to really start a company and start my own business.

Or Mr. Zheng, who witnessed my growth from beginning to end and established enough trust in me.

So he and I started our business together!

Later, relying on the money made by the fruit games and some of the initial funds invested by President Zheng, we just stepped on the east wind of the rise of the page tour platform. At the same time, we also continuously launched a series of creative mobile games to accumulate funds for greater development. Later, we made wechat and laid out cloud computing, etc.

After listening to my story, I think you will understand what I say is plain and ordinary, and what I say is lucky.

I have always been grateful for my luck in the early stage of entrepreneurship, as well as president Zheng\'s trust and help to me.

Over the years, I often see some comments on the Internet that President Zheng\'s success today is because he knows me.

But I would like to say that my success today is also due to President Zheng.

We make each other.

Without the help of President Zheng at the beginning, I might not be able to meet the qualifications and conditions for submitting applications to Apple\'s app store in the first level.

Even if I waste some effort to solve these difficulties, I may miss the launch time of Appstore, the launch time of fruit games and all kinds of fleeting opportunities later.

Everything seems to be coincidence and necessity!

This is my early entrepreneurial story! "


All the students on the scene, as well as the audience watching the live broadcast on the whole network, were relieved!

"The son of heaven!" this four character bullet screen was brushed by many netizens.

Only these four words can express the mood of many netizens after hearing Fang Zhe\'s entrepreneurial story again!

"If I doubt whether there is rebirth in the world, the first thing I doubt is Fang zhe!" a reader who is used to reading the rebirth novel of the starting point City wrote a long bullet screen in the live studio.