Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 814

The FAA\'s action is like a signal.

Following the Federal Aviation Administration, Qantas also announced a ban on flying Samsung Note7 for the first time.

On the same day, more than a dozen airlines around the world, such as Air Canada, Singapore Airlines, Far East Airlines, Emirates, Arabian Airlines and virgin airlines, banned Samsung Note7 one after another.

The news spread back to China. China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines, Spring Airlines and Yanjing airlines also responded quickly and banned Samsung Note7.

Mr. Song, who had just rushed to the Capital International Airport to take a plane, was prohibited from boarding by ground security personnel because he carried a Samsung Note7 with him.

However, he can only temporarily keep his Samsung Note7 in the airport baggage storage before he can continue boarding.

On the same day, there was a new round of public opinion on the Internet at home and abroad asking Samsung to recall all mobile phones.

"People who still use the Samsung Note7 mobile phone deserve it! It\'s been a month since the accident. If you don\'t give up, use your bomb mobile phone all the time!"

"Please ask the official to quickly ask Samsung to recall. My mobile phone has passed the 7-day free return period. The after-sales service doesn\'t change it for me. I\'m afraid of explosion every day!"

"Hahaha, sit upstairs and watch your licking dogs eat their own fruit. Isn\'t it fragrant with huami 3 free for two years?"

"This incident also shows how Samsung discriminates against the Chinese people and how shameless Samsung is. The so-called official rumor refutation is like bullshit and lies!"

Seoul, South Korea, Samsung Group headquarters, Samsung mobile phone business President Gao Dongzhen and two deputies were called to the group headquarters for an emergency meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, Samsung Group Vice President and Samsung Group Crown Prince Li Zairong, who presided over the meeting, scolded Gao Dongzhen.

"ASI, your embarrassment has put the whole Samsung Group under great pressure and shame. I ask you to stop production of Note7 immediately, stop selling and recall all Note7 worldwide!"

Li Zairong roared at Gao Dongzhen.

"President, it would be a great loss for us to stop selling Note7 all over the world. I suggest that we suspend sales in the countries and regions where the problem occurs, and let the technical department update the software again to ensure safety before reselling."

Gao Dongzhen tried his best to defend under pressure. He didn\'t want to directly order to stop selling Note7, so its position as president would come to an end.

"Dongzhen! Now it\'s not about the loss of a Note7 model. If public opinion ferments again, all our Samsung products are facing a brand crisis, whether it\'s other models of mobile phones or other electronic products!"

An older shareholder said to Gao Dongzhen seriously.

Gao Dong is really helpless. It seems that most of the senior shareholders of the group have agreed to the decision of vice president Li Zairong.

"OK, I will order the shutdown of Note7, and stop selling and recalling Note7 mobile phones around the world. All losses and responsibilities will be borne by me!"

Gao Dongzhen accepted his fate.

Two days later, Samsung officially announced that it would stop production of Note7 and recalled all Note7 mobile phones worldwide. This time, including China, it was also included in the recall.

At the same time, in order to compensate for the losses of the majority of consumers, Samsung also decided to give a compensation of 300 yuan to users who return goods in China. If they change to other models of Samsung mobile phones, they will compensate another 600 yuan while returning the price difference.

Samsung is trying to recover the damage it has done to consumers\' reputation in the past.

Unfortunately, for the time being, global consumers, at least in China, have rarely bought its account.

"Ouch, I dare not use it. I have used two Samsung mobile phones. I still have fantasies about Samsung. After this incident, I don\'t think I should be a dog licker anymore!"

"Sorry, I\'ve returned the goods. Although it\'s 300 yuan in vain, I\'ve had enough of being worried these days and being ridiculed and criticized by many netizens!!!"

"Fortunately, I invested in the arms of huami series three years ago. Although domestic mobile phones are not necessarily reliable, they can run away from monks and temples after all. At least rights protection can be closer. Unlike Samsung\'s speculation, it directly kills rights protection netizens!"

"Domestic mobile phones have made rapid progress in recent years. Isn\'t it fragrant? So many stars have a huami 3 mobile phone. Why do you think huami is not noble enough?"

"It has long been a recognized fact that Samsung mobile phones have high prices and low configuration. There are so many people who buy them. If you watch too many Korean dramas, you have to pay ouba IQ tax?"

On September 30, SamSung China executives knelt down and apologized to all partners at a dealer conference in Yanjing!

Trying to restore the sympathy of partners and external consumers.

Clinker, informed netizens on the scene broke the news that Chinese executives kneel. Korean executives not only did not kneel behind, but even knelt according to the Chinese executives in front.

"Samsung completely get out of China and don\'t want to see its news at all!"

So far, netizens have become disgusted and disgusted with Samsung.

Including many mobile phone dealers, they have also given up cooperation with Samsung.

Samsung\'s ugliness and evil make many Chinese netizens angry, but also more aware of the conscience of domestic mobile phone brands led by Xiaomi in recent years.

"Although Xiaomi mobile phone was hot before, it has been much better after several years of efforts and progress.

Moreover, although Xiaomi mobile phone is hot, it has never had a terrorist accident such as spontaneous combustion or self explosion like Samsung Note7! "

"I grew up watching Xiaomi brand all the way. I bought my first Xiaomi mobile phone in college and now I work. Finally, I am willing to spend a lot of money to buy a huami 3.

Huami 3 standard edition has a six-month replacement period, which has reflected Xiaomi\'s sincerity. If it\'s not worth buying, I really don\'t know how long your brain circuit is! "

"President Xiaomi Lei, Fang\'s richest man, started from scratch and achieved such great achievements step by step. We have no reason not to believe in Chinese people and have to buy foreign goods!"

For a while, huami 3 was crowned with the light of domestic products by many netizens and the glory of China\'s mobile phone industry.

The sales of huami 3 also achieved a good result of up to 5 million sales in just one month after its sale!

And among them, the proportion of users who choose elite version and exclusive version has increased significantly compared with the proportion of users who buy huami 2.

It can be seen that more and more people agree with and are optimistic about the business model of huami mobile phone selling services.

In October, after a lively National Day holiday, the people of Anyang are eagerly looking forward to a grand event, the G20 summit!