Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 705

After Yao Jinbo, 36 students introduced themselves one by one. Each student talked endlessly, and each student listened with interest. They found that each student present was a person with a story.

No wonder, 36 students, 36 entrepreneurs, are 36 entrepreneurial stories. The identity background and enterprise background from all walks of life make each story particularly wonderful and unique.

Not only the students, but also the nine leaders on the scene and the teachers and staff of lakeside University heard it with interest.

"These 36 students are the 36 best movie scripts. If they are all made into movies, they must be wonderful!" Lenovo president Liu sighed and said to Fang Zhe.

"Yes, there are few entrepreneurial inspirational films in China, which have great potential. I\'ll explain to Liu Jun tomorrow and ask him to make more such films in the future." Fang zhe replied that Liu Jun in his mouth is the CEO of Huizhong culture, a subsidiary of Huizhong.

Backed by the big tree of Huizhong, Huizhong culture has invested in shooting and distributing many blockbuster films in recent years, which is a real No.1 in the domestic film industry.

The 36 students spent the whole morning just introducing themselves and taking out breaks. It was not until the afternoon that Ma Zong, Fang Zhe and seven other big brother honorary teachers began to teach the students.

"We all introduced ourselves in the morning, and your classmates have a preliminary understanding of each other. I think in the next three years of study by the lake, you will not only gain knowledge, but also get a precious classmate friendship and unforgettable memories.

Now let me tell you the first lesson, what should a company do about its strategy?

Some students may wonder how I can tell you the strategy directly on the first day of school. What I want to say is that the students present here basically have the least number of enterprises for more than 3 years. I don\'t need to tell you anything from 0-1.

From 1-100, from an ordinary company to a very powerful company, even the top company, what is needed most and what is needed most is strategy!

Strategy is the development direction and development idea of an enterprise, and the vision and pattern of the CEO and leader of an enterprise.

A company\'s strategy is not good, and the enterprise cannot develop well. Alibaba first did B2B. If we did not plan to do C2C and Taobao strategically, and then do B2C and tmall later, Alibaba could not have today\'s achievements.

So, strategy is very important!

How to formulate the strategy? I think the strategy can be divided into upper body and lower body. The upper body is the mission, vision and values that determine where and what the enterprise is going to do.

The lower body is the organization, talent and KPI, which determines the implementation and implementation of the strategy. Whether it is the upper body or the lower body, it is very important. Separated from any part, it is an imperfect disabled person and can\'t go for a long time.

Therefore, the strategy I want to tell you today also focuses on these two parts and six points.

Mission, mission is simply the value and reason of existence. If a person lives in the world, he should find the reason and value of his existence, otherwise he will live in a muddle. If an enterprise wants to survive, it should also find the reason and value of his existence.

Many times, the mission performance is very simple, that is, what a company does. For example, Baidu\'s mission is to "let people obtain information equally and simply and find what they want". How can we think of search? Ali Ababa\'s mission is to "let the world have no difficult business" At first, I can think of e-commerce. When Edison first founded General Electric, the company\'s first mission was to "brighten the world". We can know that they first made light bulbs and lighting equipment.

These missions sound grand and unreliable, but they are the reason and value that the company has always existed. Maybe we think that mission is nothing at ordinary times, but it is just verbal. However, when a company encounters major interest decisions, life and death are at stake, the value of mission will highlight and become very important. Mission can also be regarded as the beginning of an enterprise Heart is the original heart of the founder of the enterprise. If the original heart is lost, the enterprise will lose its direction.

After the mission, there is the vision. The vision is the scene we want to see and the CEO\'s vision of the company\'s future. If the mission points out the direction for the development of our enterprise, the vision points out a more accurate goal and destination for us.

The vision can be a short-term vision or a long-term vision. For example, Alibaba\'s short-term vision is to fully internationalize and establish the same Alibaba e-commerce system as China overseas and globally. Alibaba\'s long-term vision is to be an enterprise for 102 years. Maybe after 102 years, e-commerce has a new model, and even e-commerce will disappear, but as long as the world is still difficult to do Business, Alibaba can find the value of existence and set the vision of keeping pace with the times.

Third, values. Values are very important. Each of us has our own three concepts and values. We say whether we can get along with a person depends on whether his three concepts and values are consistent with us. For example, if I want to go east and you have to let me go west, we can\'t go together.

Similarly, an enterprise also has its own values. These values are the values given to the enterprise by the CEO, the enterprise management and all employees. They are like a layer of sieve. Those who join the company with the same values as us and those who are different from our values are blocked out of the company or leave the company.

Why do I put values in the third place in formulating strategies, because the values given by the CEO directly determine what kind of people you recruit. For those who share your values, you get twice the result with half the effort. For those who do not share your values, you get twice the result with half the effort with half the effort.

Mission, vision and values are the upper body. They are things that every CEO should always think about and keep in mind. We should also strive to make every senior level and even employees think about and keep in mind. Only by keeping these in mind can the cohesion of the enterprise at the spiritual level be strong.

An employee knows what his company is doing, he knows what he should do, he knows what the company\'s goal is, he knows what his goal is, he knows what the company\'s values are, and he knows whether there are like-minded people, whether he should stay and work hard with everyone or leave silently.

OK, after talking about the upper body, I\'ll talk about the lower body!