Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 681

More than $2 billion. If you say it burns, it burns. Let alone users and drivers, even the shareholders of the two companies are crazy. After all, it burns, but their money!

After the world cup, both kuaan and Kuai companies fell into a period of silence, not only because they had no money, but also because the shareholders behind them were engaged in fierce discussion and ideological struggle. What should we do now? Continue financing, continue to burn money?

If you don\'t raise money, don\'t burn money. You\'ve invested so much in front. Don\'t say you\'re reluctant to quit now. Even if you want to quit, there is no receiver who can hold up such a big plate in the market!

Both Tencent and Baidu, or Huizhong, who invested in Kuai\'an very early and is the largest shareholder of Kuai\'an, are top predators in the market. Only they take the share of others, and no one else takes their share, because they can\'t afford it!

It was against this background that Cheng Xiaodong and Huizhong, the major shareholder, worked hard for less than half a year and finally persuaded other shareholders to continue to increase capital and attract new players to invest. Only then did there be Kuai\'an round D financing of up to $6 billion!

Like Shen NANPENG, the leaders here want to know what Cheng Xiaodong plans to do next. In fact, they want to know whether Kuai\'an will start a new round of more crazy subsidy war with Kuai as before!

Cheng Xiaodong replied, "stabilize the rear!"

In your ears, it seems that you have to settle in first and have to fight a more crazy subsidy war with the fast.

Only Fang Zhe, with inexplicable eyes, naturally knows more details as the largest shareholder of Huizhong Kuai\'an. Not to mention other shareholders, Huizhong will no longer allow Kuai\'an to burn money to buy users with his own money!

While competitors at the other end took a taxi quickly, Fang zhe believes that Tencent and Baidu, the two major shareholders behind it, are afraid to insist at the moment.

Originally, the two companies have gone downhill in recent years. Those who can provide more than $2 billion in subsidies are extremely rare. Let them take out another $2 billion. I\'m afraid Tencent and Baidu will hurt their muscles and bones!

Therefore, Fang zhe predicted that the relationship between the two companies next year may turn for the better in combination with similar drops and fast endings in previous lives!

Cheng Xiaodong\'s answer was simple and easy. Fang Zhe, the gold owner behind him, was also calm and inexplicable. In the eyes of everyone, he was secretly sweating. Yan fangzhe is worthy of being the richest man in the world. He can be so calm when the company he invested in is so harmful to money. I\'m afraid he should change to be himself

I changed Cheng Xiaodong long ago!

They ate and drank inexplicably. After a while, they talked about other topics again. When all the big guys dispersed, it was more than 1 a.m!

Fang Zhe, who was full of wine, fell asleep when he returned to the villa where he stayed! Most of the other bigwigs are no exception.

While this group of Internet bigwigs gathered in Wuzhen were sleeping, a photo began to spread widely in wechat circle of friends and microblog!

"I wanted to take a group photo with the male god Fang Zhe, but I accidentally got a big guy dinner picture!" the beauty assistant of President Ding of Netease exposed the group photo she took for the big guys in the circle of friends late at night.

In an instant, the comment area below her was occupied by all kinds of night owls.

Colleague - Ye Wenwen: "my God, I seem to see half of China\'s Internet!"

Netease Zhou Tao: "worship the big guys! [worship] [worship] [worship]"

Silent early summer: "the most expensive dinner!"

Meow: "I envy that my sisters can take pictures of the big guys in person! Fang zhe oba is 360 degrees handsome!" the beauty assistant of Netease president Ding replied: "yes, Fang zhe oba is so handsome. The real person is more handsome than the photo. I must try to take a picture with him tomorrow!"

In just over half an hour, this circle of friends received dozens of praise and more than a dozen comments. Friends in the media circle with good deeds sent this picture to her microblog with hundreds of thousands of fans.

Then, this picture began to spread through many fans and netizens on microblogs and various social platforms.

"Look at the seating order, Fang Zhe is sitting in the main seat, big brother cow force!" netizen Qianhe Rudong.

"I feel that the value of the table bosses adds up to several trillion yuan! It\'s so terrible!" netizen Yang Qibiao Shengwang.

"What\'s more frightening is that Fang Zhe\'s worth is more than double that of the rest of the big guys!" the netizen\'s life Lord.

"Tut Tut, ARIMA and Jingdong president Liu can sit at the same table to eat. It\'s really the sun coming out in the West!"

"What\'s so strange? It\'s just a meal together. Besides, you didn\'t see them sitting so far! I\'m more curious. Why don\'t you see Tencent Ma and Baidu Li?"

"I\'m afraid you never watch the news upstairs. It\'s a little strange that President Li didn\'t show up because of the relationship between Fang Zhe and President Ma of Tencent!"

Netizens talked about it one after another. Netizens with p-chart made derivative versions on the basis of this chart.

"Fang Zhe, founder of Huizhong, President Ma, founder of Alibaba, President Lei, founder of Xiaomi..." this is the identity map of the big guys.

"Fang Zhe, 270 billion US dollars +, President Ma, 20 billion US dollars +, President Lei, 10 billion US dollars +..." this is the value map of the big guys.

"Fang Zhe, Anyang University of technology, President Ma, Hangzhou Normal University, President Lei, Wuhan University..." this is the academic map of the big guys. Later, every time there was a discussion on the uselessness of academic degrees on the Internet, some netizens always took out this big guy map as the best refutation!

The big guys\' dinner in Wuzhen is on fire, but few people pay attention to such a small matter.

The world Internet Conference, which lasted three days, continued. Early in the morning on the 20th, Fang zhe woke up, rubbed his swollen head, drank two cups of sobering tea, gave his wife Feng Xuetong a video phone, simply cleaned up and went out.

According to the organizers\' arrangement, each of them must go to the Internet Conference Memorial Hall of the West Gate Scenic Area during the world Internet Conference, and plant a Wutong tree with their own hands.

Last night, they had a discussion at the table and made an appointment to plant trees after breakfast today.

Forenoon, at all flurry and confusion, the Internet gangs gathered at the Wutong Internet Conference to commemorate the 8:30.

An hour later, the figures of the leaders appeared on the sub forum of the "China foreign Internet leaders summit dialogue" of the conference.

Compared with the sub forum that Fang zhe participated in yesterday afternoon, only Fang Zhe, a domestic Internet tycoon, stood alone on the stage. Today\'s sub forum can be called a hundred flowers bloom. Both domestic and foreign Internet tycoons speak freely.