Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 672

"What\'s next?" to tell you the truth, Li Wenbin is really a little complacent these days. If Fang zhe didn\'t remind him at the moment, I\'m afraid it\'s no surprise that Huizhong cloud\'s global market share will be overtaken by Amazon cloud after a while.

"Although Huizhong cloud is temporarily ahead of Amazon cloud, it is based on our merger with Alibaba cloud and the acquisition of GitHub to rapidly increase market share. Cloud computing business has achieved great growth this year. What will we rely on next year?"

Fang zhe asked Li Wenbin a question.

According to the current market situation, Huizhong cloud has occupied more than 85% of the cloud computing market in China and has entered the plateau area. The growth of Huizhong cloud in the domestic market will depend on the growth of the whole domestic cloud computing market, and will soon achieve rapid growth and outbreak.

Therefore, if huizhongyun wants to maintain its current leading edge, it can only make efforts in overseas markets.

As mentioned in the report just now, Huizhong cloud\'s overseas market share in non China regions only accounts for 24%, while Amazon, although there is almost no market squeezed by Huizhong cloud in China, has a market share of 33%, which is 9 percentage points higher than Huizhong cloud overseas!

This is still the case when Huizhong cloud acquired GitHub. Before Huizhong cloud acquired GitHub, the gap between the two is as large as 14%.

It can be seen that Amazon cloud has a deeper and better customer system than Huizhong cloud in the overseas market.

Now, Fang zhe has promoted Li Wenbin to global vice president, hoping that he can give full play to his ability and strive for more market share for huizhongyun in the overseas market.

"But how to do?" Fang zhe had thought a lot about it before Li Wenbin came to report.

Amazon cloud started earlier than Huizhong cloud, and with the resource advantages of large companies, it accounts for so much more market share in the overseas market than Huizhong cloud. The development of Huizhong cloud is accompanied by the growth of Huizhong. In the early days, when Huizhong\'s strength was not strong, the development of Huizhong cloud also focused on domestic. When Huizhong became bigger internationally, The pace of huizhongyun overseas slowly caught up.

Nowadays, there is little difference between Huizhong cloud and Amazon cloud in terms of technology and service level. One of the core competitive advantages of Huizhong cloud is a mature solution in the field of games and Internet app services, while the core competitive advantage of Amazon cloud is a mature solution in the field of e-commerce.

Even after Huizhong cloud merged with Alibaba cloud, by absorbing Alibaba cloud\'s service capabilities to Alibaba\'s entire e-commerce Empire and improving its own solutions and service levels in the field of e-commerce, it still has some insufficient strength to compete with Amazon cloud in the field of overseas e-commerce.

Of course, this is not because of the service capability and technical level of Huizhong cloud in the e-commerce field, but because most overseas e-commerce customers live and develop under the e-commerce empire of Amazon. Just as Huizhong cloud did to Alibaba cloud in China, even if Alibaba cloud\'s market share is squeezed again, it belongs to the cloud computing demand of Alibaba e-commerce empire, It is still enough for Alibaba cloud to survive and develop.

Therefore, as a last resort, Huizhong cloud can only increase its market share in China by merging Alibaba cloud. Similarly, overseas, if Huizhong cloud wants to develop faster, it must bite a cake from the e-commerce field. In other words, Huizhong cloud must attack the core business field of Amazon cloud, Huizhong must fight with several major overseas e-commerce platforms such as Amazon and eBay!

When the word "war" came out of Fang Zhe\'s mouth, Li Wenbin was in a trance.

For a long time, Huizhong\'s overseas development has been trying to avoid direct competition with established Internet giants such as Google, Microsoft and Amazon, but trying to find a differentiated competition direction. This can be seen from Huizhong cloud\'s overseas focus on publicizing its service and technical advantages in games, Internet app and streaming media, and diluting its e-commerce cloud services.

Huizhong has never launched an attack on the core business areas of these old companies. On the one hand, it has great business potential and has not reached the growth ceiling. On the other hand, the strength of Huizhong is still inferior to these old companies in the past. Once the war starts, it will inevitably hurt the muscles and bones.

But now, one year after Huizhong\'s listing, after one year\'s development accumulation, Huizhong\'s strength has been enough to break with these old companies. In cloud computing business, it is difficult to achieve rapid growth and progress without competing with Amazon cloud in e-commerce business.

Now that Alibaba has been listed and is about to comprehensively accelerate the process of internationalization, Huizhong has officially joined forces with Alibaba to compete with Amazon in the overseas e-commerce market.

Joining hands with Alibaba to compete with Amazon, eBay and other companies overseas is also one of the conditions for Alibaba cloud\'s willingness to merge with Huizhong cloud at the beginning of the year. One of the great moves for Huizhong and Alibaba to deal with Amazon is to gradually open the shopping entrance in wechat overseas areas, And Alibaba\'s express and other shopping websites are embedded through applets or jump to third-party apps.

As early as a few years ago, wechat launched the shopping column in China, and embedded domestic Yiying websites such as JD tmall vipshop in the form of mobile web pages or jump apps. The traffic and users from wechat have become an indispensable and important source of these e-commerce websites.

Overseas, wechat has not launched the shopping column, not only because Huizhong has not the strength to provide the same shopping experience overseas as at home, but also because Huizhong has not reached relevant cooperation agreements with overseas e-commerce giants such as Amazon and eBay.

Don\'t you see that domestic companies that can have access to wechat have basically accepted Huizhong\'s investment, even tmall, which is stronger than Alibaba\'s.

For giants like Amazon, how can they accept the investment of Huizhong, a company of the same level? As for eBay, Fang Zhe is selfish to leave the entrance for domestic e-commerce enterprises such as Alibaba and JD. He is unwilling to open the entrance to eBay in advance, taking advantage of it in vain, that is, to open it to eBay, We also have to wait for domestic e-commerce enterprises such as Ali or JD that have an investment relationship with Huizhong to go to sea completely.

Alibaba can easily promise to sell Alibaba cloud to Huizhong cloud because Huizhong is willing to wait for Alibaba to be listed and Alibaba is ready to open the wechat entrance overseas. The inexplicable eyes between Ma and Fang zhe also refer to this matter when Alibaba was listed a few days ago.

Now, Huizhong cloud\'s overseas development is in urgent need of Alibaba\'s attack on Amazon in the field of overseas e-commerce. Fang zhe decided to discuss this matter with President Ma, who is still trapped in the joy of listing, so as to promote Alibaba\'s internationalization!

On the afternoon of November 10, before another double 11, Fang Zhe\'s private plane arrived at Hangzhou Xiaoshan International Airport.