Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 628

So during that time, my colleagues and I in the whole company were very tired. Many R & D backbones who came to the mainland with me quietly left or didn\'t come to work at all, because they were afraid that their families in Baodao would be retaliated or even wouldn\'t let them return to Baodao.

At that time, many people went, but fortunately, some people still choose to stay and do some business with me. I myself, too, have been sold out of the registered residence on the island, and can only be a mainland person. "

When talking about this, Zhang Rujin\'s tone was obviously self deprecating. He didn\'t expect that he was one of the first people to return to Baodao, and in this strange way.

"I originally thought that SMIC would be able to stand up after we solved this difficult problem. However, I didn\'t expect that a" Hanxin incident "came out on the mainland. Many mainland government departments that originally supported us hesitated when they heard that we were engaged in chips.

Although we all know that China should do a good job in the chip industry and the mainland should do a good job in the chip industry, no one was willing to be that early bird at that time.

When the situation eased a little, we had a series of lawsuits with TSMC. Many engineers of SMIC were from TSMC. It was not so easy for us to completely get rid of the relationship with TSMC. Even many of our engineers designed according to the previous set of living TSMC or TSMC. At that time, we didn\'t pay much attention to this because we were eager to develop Some details, which led us to lose more and win less in our lawsuit with TSMC.

In addition, SMIC did not make a profit at that time, and investors gradually lost patience. Although government departments across the mainland expressed support for the improvement of our attitude, the face achievement project was greater than the inside. In addition, there were huge mistakes in the development strategy we adopted at that time. We wanted to reduce chip production costs and enhance competitiveness by building more factories and expanding scale.

In retrospect, we were too eager for success. This large-scale strategy may be applicable to other industries, but it is definitely not applicable to the chip industry.

Because the chip industry is an industry with a very short technology cycle iteration, and the later the iteration, the greater the production investment cost. Before our factory is completed, the products produced will fall behind.

Building factories everywhere has wasted more resources and energy for SMIC, which has not yet made a profit. If we could concentrate our resources on R & D at that time, perhaps today\'s situation would be different. I have worked in the chip industry for most of my life, which is the only place where I feel remorse and guilt.

Zhang Sheng said that I was an expert in factory building. That\'s right. When I worked at Texas Instruments in the United States, I built many chip factories in the United States and Southeast Asia. Later, I returned to treasure island, came to the mainland and built many chip factories in various places, but few can really live to this day.

In 2009, we were in a lawsuit against TSMC in Yanjing and the United States. I didn\'t expect it in the United States. I thought we could win the lawsuit in Yanjing, but we lost.

In order to completely solve the gratitude and resentment between SMIC and TSMC, I can only promise to leave SMIC and sign a competition agreement. In the following years, I didn\'t set foot in the chip industry. TSMC also took advantage of that opportunity to become a shareholder of SMIC.

In the following years, the internal fighting and management of SMIC were very chaotic. Many engineers and management of SMIC were from Baodao, but the investors and the board of directors were basically only the funds and companies from the mainland. It was not until Qiu Yunci, who came to the mainland with me, came up in the past few years that the contradiction between the two sides was slowly suppressed.

Up to now, compared with the time when I left, SMIC can not be said to have no development, but this development speed may be just the kind of development speed that TSMC hopes. It is slower than him, not as good as him, and there is no threat to him.

So you asked me how long it will take for the mainland chip industry to catch up with the international advanced level. I think it may never catch up, or it may catch up soon. This depends on how much determination the mainland government has made to do this, whether SMIC can have a suitable leader and a harmonious and United Company environment, or if there are chip foundry companies in the mainland that are better than the center.

Of course, this is just chip OEM. When it comes to the whole industry, whether it is design, raw materials, or chip manufacturing equipment, these upstream industries and core key technologies are now in the hands of foreign enterprises. If the mainland wants to catch up or even surpass in an all-round way, it will take at least 20 or 30 years, and these 20 or 30 years will have to continue We have to spend a lot of money on R & D and basic materials. Otherwise, given the current political environment and technological blockade faced by the mainland and China in the world, let alone catch up in an all-round way, even if we catch up, there will always be a technological gap with foreign countries. "

Mr. Zhang\'s words not only made Fang zhe think deeply, but also deeply admired him. As the founder of SMIC, although he has left SMIC for many years, he has a deep understanding and understanding of the current situation of SMIC and the development situation of mainland chip industry.

Over the past few years, old Zhang has not stopped tossing. From the LED factory to Jianghai Xinsheng, and then to Qingshi Xinen, old Zhang continues the legend of his "factory building master". As for whether these factories can survive and develop well in the end, as old Zhang said, it depends on the determination of the local governments seeking factories, the leaders of those factories and the market environment.

In any case, these factories built by Zhang Laojian have brought a glimmer of hope and fire to many short board modules in the mainland chip industry. Just like SMIC today, although it is small, less than one twentieth of TSMC, although it is not strong and has a technical gap of 3-4 generations with TSMC, it represents the hope and fire of chip manufacturing in the mainland. Over time, This fire is bound to burn and become the backbone of China\'s chip manufacturing industry!

Fang Zhe and Zhang Rujin talked a lot and talked very deeply. Even the lunch packed by Li Wen for them was put aside. With the short prediction of the development of the chip industry in the next few years in the previous life and the life height and vision pattern of the world\'s richest man in this life, Fang zhe took himself as the fulcrum, Leveraging the whole domestic chip industry, we have a clear understanding from fuzziness.

When Fang zhe sent Zhang Rujin away, although he tried to invite him to have a good meal with himself, he politely declined.

Zhang Rujin shook Fang zhe with his withered hands and said excitedly:

"When my father was alive, he always wanted me to build a chip factory in the mainland. Later, I came to the mainland to build a factory not because I listened to him, but because there is TSMC in Baodao. I can\'t have the opportunity to develop.

I have stayed in the mainland for so many years and have feelings for the mainland. Maybe I was selfish at the beginning and hoped to gain a career and scenery in the mainland as a Taiwanese enterprise. But now, I sincerely hope that the chip industry in the mainland can get better and the motherland can get better!

Over the years, I finally understand my father\'s feelings and feelings for the mainland and the motherland. History is history and politics is politics. But many people who followed me to Baodao, like my father, took the mainland as their roots and home. Many of them have no chance to come back all their lives. I hope that one day, all these things can pass , we Chinese are a family! A family must unite. Only by uniting can we not be afraid of being bullied by outsiders! "

Fang Zhe\'s eyes were wet. He looked at Zhang\'s back, as if he had seen a generation of people who shed blood and tears for the rise of the Chinese nation!