Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 616

"Although today, whether Google, Bing or other search engines are trying to introduce AI technology to help us find the information we want more accurately, in my opinion, all this is far from enough.

We don\'t care. Search engines search out all kinds of messy entertainment news for us. We don\'t care. When we search a person\'s name, it is a popular star who comes out first, not a scientist who has made great contributions to human civilization.

But we can\'t help but care. Search engines tell all kinds of false and pseudo scientific medical knowledge on the Internet to patients seeking medical treatment. Last year alone, hundreds of thousands of medical accidents were caused by false medical information on the Internet.

A powerful bastard politician said for the vote that drinking detergent could kill the germs in his stomach. Some people believed it and ended up in the hospital for gastric lavage. We can\'t tolerate such false information spreading on the Internet.

Today, the Internet is full of all kinds of knowledge. There are great problems and inconvenience in digging out the pseudo scientific knowledge we mentioned above, even in normal knowledge acquisition.

With the popularity of smart phones and mobile Internet, everyone has become a producer of information. With the same knowledge, tens of thousands of people may spread through thousands of channels on the Internet at the same time. Although this greatly facilitates the dissemination of knowledge, there are also various problems such as confusion, repetition, deletion or tampering of knowledge content.

We can\'t blame the disseminator for not transmitting the knowledge well, because everyone\'s education level, knowledge level, cognition and understanding of the same knowledge are also different, but we can\'t help but consider the person who wants to acquire these knowledge.

If a person wants to learn a certain knowledge on the Internet, but the Internet tells him hundreds of the same knowledge spread by different people, different channels or platforms, this is not a good thing for him.

For him, what he needs more is the depth of knowledge, not the breadth of knowledge. Instead of giving him hundreds of teachers with different levels to choose from, he might as well give him a highly skilled teacher to teach him.

In this world, the problem of educational inequality always exists. I believe that in the College under my feet, there is a great difference between the tutor\'s understanding of relativity and the tutor\'s understanding of relativity in the university I graduated from.

Even in my motherland, the education level in prosperous cities is very different from that in ordinary rural areas and even counties.

Today, the popularity of mobile Internet gives us the opportunity to do something for this inequality. Therefore, many colleagues of Huizhong and many well-known educational scholars in the industry have initiated the idea of jointly creating a set of standard knowledge and technology system on the Internet.

Previously, we have started to create a similar platform for AI technical knowledge, but compared with all kinds of knowledge in the vast human civilization, this is only a trivial discipline.

Therefore, I stand here today to advocate and appeal to all of you here, as well as universities, governments, public welfare organizations, educational institutions, educators and scientists around the world who are determined to change all this, to join hands with us to promote the establishment of standard knowledge and technology system in the world.

The standard knowledge technology system is not to make all education and knowledge the same, but to enable many students and knowledge seekers in low-income and low developed areas to have access to high-level education and prevent them from poverty in knowledge acquisition due to environmental poverty.

The standard knowledge technology system is not to stifle the diversity and richness of knowledge, but to enable scholars to quickly locate their own level, quickly and conveniently learn the knowledge they want to learn and improve themselves.

The standard knowledge technology system is not the private property of a multinational company, a government or an organization, but the common wealth of the world and human civilization.

I hope that one day in the future, knowledge will become the most expensive and cheapest thing in the world because of the existence of standard knowledge technology system!

Thank you! "

Fang Zhe\'s speech caused warm applause in the auditorium. Even the white headed scholars who have been in their 60s for many years also have a look of desire and hope in their eyes. How they wish they could see with their own eyes that after the birth of this system, they would make outstanding contributions to the prosperity of human civilization.

After the applause fell, another guest invited to give a speech mounted the podium after Fang Zhe.

The speaker, Roderick, is also the only Nobel laureate on the scene today.

"When I was very young, I lived in halstadt, Austria. It was a small town. The total number of people in the whole town was less than 2000. My primary school general education teacher was Mary. She was the wife of an electrician in our town.

One day in class, Mary told us that the world we lived in was called the earth, and the earth was round. At that time, my classmates and I were stunned!

We really can\'t imagine why the world we live in is round. Obviously, the world we see is flat.

So I summoned up the courage to stand up and ask Miss Mary, why is the world round?

I still remember her expression at that time, some stunned and some speechless. Finally, she said to me angrily, "it\'s enough for children to know that the world is round. There\'s no need to know so much!"

There was a roar of laughter in the auditorium.

"Later, my parents went to Vienna for work reasons, and I followed them to the school in Vienna. Until then, when I asked my teacher again why the world was round, he gave me an accurate answer, which was the result of the balance between gravity and the centrifugal force generated by the earth\'s rotation.

At that time, I still couldn\'t understand, because I didn\'t even know what gravity and centrifugal force were. The teacher asked me to find the answer in physics. From then on, I fell in love with physics.

You see, a child, because of a problem and a good teacher, has embarked on the road of science. If I had not gone to Vienna, but still stayed in halstadt, perhaps today, I have become an electrician, my wife, or teaching another child. The world is round. As for why, please don\'t ask me, because my teacher is That\'s what you told me. "

The people in the auditorium looked forward and backward with laughter again.

"A good education is enough to change a child\'s life. It is precisely because I have had such a life experience that I came here today and stood on this podium. Together with Mr. Fang Zhe, I appeal to everyone to work together to create a standard knowledge and technology system, so that every child living in halstadt can receive a good education and make every child in the world Every halstadt can have a group of good teachers! "

Applause surged in the auditorium. Roderick used his own experience as the material for his speech, which deeply resonated with the people on the scene. I don\'t know how many of them were glad that they had met a good teacher who had benefited for life.