Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 613

In the early morning, the bright sunshine fell on the Federal Institute of technology in Zurich, a famous school with a history of more than 100 years at home and abroad.

The ancient and cultural buildings wake up from their sleep, recording and witnessing the great achievements of the college along the way,

"Einstein, one of the greatest physicists in modern times, roentgen, the discoverer of X-ray, von Neumann, the father of computer", etc. great scientists and scholars have been cultivated here, making indelible and outstanding contributions to the progress and development of human civilization.

Today, in its long history, this great college has ushered in a person worthy of writing, a talented young man from the ancient East, known as the most legendary new generation entrepreneur in the contemporary world, the richest man in the world, Fang Zhe.

In the northeast corner of the college, in the Institute of Biochemistry and molecular biology, Fang zhe looked at a busy figure in a white coat in front of the experimental platform through the anti chemical glass window.

Zuo Ruichao, my sister\'s ex boyfriend, came to Switzerland to study a few years, and then stayed in Switzerland.

The last time I saw him, I was at Fang Zhe\'s house. At that time, the two had an impressive conversation. Fang zhe took that opportunity to set up Himalayan foundations dedicated to supporting Zuo Ruichao, who sincerely studied abroad only for learning.

Now nearly three years later, the Himalayan foundation has funded more than 300 international students around the world. Although the number is small, all of them are scientists like Zuo Ruichao who are willing to work hard and devote their lives to science.

The accompanying college receptionist knocked through the chemical resistant glass window. Zuo Ruichao, who was staring at the experimental specimens under the microscope, looked up impatiently.

He glanced and lowered his head. After a moment, he raised his head in surprise and looked straight at Fang zhe standing in the middle of the crowd outside the glass window.

The door of the laboratory was opened. Zuo Ruichao, who came out of the laboratory, looked at Fang Zhe in surprise:

"Ah Zhe, it\'s really you!"

Zuo Ruichao\'s face showed a sincere joy. He met his old friend in a foreign country. He could meet Fang zhe who was his confidant in a strange place abroad. That kind of joy was reflected in his words.

"Why don\'t you tell me in advance? I\'ll let Xiao Fang cook dishes at home and entertain you well! This is my sister-in-law. It hasn\'t been seen for years and it\'s becoming more and more beautiful!"

Although he hasn\'t seen Fang zhe for several years, Zuo Ruichao has lost his previous prudence and discomfort. Now he is focused on scientific research and only regards Fang zhe as his ex girlfriend\'s brother.

"I\'d like to inform you, but I called you three times half a month ago and prompted to turn off each time." Fang zhe said. Zuo Ruichao smiled awkwardly and said:

"I misunderstood you. I usually do experiments. My private mobile phones are turned off. They call me when they have something to do."

The two exchanged greetings. Zuo Ruichao introduced his life in Switzerland in recent years to Fang Zhe, doing experiments, sending papers and taking students. In addition to these three things, he rarely even left the college.

As for Feng xuekou\'s curious Xiaofang, he was a colleague he met in the experiment more than a year ago. Lin Fang, who also came from China, also spent more time in the laboratory than at home. With similar personality and getting along day and night, the two naturally came together.

"My sister is going to get married on May Day this year." Fang zhe told him that his sister was going to get married.

"Oh, with whom?" Zuo Ruichao was surprised.

"She is a classmate of your school," Fang zhe replied.

"Bless her for me and invite you to have dinner with them when I return home." Zuo Ruichao\'s tone was flat, and the past had passed like smoke.

"By the way, do you have anything to do later? If you have nothing to do, I\'ll introduce you to a brain science expert. He and his team have been studying brain science for many years. I think it may be some inspiration and help for you to set up a holographic game R & D team!"

Zuo Ruichao\'s sudden mention of a brain science expert interested Fang Zhe. He looked at his watch. It was less than 10 a.m. and his speech in the Royal auditorium of the College started at 2 p.m. now there is plenty of time.

Zuo Ruichao saw him nod and said, "he was at the University of Zurich next door. He drove for less than 10 minutes. At this time, he should be in the laboratory."

Zurich Federal Institute of technology and Zurich University are close together. The two universities cooperate closely and even share resources in some facilities and teaching resources. Therefore, the professors and tutors of the two colleges are very familiar with each other.

Fang Zhe and his party took a bus to the University of Zurich next door.

Similar research institutes and laboratories. The difference is that in this laboratory, what is busy is a middle-aged foreign man with some Balding Hair and several young men and women who look like students.

The middle-aged man in the laboratory saw the arrival of Zuo Ruichao and his party and walked out of the laboratory. The young male and female students inside also looked at them curiously through the glass window.

"Jack, why are you here when you have time?" the middle-aged man who came out of the laboratory looked at Zuo Ruichao and asked. Jack is Zuo Ruichao\'s English name.

"Peter, this is Fang Zhe, the entrepreneur friend I mentioned to you, who once supported me to study abroad." as soon as Zuo Ruichao introduced him, the middle-aged man named Peter shouted with a shocked face:

"OhMyGod, is this your richest friend in the world?"

The reaction of the middle-aged man made everyone present laugh.

Also, anyone who suddenly sees the world\'s richest man may not react much more calmly than him.

"Welcome, welcome to visit our laboratory. God, you look younger than the news. When I was your age, I was still forced by my tutor to change my thesis!"

Peter looked surprised. Although he was engaged in scientific research, his character was not as dull and serious as Zuo Ruichao, but a little cheerful and humorous.

"Peter, my friend heard that you are an expert in brain science and are very interested in your research topic, and like you, he has a dream since he was a child to realize the real holographic game!" Zuo Ruichao\'s sentence excited Peter to himself.

Holographic game is a dream that he has been striving to pursue and study. Now he hears that Fang Zhe, the world\'s richest man, has the same dream as himself. It feels like walking alone and suddenly discovering a person with similar aspirations!

"Great, great. Thank God, Fang. You must look at my research. I believe that as long as you follow my current research direction, we will be able to realize a real holographic game in the future."

While Peter was talking, he couldn\'t wait to open the door of the laboratory and led Fang Zhe in.