Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 550

On the stage, President Li of Baidu was glowing and secretly proud. For four years, it was the first time that he overtook Fang zhe since Fang zhe began to attend the IT summit!

Li always has great confidence that even if he comes to Fang Zhe to talk about 4G in the next round, I\'m afraid he can\'t say any new tricks that excite the audience.

The next speaker is president Arima, and Fang Zhe is deliberately arranged to be the last.

In the past, Tencent President Ma said that he was 3.5G cold water and not optimistic. Later, there was the wonderful imagination of google president Li on various wearable smart devices. The audience were very curious. What would President Ali Ma say in the middle?

President Ma showed a signboard smile. Among the four guests on the stage, he was the only one who did not have a technical background. Therefore, he did not talk about 4G technology, but directly talked about Ali\'s old business, e-commerce.

"I don\'t understand technology, so I don\'t talk about 4G technology. I just say the possible impact on the e-commerce industry after the arrival of 4G.

Recently, our technical backbone in Alibaba has also done a lot of research on 4G technology. Finally, they told me that the biggest impact of 4G on Taobao and tmall is that users brush commodity pictures faster! "


President Ma\'s humor caused the audience to laugh. Then President Ma continued:

"Then let\'s talk about other impacts. First of all, with the fast Internet speed, users\' e-commerce shopping experience will certainly get better. In the past, in order to save traffic and loading experience for users, our product information and advertising were basically picture display and text description. In the future, more short videos may be added.

In addition, in the 4G era, with more user traffic and faster network speed, the e-commerce model of live selling will become more popular. Taobao and tmall are already planning a live selling channel. At that time, you can watch the seller\'s show in real time and communicate directly with the seller if you have any problems.

According to our small-scale test, the conversion rate of live selling is many times higher than that of traditional page display, so I can\'t wait for 4G to be popularized as soon as possible.

As for what President Li said about wearable smart devices, if any, I believe they will be sold on Taobao at that time! "

The audience was amused by Mr. Ma\'s last sentence again. Obviously, listening to Mr. Ma\'s tone, it seems that they don\'t agree with Mr. Li\'s beautiful imagination of wearable smart devices. Mr. Ma of Tencent glanced at Mr. Li at random and snorted. Now it\'s two to one!

"Well, now among the four guests, two bosses surnamed Ma believe that although 4G will bring some good changes to the industry and ordinary people\'s lives, it will not bring disruptive changes like 2G and 3G. Baidu Li is very optimistic about 4G, and even imagined that scientific and technological products such as wearable smart devices and smart homes will break out and become popular in the 4G era.

Then let\'s listen to Fang Zhe, who has been called Fang Banxian by the Internet industry, what\'s his opinion on 4G? "

Host Wu Ying inserted a few words. With his questions, the audience\'s eyes fell on Fang zhe on the far right. Over the past few years, although the ranking of bath has been reversed, Fang Zhe\'s position at the summit has not changed.

Fang Zhe, with a light smile on his face, said: "I think there is a sentence on the Internet that very aptly describes the differences between 2G, 3G and 4G.

2G chat sends text, 3G chat sends pictures, 4G chat sends short videos.

So frankly, in the 4G era, most ordinary people can feel the difference. As President Ma said, the network speed has become faster and the traffic has become more! "

The audience and President Ma of Tencent looked at Fang Zhe in surprise. They didn\'t expect that Fang zhe would support the enemy\'s view of President Ma of Tencent face to face. It was not until the word "but" came out that some viewers tacitly thought that this was the case. Did you forget that Fang Zhe loved to use only two words at the summit in the past few years?

"However, I think what President Li said is also right. Foreign top companies such as Google, Microsoft and apple are studying wearable smart devices, which shows that wearable smart devices have become a trend in the future.

There is a saying that the ideal is very plump and the reality is very skinny. I think it is very appropriate to describe the wearable smart devices in the 4G era.

Because in the 4G environment, the use experience of wearable smart devices cannot be much better, let alone become the core carrier of the whole mobile Internet like smart phones.

Coupled with various technical problems of wearable smart devices, this determines that this field is only suitable for large factories as experimental and reserve business layout, or some start-ups with core technologies and cutting-edge scientific and technological talents.

For various reasons such as poor user experience, lack of content and use limitations, wearable smart devices are destined to be used only as early adoptions for some rich people in the short term, and can not quickly break out and popularize in the world like smart phones. If this market wants to mature, it must wait at least 5g or even 6G, ten or even twenty years later! "

Fang Zhe\'s pertinent remarks made many viewers who had previously listened to google president Li return to rationality. Yes, wearable smart devices are being developed by big companies such as Google and Microsoft abroad. Unless startups have special core or cutting-edge technologies, who dares to engage in them?

Ma De was almost fooled by President Li of Baidu. Although there are many entrepreneurs in the audience, there are few who have top-level technical resources. If they really have the ability to find a job, they will earn millions a year, so why bother and tired to start a business?

The audience also remembered those new outlets and entrepreneurial opportunities mentioned by Fang zhe before, from o2o providing online and offline services to pan entertainment IP, to emerging consumption, diversified import trade, overseas shopping, and even President Ma\'s e-commerce live selling, which is not more reliable than any illusory wearable smart device?

Of course, many viewers with entrepreneurial ideas do not give up on wearable smart devices. Some of them believe that since foreign companies such as Google and Microsoft are doing it, this entrepreneurial trend is bound to rise in China. Even if they can\'t do real things, a whistling PPT can also be exchanged for hot money investment, can\'t it?

The audience\'s ideas are half hearted, and the applause for Fang Zhe is not as warm as that for google president Li. After all, Fang Zhe\'s remarks have a lot of cold water, and the hot headed audience don\'t like to listen to these advice.

Come on, you say so one by one. Aren\'t you afraid that we will seize your opportunity and subvert you? Entrepreneurs who have never stumbled will always be arrogant!

Next, it\'s the audience\'s turn to ask questions. In view of the adverse effects of the house price problems raised by the audience last year, this year\'s host Wu Ying specially limited that this year\'s audience can only ask questions about 4G.

However, this time, the number of questions has been increased to 4. Each audience can only choose one big man on the stage who has not given priority to answering questions, and other big men can also express their views on the same question.

Wu Ying\'s arrangement was obviously to brush the faces of the four big men on the stage. The audience caught Fang Zhe and asked him as before.

The one who was selected first was a boy in glasses and plaid shirt sitting in the middle of the meeting. He stood up and asked the first question to President Li of Baidu, who was in the limelight just now:

"Hello, Mr. Li, I\'d like to ask, since you are so optimistic about 4G, what layout has Baidu made for 4G, and you just said that you are very optimistic about wearable devices and smart home. I don\'t know whether Baidu has conducted research in this regard?"

"Pooh Pooh" a female audience sitting in the front couldn\'t help laughing. This little brother\'s problem is really a little provocative!