Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 52

For the advantage of the reborn, he couldn\'t write it in the business plan. At this time, Zheng Siwen continued to talk about his second question: "business model, or profit model."

The core business model of entrepreneurial projects determines how high the project can go, while the profit model determines how far the project can go. He has seen too many entrepreneurial projects that are not popular and die because they run out of ammunition and food.

For the second question raised by Zheng Siwen, Fang zhe has also thought in detail. It is only because Fang zhe believes that profit should not be considered too early, so it was not written in the business plan.

Now after listening to the two questions raised by Zheng Siwen, he thought it over and told Zheng Siwen about his openness to foreign networks, network neutrality, preconceived ideas, rapid iteration, and the top-down playing method of dealing with giants and start-up competitors.

In terms of profitability, it puts forward the method of realizing cash flow through information flow advertising, or open platforms such as Facebook, or through traffic diversion to the game.

After the two talked, Zheng Siwen also understood that Fang zhe did think about the two questions he raised, but he didn\'t write them into the business plan in more detail.

After that, they had a detailed discussion on all the problems that may be involved in the company\'s start-up and development, which were mentioned and not mentioned in the business plan.

Nearly six hours have passed since Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen entered the study to discuss their business plan. Wang Nan, who takes care of the children in the living room, is not idle. She is also drafting a plan.

A plan agreed by her Baoma group leader and several managers mainly has three points: 1. For the affected group friends, after field certification, Initiate door-to-door condolence and appeasement donation 2. A group friend who is a lawyer in the group has agreed to provide legal assistance to the affected group friends free of charge 3. Provide purchasing assistance to the affected Baoma who wants to buy milk powder from overseas. In this regard, Wang Nan and several people in the group who often shop overseas can provide help.

When Fang Zhe and Zheng Siwen came out of their study, Wang Nan handed the plan to Zheng Siwen. First, she hoped that he would give comments. Second, their donation to group friends was different from social donation. It was organized within the group. She and several group friends with good family conditions who wanted to donate were the main force. Naturally, she wanted to set an example, and how much she donated, Naturally, I have to discuss with my husband.

Zheng Siwen\'s mind was still full of various conversations and thoughts with Fang Zhe. In the twinkling of an eye, his wife stuffed him with such a thing. After a rough look, he basically agreed with the plan drafted by Wang Nan. In addition, he suggested that we should consider the feelings of several affected group Friends and other group friends as much as possible, and don\'t do bad things with good intentions.

Wang Nan also understood what he meant. At this point, she naturally understood their women\'s thoughts better.

Fang Zhe, who has been watching all the time, also broke away from ideas such as entrepreneurship. He didn\'t feel much about seeing some kind-hearted people donate money on the Internet. Today, this kind of thing happens around him, but he has a deep feeling.

Did Fang zhe donate money? He has donated. In the event of various natural and man-made disasters, when schools or companies organize donations, he will also give love and donate some money. Every winter, he will also donate old clothes to the recycle bin. In addition, there are few public welfare behaviors that can impress Fang Zhe.

Instead of the spontaneous donation behavior organized by the school or the company, Fang zhe should have done nothing other than donating old clothes. In his previous life, Fang zhe mainly attributed this reason to poverty. Indeed, Fang zhe looked at all kinds of luxury cars and houses in the streets. None of them was his own. He had to think for more than half a year to buy an object worth more than 10000, See if it\'s worth it.

Since his rebirth, Fang Zhe is still poor? To define Fang Zhe in his previous life, the current Fang Zhe\'s worth of millions is not poor, but Fang Zhe is still poor in public welfare thinking.

If you are poor, you will be alone, and if you reach it, you will help the world.

After seeing what Wang Nan and Zheng Siwen did, Fang zhe felt that he should also think about the direction of public welfare. It has nothing to do with tall things such as social responsibility. Doing well is indeed another sense of achievement different from entrepreneurship, and it is also a happy thing.

In Fang Zhe\'s view, the object of public welfare is not only the poor or people with living obstacles, but many people in need of help in this society.

Therefore, hearing Wang Nan\'s emotion, she can mobilize everyone to help these people in their group, and how much power can other people in society help. Wang Nan does not deny that there should be no less, whether it is public opinion or public welfare donations, but how can money make up for the affected families and mothers.

Think about the baby who is afraid of melting in the palm of his hand. If he wants to have surgery and even endure all kinds of pain and suffering, no mother\'s heart doesn\'t hurt. Fang zhe feels that in this regard, he should be able to do a lot by relying on the advantages of reborn people.

When Fang Zai was reborn, public welfare funds sponsored by various stars or large enterprises were much more commonweal activities than before. Like Alipay\'s ant forest, through the participation of hundreds of millions of netizens, in less than a year and a half, about 10000000 real trees were planted. Wechat campaign can achieve public welfare donation through the number of donation steps after 10000 steps.

For Internet enterprises, there is potential and infinite value behind hundreds of millions of users. Fang zhe thinks that if his products can really accumulate many users in the future, it must be a very important thing to mobilize everyone and gather many small forces for public welfare.

At present, Fang Zhe is thinking about how he can help these people affected by melamine, including not only all kinds of victims or families who eat milk powder, but also hundreds of millions of Baoma and Chinese people who lose confidence in Chinese dairy products.

Now this matter is becoming more and more serious. Melamine has been found not only in Sanlu, but also in milk powder or dairy products including Yili, Mengniu, Yashili and many other domestic brands. The whole Chinese dairy industry is facing a serious crisis of trust. Many overseas countries have banned the import of Chinese dairy products.

Fang zhe thinks of the mother infant vertical e-commerce. The websites such as honey bud and Beibei, which focus on mother infant e-commerce in later generations, are small and beautiful vertical e-commerce independent of Taobao, with a valuation of more than 10 billion yuan. Fang zhe feels that they still have great potential, because on Taobao, mother infant products are the second largest consumer item after clothing products, Contribute hundreds of billions of Gmv to Taobao every year, that is, the transaction volume.