Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 503

At the moment, President Liu Jingdong is in a mess. How can Ali\'s people join the fun?

President Liu is not naive to think that Zhang Yong, CEO of tmall, came to gather people to visit and chat for tea.

However, at present, communication is hot with wechat. Shouldn\'t Ali and Huizhong meet each other in life and death?

Before President Liu calmed down, Fang zhe said to Li Wen:

"Set it after next Tuesday. You can arrange the specific time. In the afternoon or evening, it\'s best to set it in a quiet place outside, so as to avoid people talking!"

President Liu listened to Fang Zhe\'s calm tone and gave birth to an absurd idea. Did he expect Zhang Yong\'s appointment long ago?

If so, it is said that Fang Zhe\'s ability to predict things like God is a little too terrible. How can people be smart to this extent? If he hadn\'t been influenced by Scientific Atheism since childhood, President Liu really thought that Fang zhe was the reincarnation of a living immortal!

Fang zhe didn\'t shy away from himself and directly arranged for him to meet Zhang Yong. President Liu was thoughtful. After Li Wen left, President Liu\'s tone of voice had lost his previous confidence:

"President Fang, although it\'s a little presumptuous, I still want to ask you if you really want to meet Zhang Yong?"

President Liu thinks that he and Jingdong are the direct lineage of Huizhong. Fang Zhe and Huizhong should also turn to themselves in their decision on e-commerce. This can be seen from Fang Zhe\'s meeting with Zhang Yong just now.

Fang zhe nodded. Without waiting for general manager Liu to ask, he said:

"It\'s still the question I asked you just now. If you know what kind of products it is, you can know why Zhang Yong came to me. If the benefits of cooperation are greater than competition, even the enemy will shake hands and make peace!"

President Liu thought carefully about what Fang zhe said. In his confused mind, a clear logic line gradually emerged.

Huizhong and wechat still didn\'t respond when Alibaba went online and Huizhong wechat didn\'t care. After more than a week of patience, Huizhong didn\'t block the communication sharing links in wechat and Huizhong products. Then, Tencent began to block the communication links, and then there was news in the industry that wechat wanted to open the secondary entrance to JD.

From Ali\'s point of view, Huizhong\'s actions are "losing step by step" defense, while from Huizhong\'s point of view, all this is intentional and calculated!

Now Ali and Zhang Yong take the initiative to come to the door for peace, which can only show that Alibaba has lost the battle with Huizhong this time!

So, where did Ali lose? If the communication is really like that advertised by the outside world, with brilliant achievements and the posture of forcing wechat to a dead end, Ali doesn\'t have to take the initiative to find Huizhong for peace.

The benefits of defeating wechat to Ali are far more than worrying and worrying about opening the secondary entrance of wechat to JD. Besides, if wechat can really get down, how can wechat cooperate with JD?

President Liu carefully pondered over where the key to the problem lies. From Fang Zhe\'s words just now, the problem should still be with this product. However, it is rumored that the total registered users have been close to 50 million and the daily active users are nearly 20 million. Such achievements have attracted the climax and excitement of many Internet experts and become the iron powder and spiritual shareholders!

Fang zhe looked at President Liu who couldn\'t understand for a moment and prompted: "President Liu, the data is also deceptive. Thousands of millions of users visit JD every day. How many people really place orders to buy things?"

Fang Zhe\'s words, like a deep insight, awakened president Liu.

In an instant, he had some insight, that is, the key data representing whether there is real development potential. I\'m afraid it\'s not optimistic!

Fang zhe looked at President Liu\'s suddenly realized expression and smiled without saying anything. This kind of thing was simple and childish, but many people were kept in the dark until he did not.

Just like the financial reports of many companies, they always look beautiful, but I don\'t know which day, they suddenly became insolvent. Before the outbreak of the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in 2008, many people who couldn\'t make ends meet could buy and speculate through various means. I\'m afraid those who are a little more rational can see the crisis behind them.

As long as we don\'t publish those bad data, many people in the outside world will see unlimited prospects for communication!

To understand the key, while Mr. Liu was deeply relieved, he was a little depressed at the bottom of his heart. The reason for his relief was that he looked like a clown in front of wechat. He and JD\'s big backer Huizhong were still in a stable position. The reason for his depression was that in this way, JD might not be so easy to win the cooperation of wechat secondary entrance!

Now there is Zhang Yong of Alibaba to stir up the situation. President Liu can know even if he wants to use his ass. Zhang Yong is probably also worried about the secondary entrance of wechat. After all, compared with e-commerce applications such as Taobao and tmall, the user coverage, opening frequency and use time of wechat are more than several times!

Thinking of these, President Liu, who softened his tone, began to play the emotional card:

"President Fang, you also know that with the current pattern of e-commerce industry and the development of JD, it would be difficult for JD to compete with Alibaba and gain a firm foothold in the market without the support of you and Huizhong.

Now, Alibaba has renamed Taobao Mall tmall. It goes without saying that President Ma attaches importance to B2C business. With their user advantages and resource advantages, the growth rate of B2C business in JD is bound to be affected.

If JD can reach cooperation with wechat this time, I believe JD will surely win half of the domestic B2C market in less than three years! "

Fang zhe laughed but didn\'t say anything about President Liu\'s boasting? In the previous life, wechat gave JD an exclusive cooperation entrance, but did JD take down half of the domestic B2C market?

The answer is No. later, with the rise of new e-commerce platforms such as pinduoduo, Jingdong\'s market share and share price fell again and again. Even for a period of time, Jingdong\'s market value was surpassed by the emerging e-commerce rookie pinduoduo.

There are many reasons for all these problems. For example, JD\'s early advantages in attracting users\' delivery speed and genuine product assurance are being chased and pulled forward with Alibaba taking the lead in establishing a rookie alliance and improving the domestic postal environment.

For example, like Amazon abroad, JD has its own business and third-party businesses. In this way, there is a contradiction between competing for profits with merchants in the operation mode of being both a referee and a player.

For another example, JD\'s innovation in e-commerce business is very insufficient, including looking for the same money, live selling, creating e-commerce festivals, public welfare and poverty alleviation selling, docking with international brands and other e-commerce innovation modes, which are far behind tmall.

In terms of price advantage, JD has been crushed by emerging e-commerce platforms such as pinduoduo!

Fang zhe summed up with an impolite remark: "JD won\'t engage in e-commerce at all!"