Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 449

On the black and white operation report, there was a fairly stable curve. On October 31, it fell straight in an instant. I don\'t know, I thought crossing the line of fire stopped serving on that day!

Although it was expected that the public beta of Jedi survival would have a great adverse impact on crossing the line of fire, Ma Zong and Ren Yuxin never expected that the situation would be so serious and bad.

Looking at the data that fell by nearly four fifths in an instant, the reason why players played "crossing the line of fire" before emotion was because "Jedi survival" had not been publicly tested and could not grab the internal test quota?

Mr. Ma felt that Fang Zhe and Huizhong were the nemesis of himself and Tencent. Whether it was mobile social software or game business, Tencent was stabilized by Huizhong!

So many netizens and peers in the domestic Internet industry now talk about Tencent with words such as the declining west mountain, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse, and is eliminated by the times. In contrast, Huizhong is described and described by terms such as the Internet upstart, the leader of the domestic Internet industry, striving for glory for the country, one world, one wechat and so on.

How can Mr. Ma, who has been eliminated by the times, a new generation wins over the old, and has been ups and downs in the Internet industry for more than ten years, be willing to endure this desolation and ridicule?

"Mr. Ma, this is the operation data of the League of heroes." seeing Mr. Ma\'s dignified face, Ren Yuxin took out the operation report of the League of heroes with better data performance in the spirit of letting the boss calm down.

More than 5 million people are active every day, and more than 10 million people flow every day!

Seeing this operation data, President Ma\'s dignified face finally relaxed. Fortunately, there is a hero alliance to cheer himself and Tencent. If he had not repeatedly insisted on not accepting Huizhong\'s investment in the research and development of hero alliance in the board of directors, let alone Huizhong\'s request to buy the agency right of hero Alliance in China from Tencent, This excellent game project has become a sharp weapon for the enemy again?

President Ma flipped the operation report of the League of heroes for several pages. The more he looked at it, the more relaxed and gratified he was, because even on the day of the public beta of Jedi survival on October 31, the data of the League of heroes were not greatly affected.

It seems that at this stage, the coincidence of users of League of heroes and Jedi survival is not very high. League of heroes is also a new game that has just been released for less than 4 months, and the players have enough interest and freshness!

"Well, from the data, our previous estimates and promotion effects are very significant. In the future, you continue to increase the promotion efforts and strive to win over the users of Huizhong\'s Jedi survival and even steam China!"

Mr. Ma is ruthless at the bottom of his heart. The good data performance of the hero League makes him see the hope of catching up with and surpassing Huizhong in the game field.

After listening to Mr. Ma\'s instructions, Ren Yuxin, standing opposite the desk, nodded frequently. Then he hesitated and asked:

"So this side of crossing the line of fire..."

When Ren Yuxin said this, he dared not go on, because he saw that President Ma had just improved his face and showed signs of being gloomy again. President Ma frowned and said:

"Look at the report, the effect and usefulness of a series of activities you have carried out before are not great. Once they have a public test, no one will play on your side. It can be seen that Jedi survival still has some advantages in playing!"

Mr. Ma stopped talking when he said this, but the clever Ren Yuxin had long understood Mr. Ma\'s meaning. He nodded and said:

"When I go back, I will immediately convene the producers and planners of the project team of crossing the line of fire to launch our own chicken eating and playing method as soon as possible!"

When Mr. Ma heard him say "eat chicken", he looked up and looked at him unhappily. Ren Yuxin quickly waved his hand and explained, "I read it online. Only by knowing myself and the enemy can I win a hundred battles!"

Seeing that President Ma seemed to believe his explanation, Ren Yuxin breathed a deep sigh in his heart. If President Ma knew that he, the general head of Tencent\'s game department, was still playing the "chicken eating" game of competitor Huizhong at more than 1:00 last night, I\'m afraid President Ma would be in a mood to open him immediately!

However, Ren Yuxin was relieved at the bottom of his heart. President Ma\'s next sentence made him feel the pain of eating Coptis:

"I assure the board that the contribution of the game department will not be less than 35% of the company\'s total revenue this quarter. Do you think your department can do it now?"

"President Ma, you can also see the situation of crossing the line of fire. The hero League has to spend most of its income on promotion. I..."

Although President Ma knows that Ren Yuxin\'s explanations are reasonable, should these explanations become an excuse and reason for failing to achieve KPI?

Mr. Ma waved his hand and said, "you don\'t have to explain to me that the company has been stabilized by Huizhong in the field of mobile social networking. If we can\'t hold a third of an acre in the field of games, where do you think the future of Tencent is? Do we Tencent, as outsiders say, decline, abandoned by the times, and go from prosperity to decline like Yahoo?"

When it comes to this, where does Ren Yuxin dare to contradict President Ma again? Just, it\'s not a hooligan to determine the KPI and the solution!

Now the business and revenue of Tencent\'s major game projects are shrinking. In addition to the new public beta of hero alliance, where can he get so much revenue to complete the KPI assigned by President Ma?

"Further commercialization of League of heroes?" Ren Yuxin just thought of this and rejected the answer from the bottom of his heart. Not to mention that League of heroes is a competitive game with high requirements for fairness. This game alone has been public for less than 4 months. If the commercialization process is accelerated too early now, it will inevitably lead to the disgust of many players, Greatly reduce the life cycle and operation life of the game.

"League of heroes" is a game reserve project signed by Tencent three years ago. Not only Ren Yuxin himself, but also president Ma also regards this game as a treasure. If he uses a knife in this game, it is tantamount to throwing himself, the game department and Tencent\'s future into the fire pit.

But "League of heroes" can\'t. what about other projects? For example, in "crossing the line of fire" with dismal data, Ren Yuxin thought of dozens of roles with different looks, gender and skin color in the mall, as well as all kinds of dazzling role costumes and decorations when he played Jedi survival last night. His mind seemed to be full of money making inspiration!

Thinking of this, Ren Yuxin said confidently, "President Ma, I\'ll set up a military order for you. If the KPI of this quarter can\'t be reached, you can deal with me whatever you want!"

Mr. Ma looked up at him and seemed to guess his idea in the twinkling of an eye. He waved his hand and said, "OK, go out first. In addition to the League of heroes, you can do whatever you like. You can master the balance yourself!"

Hearing this, Ren Yuxin\'s eyes twitched slightly. President Ma\'s "balance" means that you want to make more money and don\'t want to be scolded too hard by players. Don\'t you want to set up a memorial archway when you become a * son!

"Sure, sure!" Ren Yuxin said helplessly, but he talked to President Ma from the bottom of his heart.

When Ren Yuxin finished speaking, he turned and prepared to leave Mr. Ma\'s office.

Just then, the door of the office was knocked. After getting the consent of President Ma, President Ma\'s beautiful secretary hurried in, looked at Ren Yuxin and turned to report to President Ma:

"President Ma, Huizhong has just released a message. I think it\'s very necessary for you to have a look!"