Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 441

As early as a few years ago, Fang Zhe and Huizhong tried to have many contacts with fist companies, hoping to win the agency right of hero alliance in China.

Even a year ago, Fang zhe sent representatives to the United States, hoping to buy all the shares of the fist company of the R & D hero alliance at a price of hundreds of millions of dollars.

Unfortunately, Huizhong representative without exception closed the door, and the biggest obstacle is that he won the agency right of hero alliance in China since 2008, and later invested in fist for many times until he finally completely acquired all the shares of fist company, Tencent!

The rise of Huizhong wechat has led to major setbacks in Tencent\'s transformation in the mobile Internet era. Therefore, Tencent has to seek deeper and longer-term development in the inherent PC field.

One of them is to make greater efforts in the field of end games. Therefore, since the domestic public beta of the hero alliance in July this year, Tencent has spent a lot of money on promotion, video advertising, novel website advertising, and even Internet cafes. Tencent can be said to treasure the game of the hero alliance at all costs.

The results are also obvious. After only two months of public beta, the number of registered users in China exceeded 10 million, and the number of daily active users exceeded 5 million, directly crowding into the top five of the existing end game games in China!

Fang Zhe, as a reborn, knows that the horror and potential of the game of hero alliance have not fully erupted. If the gathering of agents dota2 does not fight back as soon as possible, dota2 can only be the second in this field when the hero alliance has a complete foothold in the domestic game player group!

For two consecutive days, Fang zhe held a number of cross ocean video conferences with senior executives of game departments such as Huang Zheng, who are far away in China, to learn more about dota2 and Huang Zheng\'s detailed plans for holding dota2 International Invitational Competition in China.

Two days later, Fang Zhe, who temporarily changed his return trip plan, appeared at the headquarters of valve company in Seattle.

This is Fang Zhe\'s second visit to valve\'s headquarters. His last visit was more than two years ago. In order to strive for the introduction of steam China, Huizhong rose in the global game industry at that time, but it was not ranked in the global Internet industry.

Two years later, Huizhong has become the unlisted Internet company with the highest valuation in the world, and has been rated as the world\'s most potential Internet start-up company by many well-known media such as Wall Street Journal, fortune, Time magazine and so on.

This moment and that moment, Fang Zhe\'s identity and status are also rising!

Therefore, when Fang zhe appeared at the headquarters of valve company, including G Pang, chairman of valve, as well as several shareholders and executives of the company, they were welcomed at the door of the company.

The strong development of steam China represented by Huizhong makes steam platform the largest and most user video game platform in the world. Steam China alone has more than 30 million registered users, contributing more than half of the revenue and profits to valve company!

Now, although steam China has been open for nearly two years, it still maintains an annual growth rate of more than 30% in terms of the number of registered users and revenue profits, which far exceeds the development speed of steam in non Chinese regions and the average development speed of the global game industry.

China\'s huge game market potential is amazing!

"Mr. Fang Zhe, nice to meet you!" g Pang warmly shook hands with Fang zhe with a smile familiar to countless game players.

After the greeting, G Pang sent away most of the welcoming employees, led Fang Zhe and his party to the reception room with several senior executives, and constantly introduced the recent development status and plans of valve company and steam all over the world along the way.

Compared with Fang Zhe\'s high and cold attitude when he visited two years ago, g fat at this time is no different from a warm and hospitable fat man.

"Am I the gold lord father of club v?" Fang zhe thought for a moment.

In the reception room, G Pang simply introduced Fang Zhe to two people around him. A middle-aged woman with blond hair and blue eyes and full of mature professional charm is now the general person in charge of steam\'s non China region. Another middle-aged man with a stubby beard, wearing glasses and not losing weight to G Pang is the producer of dota2.

After a brief introduction, G Pang directly opened the topic:

"Mr. Fang Zhe, I know your purpose of changing your itinerary to our valve, but I have explained our reasons to Huang Zheng. Dota2 will open the public beta in the world in February next year. Considering the overall global operation of the game, we want to put the Ti2 venue in Seattle.

Of course, we don\'t pay little attention to the Chinese market, but you should know that dota2 is in the global unified public beta this time. Seattle\'s popularity and influence in North America and Europe are better than any city in China.

The year after next, Ti3 will be held in China. What do you think? "

G fat\'s answer is not what Fang zhe expected. In fact, this is also the habitual thinking of European and American game companies such as valve. Although they value the Chinese market, they pay more attention to the base European and American market.

In order to make valve and g fat agree to hold Ti2 in China, Fang zhe has come up with a winning plan in the remote meeting with Huang Zheng and others in the past two days and attack from the opposite side!

Before, whether Huang Zheng and valve fought for the right to host Ti2, or Huang Zheng reported to Fang zhe about the benefits of holding Ti2 in China, but it is obvious that valve and g fat do not eat this set. In their mind, no matter how well dota2 operates in China, it is not as important as the European and American markets.

Therefore, instead of directly responding to G Pang, Fang zhe looked at the two executives next to him and asked:

"Ms. Laura, you are responsible for the global operation of steam. You must also know the current number of users of steam in China."

"More than 30 million, to be exact, more than 32 million as of last quarter!" Laura said with certainty.

Fang zhe nodded, looked at the middle-aged man sitting next to her and asked, "Mr. Michael, you are the producer of dota2. I think you should know who is the most powerful competitor of dota2 in the global market?"

Hearing Fang Zhe\'s question, Michael rubbed the corners of his mouth with his hand, looked at boss g fat and said:

"The hero alliance of fist company!"

"Yes! That\'s it!" Fang zhe snapped his fingers, glanced at g Pang and said:

"On July 7 of this month, that is, less than 12 days ago, Tencent, the agent of hero alliance in China, announced that the number of registered users of this game in China exceeded 10 million. At this time, it is only more than two months from its public beta on July 28!"

"10 million?" before g Pang spoke, Michael, the producer of dota2, shouted in surprise. No wonder he was so impolite. You know, with his many years of experience in the game industry, there are only a few end games with more than 10 million users. Any one is a famous classic game in the world.

Now, the number of registered users in China alone has exceeded 10 million in just two months. If the person who told him the news was Fang Zhe, founder of Huizhong, who was fatter than his boss g, I\'m afraid he must think it was a gimmick and hype deliberately released by his fist!

"Terrible, the League of heroes is terrible!" Michael\'s heart was full of waves.