Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 308

Ma and the executives of Tencent believe that after the update of mobile QQ, Huizhong\'s fantasy of breaking into the social field through wechat has been completely disillusioned.

Especially after the May Day holiday, at the regular meeting of Tencent\'s senior management, his subordinates reported that during the May Day holiday, the number of active users of mobile QQ increased by as much as 50%, and the number of new users increased by 150% than usual, an increase of 300% compared with the may day period in the same period last year. The corners of President Ma\'s mouth rose slightly.

"Hum, overestimate your strength. The media also said that you have foresight and deployed cloud computing earlier than us. Now it seems that you spend so much effort to promote wechat in China. What\'s the use? You\'d better do a good job in your international market!"

Mr. Ma was disgusted. At the same time, he thought to himself, it seems that wechat is still popular overseas. Although he can\'t get the accurate data of wechat overseas, he ranked among the top in the free lists of app stores and Android markets in many parts of the world. I think the load should not be low. In this way, now is really the best time for mobile chat software to go to sea? Do we want Tencent\'s mobile QQ?

The Internet industry has typical head effect and siphon effect. The more it develops, the more resources gathered at the top, until it finally reaches the winner takes all situation.

This is the same as the gap between the rich and the poor that ordinary people often say. The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer and poorer. Wechat is placed here because it has always been in the front of the download list. It is also the mobile chat software that new users naturally pay attention to first.

Now wechat has been at the top of the free download list for more than two months, which shows that its core value can indeed stand the test of the market. If you replace two months with two years or more, I\'m afraid wechat may really become a global mobile chat software!

For wechat, which has now climbed the list, Mr. Ma always feels that with the accumulated experience of his own Tencent in the social field for more than ten years, there should be a great winning rate for the newly born wechat, right?

If we wait for another year and a half, I\'m afraid even President Ma definitely doesn\'t know who else can challenge wechat\'s position overseas? Probably only Myspace and Facebook, which currently have 300 or 400 million users worldwide, can have this possibility and qualification!

At the thought of this, President Ma suddenly became a little excited. For many years, he has rarely been so excited since he founded Tencent for more than ten years. However, how can he not be excited when he thought that Tencent is likely to catch up with an opportunity to go to sea and an opportunity that Tencent has tried countless times without success in the past? Think about what a great achievement it would be if billions of people around the world were using QQ he founded!

Mr. Ma\'s mouth is rising higher and higher. The top executives at the bottom also have a rare and puzzled guess. The big boss is so happy to think of what good thing. Even if mobile QQ has a good record in the May Day holiday, there is no need to be so happy for Mr. Ma who is used to seeing big winds and waves and all kinds of glorious moments!

Sitting beside Mr. Ma, Liu Zhiping noticed that Mr. Ma had some gaffed expression and hummed twice to remind Mr. Ma.

Mr. Ma, who came back, stopped smiling, looked at him, glanced at the executives present and asked, "do you think this is the best time for us to go to sea?"

When President Ma just raised this question, the conference room fell into a moment of silence, and then burst into a burst of heated discussion.

Although the voices of senior executives are small, they are very enthusiastic. None of them who can be senior officials of Tencent is a fool. Everyone knows what white horse always means by asking. It is obvious that Huizhong, a social novice, has built a wechat software and is proud in the overseas market. If they change Tencent, a social king, to do it, it must also have great possibility and imagination.

Thinking of this, executives also understand that Mr. Ma was a bit of a fool just now. He probably thought that since Huizhong\'s wechat could develop so well, what about Tencent?

I\'m afraid Tencent may really take this opportunity to become a global Internet company. At that time, Tencent will not be limited to domestic business as it is now, but become a real multinational company. Considering that QQ has billions of users around the world, many executives at the bottom also seem to be infected, with fantasy smiles on their faces.

Mr. Ma didn\'t stop their discussion. A few minutes later, a radical executive raised his hand directly to speak. Everyone calmed down and planned to listen to what he wanted to say.

I saw such executives stand up, try to suppress some excited tone and say: Mr. Ma, I think now is definitely the best time for Tencent to go to sea. Even if it is not the best time, it must be a very good time. Now that the mobile Internet is rising all over the world, Huizhong has taken advantage of this east wind to get involved in our social field. In China, we have mobile QQ and are not afraid of it, But overseas, whether it\'s MySpace, Facebook or Microsoft\'s MSN, it doesn\'t do much in the field of mobile chat software.

Myspace and Facebook take the social network route. MSN, like us in the past, just focuses on the social chat software on the computer. Just on the mobile chat software, Huizhong\'s wechat has drilled the biggest loophole.

Moreover, the mobile chat software market is likely to be the largest blue ocean and gold mine in the mobile Internet industry in the next few years, so I think it is necessary for us to try again whether this is the best time for Tencent to go to sea or not. With the case of Huizhong wechat first, I think our probability of success is much higher than before, If you wait another year or two to go to sea, I\'m afraid overseas may have been occupied by wechat or wechat\'s future competitors!

After the executive finished speaking, the conference room fell into a quiet for a few seconds. Everyone looked at President Ma sitting in the chair. At least we had to look at his attitude before speaking.

After a few seconds of silence, President Ma looked at the executive and clapped. With his slow applause, other executives in the conference room also clapped slowly.

In the numerous high-level conference rooms of Tencent for more than a decade, President Ma personally took the lead in applauding, and one hand counted. It can be seen that President Ma appreciated and agreed with the views of the executive at this time. At the same time, we also understand that President Ma really wanted Tencent to go to sea and fight with wechat overseas!

Just when Mr. Ma and the senior management were all happy and thought that the general direction of this matter had been decided, Liu Zhiping, sitting on the right of Mr. Ma, slowly said after the applause fell: "Mr. Ma, I think it is indeed a rare opportunity for us to go to sea, but I\'m afraid our mobile QQ can\'t go to sea!"