Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 157

Now, the GM tool of Huizhong mobile game Department has a set of standard templates. In addition, the developers of each group will carry out different development according to their different needs.

Some rough statistics used in the early statistical tools have now been replaced by fine statistics, such as the paid conversion of US dollar to RMB. Now the exchange rate has been adjusted to 6.9. This figure is used uniformly by the overseas business department of the company and corrected once a month according to the exchange rate at that time, which is also convenient for the subsequent operation and financial review of flow data.

Looking at the changed figures on the statistics page, the anxiety at the bottom of my heart disappeared, and then filled my heart with unparalleled excitement.

He has no reason not to be excited. Since he entered the company a few months ago, he felt that he had taken a shit luck and was favored by Fang zhe as a producer. To tell the truth, he has been very nervous these days, especially the closer the project is to the launch day, the more serious this mood is.

This is his first time as a producer. He has little experience. Therefore, he can only make more efforts than others and seriously ask Shen Liang or the elderly of other companies for advice. In addition, for each member of the group, he doesn\'t have the shelf of a producer. His only hope is that everyone can work with him to do a good job in this game.

Over the past few months, from the update of the fruit games, the public beta of the page tour platform, "don\'t step on the white block" has been launched, and the international version of happy farm has been logged on Facebook. Each product of the company has been launched, and the project teams are cheering and boiling because of their achievements.

The only consolation he can find for his group, which has been quiet for a long time, is that the company has not launched the "fruit Xiaole", a closely related project team.

Before that, the company also invested a lot of energy in this project. In addition to buying the game adaptation authorization of "Superman" from American DC Comics at a high price, many art and dubbing in the game are also from the top touch and sound excellence in the industry.

The company\'s other two "fruit Games" and "don\'t step on white blocks", which have made great achievements online, also because they updated the game some time ago and added their promotional videos of the game. In addition, the operation Department and publicity and development department have long begun to prepare and operate.

Such a big battle and resource investment make the braised eggplant, a new producer, feel a lot of pressure. Countless times, he will flash in his mind. What if the game fails? Will he say goodbye to the producer and the company! Now, when braised eggplant sees the number of 213 registered users on the page, most of his negative emotions and pessimistic ideas have disappeared from his mind.

Instead of waiting for the long refresh time of statistical tools for one minute, he can\'t wait to operate the mouse and click the refresh button again and again. The statistics on the page are constantly changing, 2991492.0110294.8693741866.2612877.194... In the twinkling of an eye, the flow revenue of the game has exceeded 10000 people\'s dollars!

Braised eggplant is full of joy. Other people in the project team have also noticed the expression change of braised eggplant at the moment. Although they have no permission to view the operation data, everyone wants to know how the operation data is and how the game results are. Now they see their boss full of joy. Everyone knows that the results should be good, I just don\'t know. What\'s the specific data?

Braised eggplant looked up and glanced at the members of the project team. At this time, most people\'s attention was focused on him. To tell the truth, no one is in the mood to work at ease now.

"It\'s broken!" braised eggplant reported the good news to the people with a happy tone.

In the whole group, everyone showed a happy smile on their faces. If they were not in the office now, they all wanted to shout a few cheers. At this time, a newcomer in the group asked:

"Boss, are users breaking ten thousand dollars or running water breaking ten thousand dollars?"

The braised eggplant turned a little black and said to him, "you don\'t have to go to the celebration party tonight!"

"Ah?" the newcomer was still a little unclear. Therefore, the colleague sitting next to him stabbed him in the arm and whispered, "our game sells for $4.99. It takes at least 2000 registered users to pass $10000. The game has only been online for a few minutes. How can there be so many people, let alone tens of thousands of users? What do you think?"

The newcomer reacted that he had made a big mistake. Seeing that the boss was happy now, he asked such a mindless question. He said with some embarrassment:

"Boss, I..."

"Come on, I\'m kidding! No one is allowed to ask for leave at the celebration banquet tonight!" braised eggplant was smiling. Anyone can see that he was pretending to be unhappy just now.

"I..." the newcomer was submissive and wanted to talk. Braised eggplant joked: "as long as the number of users can break 10000 before 0:00 tonight, I\'ll invite you alone tomorrow. If it doesn\'t break 10000, how about you invite me alone?"

The newcomer didn\'t wait to speak. Everyone else in the project team scrambled and said, "boss, why don\'t you invite me! It\'s an inevitable event to break 10000 before 0:00 tonight!"


In the evening, the auspicious birds near the company, Fang Zhe, Shen Liang and all members of the braised eggplant project team will hold a celebration banquet together, which is also a tradition and hidden rule slowly formed since the establishment of Huizhong. On the evening of the launch of each project, Fang zhe will hold a celebration banquet together with all members of the group!

I\'m afraid Fang zhe didn\'t even think about it. If one day the online project doesn\'t achieve good results, he should not hold this celebration banquet. Obviously, this kind of thing has never happened in Huizhong and is unlikely to happen!

At 18:47 this evening, "Xuanfei Superman" was launched for 6 hours and 47 minutes. The number of registered users of the game exceeded 10000, and the running water also reached 49900 US dollars, converting more than 340000 yuan!

This data is enough to prove that this project is definitely another popular project. This game was released at 12 noon today, and the corresponding U.S. time is 0 a.m., that is, tens of thousands of downloads were completed late at night in the United States!

Even if Fang zhe doesn\'t have to calculate, he can guess casually. The data 24 hours after the release of this game must be more than two or three times that of now! Huizhong, another thigh walking in dollars!

Hand in a cup and change a cup!

After a while, after drinking a lot of wine, he finally let go of his courage. He slowly went to Liu Wenwen, the female planner of his group, knelt on one knee, gave a red rose he didn\'t know where to find, and shouted, "Wen Wen, be my girlfriend!"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the bustling private room fell into solidification!

Quiet, as quiet as the sound of the needle falling!

Shen Liang, who is chatting with Fang Zhe, is mute. Fang zhe also looks at the braised eggplant kneeling on one knee with incredible eyes. However, other members of their group seem to have expected. Each face has a look of excitement and quietly pays attention to their boss\'s confession!