Reborn multinational giant

Chapter 149

On the mobile game, don\'t step on the white block, a game just launched at Christmas, both user groups and running water are still growing steadily. In more than a month since it was launched, it has created running water of more than 20 million yuan.

The fruit games, after a wave of small peaks on Christmas and new year\'s day, has fallen into a decline. The champion of the game in the best-selling list has given way to the new "don\'t step on white blocks", and its ranking has also slipped to third place.

This is not a problem with the game, but the fruit games, which has explored the ceiling of potential users of the app store.

As a paid game, the flow revenue of this game is supported by new users. There are no other payment methods in the game. Therefore, on the app store with fewer and fewer potential users, the decline in the revenue of this game is an inevitable result.

Next, Fang zhe plans to let the development department add some paid content in the game. Although this may attract criticism from some players, this method is an inevitable choice for the long-term operation of the game.

In Fang Zhe\'s place, he naturally can\'t limit Huizhong\'s mobile game business to two games and Appstore. Therefore, in Huizhong\'s new year\'s plan, Xuanfei Superman developed by braised eggplant group and fruit Xiaole led by Li Mengwei\'s project group have also been listed on the online schedule. These two games have entered the stage of comprehensive testing and fine tuning. The launch date is one in mid February and one in early March.

In addition, Fang zhe also plans to transfer some old people and recruit new people from the existing project teams to form three new mobile game project teams. At that time, the number of project teams of the mobile game department will reach as many as 7.

This number has basically reached the project team size of the previous medium-sized mobile game companies. Of the three new project teams, two will be responsible for the two flagship Games "Temple Escape" and "fishing master" in the future.

"Temple Escape" is a 3D Parkour game popular all over the world in previous generations. Let alone the benefits, this game is the first 3D game developed by Huizhong mobile game department since its establishment. If this game is done well, it will certainly lay a great technical foundation for Huizhong to make other 3D games in the future.

As for "fishing expert", the production of this game is not just as simple as making the game. It is not difficult to make this game according to the technology and framework of previous games, but the previous technology and framework have no small complexity and defects.

For example, at present, the four games of Huizhong are all developed for the IOS system. If you want to release them to Android or other smartphone platforms, the whole company does not have a mature solution. Therefore, Fang zhe plans to take the opportunity of making fishing talent to get the cocos2d-x engine out by the way.

This engine is neither difficult nor simple. It evolved on the basis of cocos2d engine. In addition to cross platform support for various smartphone operating systems, various frameworks and Middleware in the engine can also provide a lot of convenience for developers and greatly improve their development efficiency.

Therefore, Fang zhe plans to open the third mobile game project team, which is actually the cocos2d-x engine R & D project team. While developing this engine, this project team will also serve as the technical basic service department to provide technical support and solutions for various problems encountered by the whole mobile game department.

From particle rendering to performance optimization, ordinary technical developers can\'t do it. Therefore, from the beginning of the establishment of this project group, it is doomed that this group will be a gathering of technical giants.

After sorting out the plans and arrangements for Huizhong\'s two core businesses, page games and mobile games, Fang zhe finally began to ponder his idea of setting up a mobile Internet business department after brewing for several months!

Although Huizhong has done a lot of mobile games since its establishment. Last time we talked with President Lei, Fang zhe also said that they are doing mobile Internet, but really speaking, mobile games can only be regarded as a branch of the mobile Internet era, not the main pole!

The main pole of the mobile Internet is still an application that provides all kinds of services for all smartphone users. App, from social chat, voice and video, to shopping, tourism, ordering meals and taking a taxi, has basically moved most of the services in the real world and the PC Internet era to the mobile Internet and become a concrete application.

On the whole mobile Internet, the content is huge and complex, and the types and service contents of apps are also diverse. Fang Zhe and Huizhong can\'t all be involved. Therefore, Fang zhe can only choose the main and what he can do.

First of all, the first or the first category must be social products. The WhatsApp of previous overseas generations should have launched the app store in June this year. At that time, this application was only developed by two developers in their spare time. Fang zhe here made a time difference with them and used a team to do it. The simple version plus various language versions and service support is estimated to be completed in two months, The early difficulty of such products lies not in technology, but in product content and operation.

In addition to WhatsApp, there are also two social applications valued by Fang Zhe in Southeast Asia. One is Japan\'s line and the other is South Korea\'s kakaotalk. Russia and some Eastern Europe also have chat software incubated by social networking website VK. In addition, Fang Zhe\'s most valued opponents are actually Facebook in the United States and Tencent in China.

At present, Facebook has put up a mobile version of Facebook in the app store. Just because Facebook is a social network similar to QQ space, it is not a mobile IM software. However, if Facebook launches a new mobile IM software and there are no other mobile IM software on the market, it will take minutes to accumulate users with Facebook\'s huge traffic.

In previous lifetimes, Facebook, like Tencent in China, was late to wake up. It was not until WhatsApp accumulated hundreds of millions of users overseas and meter chat accumulated tens of millions of users in China that Facebook and Tencent felt that they really needed to launch a new simple mobile IM software to occupy the market and fight against their opponents. Before that, Facebook has always regarded the mobile version of Facebook as the core of Facebook\'s mobile business, and Tencent has always regarded mobile QQ as the core of Tencent\'s mobile business.

It was not until WhatsApp and Mi chat grew that they launched Facebook messenger and wechat successively. Even so, uneasy Facebook still spent $19 billion to acquire WhatsApp, which has been established for five years. This is puzzling to outsiders. In fact, in the view of Internet people like Fang Zhe, Facebook has done a very cost-effective deal.

Because of the preconceived nature of social products and the winner takes all attribute, WhatsApp, which seized the market earlier than Facebook Messenger, has basically stabilized the mobile IM market in most parts of Europe. In the U.S. market, WhatsApp failed to grab many users in the United States because of the rise of snapchat, a local mobile IM application.

If the launch time of Tencent\'s wechat is slower than the first half of the year, I\'m afraid users who are used to chatting with rice will find it difficult to return to Tencent\'s social product circle. At that time, most of the first generation QQ users were tired of talking on QQ and tired of brushing QQ space. QQ\'s stickiness to this part of the user group, Limited to QQ, there is still a friend network they may contact.

Once the meter chat trend is natural, Tencent\'s achievements in mobile IM business will only be the same as the search and social networking that Tencent has been unable to help up. Because of the existence of Ali and Baidu, it is useless to guide much traffic.