Reborn Girl's New Life

Chapter 905

What else can the Xue family do now?

There is no way for the Xue family to continue to dislike song Yunying under such a general trend.

Song Yunying is not good at it, but what can the Xue family do?

Song Yunying stood on Song Yunxuan's side when the whole song family chose to stand in line.

From that time, it was destined that song Yunying could live a safe life.

Even if Xue Tao dislikes him, there is no way to drive him out of the Song family.

Although Xue Tao's mother made a compromise, she also expressed her apology.

But song Yunying still pursed her lips, sad mouth: "Mom, Dad, I know that Tao accident you are very sad, but, you say me, I also feel very wronged."

As soon as Xue Tao's father heard song Yunying's words, he knew that song Yunying had not thrown the matter away.

So he waited for his wife.

Xue Tao's mother was very helpless, so she had to say: "Yunying, I'm wrong about this. I'm going to wrongly you without any evidence. I hope you can forgive me. A Tao has become like this. Our family must live a good life in the future."

Xue Tao will never have a second child in his life.

Song Yunying has song Yunxuan to support her.

As long as song Yunying can get by, the Xue family's life can also get by, at least don't worry about being affected by the ambition of the Chu and song families.

Leaving song Yunying in the Xue family is also an amulet for the Xue family.

If my son becomes like this, he will have to be dumb.

As long as the Sun Tzu is good, he can continue the Xue family.

Xue Tao's mother and his father thought so.

Song Yunying listened to Xue Tao's mother apologizing to her, and then said, "maybe a Tao just woke up and didn't want to see me. I'll go back to take care of the children first."

She didn't want to stay in this place to waste time with the Xue family.

Nowadays, going to see a child is just an excuse.

Song Yunying left the hospital.

And a doctor came out of the operating room.

As soon as he saw the doctor coming out of the operating room, Xue Tao's parents immediately welcomed him and asked anxiously, "how is Tao in our family?"

The doctor looked at Xue Tao's parents helplessly, and his voice was full of sympathy: "life is saved, that is, he may lose his fertility in the future."

Hurt like this, losing fertility is almost in Xue Tao's father's expectation.

Now the doctor said so, his heart is also a burst of sadness.

Xue Tao's mother couldn't accept the fact. She tugged at the doctor's clothes and said, "can you help him again! I just have such a son. I can't make him like this, doctor

Xue Tao's mother's gaffe is understandable in the eyes of doctors.

However, the doctor still put out his hand and pushed away Xue Tao's mother's hand: "madam, we have tried our best. It's lucky that Mr. Xue can survive such an injury."

What he meant by that was to satisfy Xue Tao's parents.

However, although Xue Tao's father knew this meaning.

Xue Tao's mother didn't want to accept it anyway.

How can she accept the child that she has been giving birth to for so many years now.

She raised her head and wanted to tell her husband that the sister song Yunying was in trouble.

However, her husband seemed to know what she was going to say, shaking his head: "now, don't say those words that cause us trouble."

Their Xue family has nothing left.

Want to survive, want a Xue family to continue to have a foothold in the Cloud City, the best way is to let song Yunying with the children to stay in the Xue family.

Song Yunxuan is now a big force in Yuncheng.

Add Chu Mo Chen to assist from the side.

Following song Yunxuan, under the protection of song Yunxuan, will not suffer too much loss.

Xue Tao's mother gritted her teeth with hatred: "but the second half of a Tao's life..."

"As long as our Xue family has a grandson, song Yunying's grandson is also song Yunxuan's nephew. As long as the child is OK, our Xue family will be OK. If you want to be open, we don't have much ability to fight with song Yunxuan."

What Xue Tao's father said is true.

Xue Tao's mother, however, could not refute what he said.

"But I can't forget what sister song Yunying did after all. When I saw song Yunying, I thought I wanted to kill her."

"Then you don't want to live in Yuncheng," Xue Tao's father sighed, holding his wife. "We're not in Yuncheng anymore. Let's live abroad."

They are old, too.

Now that we are unable to continue to fight in Cloud City.

I can't compete with song Yunxuan.It's better to push down and give the Xue family to her son and daughter-in-law.

If daughter-in-law wants to live in Yuncheng and want children to be the heirs of the Xue family, she will not make the Xue family look too ugly.

Although the son lost fertility, relying on this child, he can live with song Yunying all his life.

They can't control anything any more. Next, they have to rely on themselves.

Xue Tao's father told his wife.

Xue Tao's mother frowned and thought for a long time, then she lowered her eyes and nodded weakly like compromise.

Yes, I can only do what my husband said.

There is no other way.

Song Yunying knows that Xue's two elders have nothing to do with her. When she gets home, she takes her child to walk around the room, and then gives her baby to the nanny.

Then we went to the hospital to see song Yunxuan.

Song Yunxuan has been transferred to the ward.

Shao Xue and Zang ling'er are in the baby room, looking around the child.

Even as a father, Chu Mo Chen can only watch the children outside the ward.

"This child is so cute," Zang ling'er looked envious, then turned to Shao Xue, "who do you think this child is like?"

Shao Xue was asked, of course, is to look at the next Chu Mo Chen, smile: "since it's Chu Shao's child, of course, it's like Chu Shao."

"But my daughter, I think she will be more like Yunxuan."

Zang ling'er looked at the child in the warm room and felt that the child was like a little angel. Now he was lying quietly on the little bed.

Sleeping appearance, let people see the heart is full of pink bubbles.

"I really want to have this lovely child in the future."

Zang ling'er couldn't help talking.

Shao Xue encouraged her: "then you should get married quickly and have a child."

"Get married..." Zang ling'er repeated these two words, a little self mockery, and said, "it's better to look at other people's children. People like me will have children there."

From the time she was taken to Zang's family, it was doomed that she could not get married.

It's impossible to have a baby for a man.

Until she died, she would be the master of the Zang family.

Getting married and having children is just a dream. , the fastest update of the webnovel!