Reborn Girl's New Life

Chapter 903

Song Yunxuan was pushed out of the delivery room and arranged in the ward.

And the little child was also put in the cradle, with special medical staff to take care of him.

Song Yunxuan gives birth naturally, mother and son are safe.

The baby was born at sunset.

After Song Yunxuan gave birth to her baby, she fainted before she had time to look at the child.

Chu Mo Chen accompanies her the whole process, see she finally smoothly gave birth to the child, in the heart just relaxed a breath.

As soon as she wanted to talk to her, song Yunxuan grabbed his hand and fell asleep.

The doctor took the child to Chu Mo Chen.

Other people's children are wrinkled when they are born, just like a little old man.

But he and song Yunxuan's child, from the time they were born, looked very cute.

Although the child didn't open his eyes, Chu Mochen knew that when the child opened his eyes, he must be very beautiful.

Such a beautiful child will be more similar to song Yunxuan when she grows up.

"Congratulations to Chu Shao for getting a thousand gold."


Song Yunxuan successfully gave birth to a daughter.

Mother and son are safe.

After Song Yunxuan finished her production, the news was soon released by the Chu family.

All the media want to rush to the hospital to take two pictures.

It's certainly not easy to take pictures of children, but it's always OK to take pictures of adults, isn't it?

Unfortunately, even adults, the Chu family did not allow reporters to go with the media to shoot.

The Chu family sent a big red envelope to the media who reported on the production of song Yunxuan, and informed the whole Yuncheng that the Chu family had got the eldest granddaughter.

It's like having a daughter and a grandson.

Song Yunying was relieved to hear that her sister had given birth smoothly.

But Xue's family is running to the hospital.

Of course, it was not the hospital where song Yunxuan was, but another hospital.

Human medicine.

People's doctors in Yuncheng are always in trouble, and they are also one of the hospitals that all kinds of rich families will go to when there is an accident.

The reason, I am afraid, is that things changed after Gu Changge died in Renyi.

Gu Changge, a man like this, should not have died in human medicine, but he died in it.

Moreover, it's not like I'm willing to give my heart to Gu Changle.

However, the doctor was able to say that she was willing to give her heart to her sister.

In this way, many rich families know that it's very easy for people's doctors to turn a thing black into white.

It's also easy to confuse right and wrong.

In other words, it's OK to keep them quiet about something.

Therefore, many rich scandal, have chosen to go to the doctor for treatment.

After that, give a lot of money and seal it up.

Let these rich secret never spread out again.

Xue Tao's admission to the hospital is not unexpected for doctors. However, the injury of Xue Tao's admission this time is somewhat different from that in the past.

Song Yunying got the news of her sister's smooth production, and her heart has stabilized.

When Xue Tao's parents rushed to call her to a doctor, she was even more calm.

However, when he arrived at the door of Xue Tao's operating room, he was still a little affectionate.

Otherwise, it's not good for outsiders to see it.

At home, you can tear your face and quarrel, but outside, to be a filial daughter-in-law and a good wife of Xue Tao, she still has to do a whole set of drama.

As soon as song Yunying arrived at the door of the operating room, she asked Xue Tao's mother with tears in her eyes: "Mom, what's wrong with Tao?"

As soon as she heard song Yunying say the word "you", Xue Tao's mother couldn't help but want to have an attack.

Frowning, he wants to rush to song Yunying and slap her.

However, Xue Tao's father is extremely calm and rational at the moment.

He reached for his wife and said, "what else do you want to do?"

"For what?" Xue Tao's mother stares at Song Yunying, and almost wants to peel the daughter-in-law's skin and bone. "This pair of snake and scorpion sisters, we a Tao have become like this, it's definitely their two sisters who make it!"

That's right.

But how could song Yunying admit it?

Besides, even if it is forced to admit song Yunying.

Song Yunxuan's position in Yuncheng is so important now, with the support of Chu family behind him. Can his little Xue family shake the trees with mayflies?

Xue Tao's father's heart is like a mirror. He knows that no matter what his son is like this time, he should be glad if he leaves a life.

If you let your wife continue to beat, scold and bully song Yunying.Now Song Yunxuan is not happy. If she stomps her foot, the Xue family will be destroyed.

He wants to keep the whole Xue family, but also want to let his son settle down in the future.

"You need to calm down. Don't you know what's going on in your heart?"

Xue Tao's father asked his wife a little tired.

After listening to her husband's words, Xue Tao's mother turned her head and scolded her husband: "it's you who have to tolerate them again and again. If you don't tolerate them like this..."

Listening to his wife's anger, Xue Tao's father asked her, "can you fight the song and Chu families?"

Xue Tao's mother was stunned, but then she reacted and yelled at Xue Tao's father: "if you can't fight, will you let your son suffer such injustice?"

"Mom, what's the matter with Tao? What kind of grievance has he suffered? "

Song Yunying knows what Xue Tao is like in her heart.

I have to ask again.

Because she has been in the Xue family for such a long time, it makes her feel very happy to see her mother-in-law and father-in-law's face as if they were dead.

"How's it going? Don't you have a lot in mind? "

Xue Tao's mother stares at Song Yunying: "I tell you, song Yunying, you have to die!"

Song Yunying was so directly face-to-face curse, instantly covered his heart, looked at Xue Tao's mother in horror: "Mom, what's the matter with you? Why curse me all of a sudden? "

"I don't just curse you, I curse..."

"You'd better not curse my sister. Yunxuan is Chu Shao's daughter-in-law. Who doesn't know that Chu Shao is famous for her beloved daughter-in-law, and now Yunxuan has the eldest grandson of Chu family..."

Before she had finished her words, she was interrupted by Xue Tao's mother in surprise: "she gave birth to the eldest grandson of the Chu family?"

Song Yunying did not explain.

Since her mother-in-law cut off her own words, it's better to scare her with this misunderstanding.

Save it. She'll say something more later.

"Yes, the first grandson of the Chu family."

Xue Tao's mother's face was ugly: "that..."

Fearing that his wife would say something bad, Xue Tao's father quickly laughed: "congratulations to miss Yunxuan. Congratulations to her for us." , the fastest update of the webnovel!