Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 64

The voice of Joy came out immediately.

Ji Jianyun outside the door listened to the sound of a baby crying. He didn't know what he felt. He was a little silly for a moment. When he came back to himself, he immediately said anxiously, "daughter-in-law, daughter-in-law, what's the matter with you?"

"I told you mother and son are safe. I want you to keep your voice down." The stepmother doesn't have a good airway.

It's already packed up, so he came to open the door and let him in. As a soldier, Ji Jianyun smelled the smell of blood for the first time and immediately came to the bedside to see Sudan red.

Sudan's eyes are bright. It was very hard when she was born, but now that she's finished, she finds that she's full of energy. She feels she can have another one!

"Daughter in law." Ji Jianyun sits beside the bed and looks at her with a guilty face.

"I'm fine. Look at the kids." Said Su Danhong.

Aunt Gu took the baby over and said with a smile: "Jianyun, look at the big fat boy your daughter-in-law gave you. Oh, I haven't seen such a handsome boy since I was born so many years ago!"

What she said is not vanity, but truth. Look at this little guy, he doesn't look like a newborn. Although his skin is a little red, he doesn't wrinkle at all. Newborn children are generally red and wrinkled, like a little monkey, but this little guy is a little red.

And the redder it is, the whiter it will be when it fades.

The stepmother, with a smile on her face, took over the child and said, "Grandma's good grandson, you may be patient, but you will go to college in the future!"

Then he hugged her son and said, "Jianyun, come on, hug. This is your son."

Ji Jianyun is also a brother, and there are younger brothers and sisters. When Ji Jianwen was young, he was not big, so he didn't hold. But when Ji yunyun was born, he was very old and didn't take less. So Ji Jianyun still knows how to hold a child.

It's just that Ji Jianyun is still a little nervous about holding his son.

Such a small ball, he was afraid that he would touch him.

"Don't be so nervous." The stepmother said with a smile.

Ji Jianyun took over the task carefully, as if he had taken over the important task assigned to him by his former chief.

Wait for that small group to embrace into his arms, his hard heart, not to mention how soft it is.

He hugged his son and giggled for a while, then he came to his daughter-in-law and said, "daughter-in-law, you see, this is our son. He looks like you!"

I'm tired, and now I'm laughing like the tide.

"The child's eyes are like Dan Hong, but the nose is like you, and the mouth is like you." The stepmother said with a smile.

Aunt Gu saw Su Danhong's tired appearance and said, "let Dan Hong sleep first."

Seeing this, the stepmother nodded her head, so she came out with aunt Gu first, and gave her Sudan red when she was ready, so she took out the red envelope that she handed over to Aunt Gu.

"What are you doing with me?" Aunt Gu said.

"It's not much. It's just a joy. And Jianyun's daughter-in-law asked me to give it to you. You can take it." The stepmother just stuck it in.

She has also seen the amount of money in the red envelope. Five yuan is not much, but it is definitely a lot.

Aunt Gu didn't say anything. She took the red envelope and went back.

Ji's mother sent the people out, then turned back and told Ji Jianyun outside: "Jianyun, Dan Hong is tired now. You should let her have more rest. Mother should go back to cook for your father first, and later bring some food to Dan Hong."

"Good." Ji Jianyun should go.

The stepmother went back, and Ji Jianyun put the sleeping little guy next to his daughter-in-law and came out to wash.

He had to take care of himself while his daughter-in-law was sleeping with his son.

I came out to brush my teeth and wash my face. I went to the kitchen to make some dumplings for myself. I always have dumplings in the fridge at home, which is convenient.

Just take it out and cook it.

After the dumplings were cooked, he quickly finished eating and came out to wash the clothes he changed last night.

Then she cleaned up the house and was half busy. Aunt Yang came next door with a big basket of eggs.

"Here you are, auntie." Ji Jianyun smiles.

"Just listen to your mother said two words, just know last night on Dan red gave birth to a big fat boy, aunt come to have a look, these eggs you keep." Aunt Yang said with a smile.

"Good." Ji Jianyun is not polite to her either. The two families are very close.

"Aunt Yang said:" the first two or three days to eat light point, such as milk down, when the time comes to eat chicken soup, and then give her stew

Ji Jianyun has learned from his stepmother, but even so, he doesn't mind listening more.

When Aunt Yang saw that he wanted to hear, she told him a lot. For example, the most important thing for a woman is the month of confinement. During the month of confinement, she must not catch cold. She must sit on her feet, or she will leave a whole body sick.

Ji Jianyun nodded solemnly.

"Even if the body is uncomfortable, take a towel to wipe it for her. It's almost finished. Then there's no problem." After a lot of nagging, aunt Yang stopped talking.But Ji Jianyun responded one by one.

Aunt Yang said, "if you need help, come and shout. Aunt is at home all day."

"Thank you, auntie." Ji Jianyun nodded, sent the people out, went back to the room, hung the laundry up, and said to the big black, "look at the door."

"Ouch." Dahei called at him.

Ji Jianyun came back to the house. His son and daughter-in-law were still sleeping.

After a while's sleep, the little guy wakes up. Ji Jianyun's head is big because of his discomfort in peeing. But he is careful. He changes the diaper for the little guy and coaxes him to sleep again.

During this period, his daughter-in-law fell asleep, but her face was red and she was in good condition.

Su Danhong also felt that she had been sleeping in the dark. When she woke up, it was more than one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Daughter in law, are you hungry?"

Ji asked immediately.

The first time for Sudan to see her son, she saw that her son was sleeping, and there was a little dissatisfaction on her little face. With a smile, she nodded and said, "you go to me."

Ji Jianyun went to serve porridge. As soon as Ji Jianyun left, Su Danhong immediately opened her mouth, and the spring water on her index finger flowed into her mouth. After drinking about two cups, Su Danhong felt comfortable.

After Ji Jianyun brought over the porridge, although it was clear porridge, Sudan red was still a little greedy, because he was really hungry.

After two bowls of porridge, Su Danhong was satisfied and said, "Jianyun, do you want to name the child?"

Ji Jianyun said with a smile, "not yet."

"I thought of one. Would you like to hear it?" Sudan raised her eyebrows.

"You said Ji Jianyun nodded.