Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 283

Now it's late July. In a twinkling of an eye, it's time for figs to mature.

Fig is one of Sudan's favorite fruits. She has to eat a lot every year when it matures, and this year is no exception. Although she is still lactating, she still eats it. Moreover, she feels that the milk is more abundant after eating Fig.

Xiang Xiang is fat with milk. Now when he carries him up the mountain, his stepmother will be rare for a long time. Let alone his stepmother, even his stepfather. When he sees his little grandson fat, he will hold him for a while.

There are many kinds of fig trees in her family, and the yield is very good. Every fruit tree is full of fruit, and more than 20 fig trees grow fruit.

This is only on the first orchard, and on the other side of the second orchard.

They are all very sweet and delicious.

Su Danhong is more leisure, but Ji Jianyun is undoubtedly busy. He orders a lot of special transparent plastic boxes to hold figs. The price of each box is 30 cents, and there are four figs inside. The price is not cheap, but expensive.

However, with his packaging, the business is very good, especially in the university town.

The packaging and the price, especially the fruit is really delicious, skin a grill, all sweet and moist pulp, home eating or gifts are very good.

If you eat at home, it's almost enough to buy three or four boxes, but if you give gifts, it must be more than five boxes.

It's very popular.

This year's guomang also invited a lot of short-term workers to help. Sudan is still the boss's style as usual, that is, taking care of children and cooking. Everyone is used to it.

Some people mutter in private that it's too lazy. It's their own work. Why don't they help?

But some people have said that if Jianyun is willing, he is willing to keep his daughter-in-law as a queen. She is not required to do any work. Otherwise, why hire them?

I'm here to work.

What's sour? People have that life!

Look at the three children. They are more and more lovely. Some young daughters-in-law in the village like them very much. They want to come here to help them work for free. When they are finished, they will take some fruit and go back to eat. They will see if the children in their stomach can look as rare as Ren Ren and his three brothers.

While busy with several orchards, Ji Jianyun has to take care of the other side of the reservoir. Of course, he doesn't have to be busy, but occasionally he has to go and have a look.

When she came back in the evening, Sudan prepared a big dinner for him.

Soup is laver soup, vegetable is tomato scrambled eggs, fish is tilapia, with sauce and ginger onion out of the stuffy, more than two kilograms of tilapia, and braised pig feet, all hard vegetables.

Ji Jianyun is satisfied with his food. He is busy outside day by day. He says his daughter-in-law is idle and has nothing to do. However, he knows that because his daughter-in-law is nourishing him day by day, no matter how busy or tired he is, his body is not in deficit.

"There's some honeysuckle water in the kitchen. You can dip your own feet." Sudan said as she cleaned up the dishes.

"A piece of bubble." Ji Jianyun looks at her.

As soon as Su Danhong looked at his eyes, he knew that he was afraid that he was going to have a lust for animals tonight. She gave him a white look and said, "soak yourself. Remember to wash the bowl."

She went out with Renren and Qiqi, and Xiangxiang lying in the cart, together with Dahei, who was the most loyal guardians of their mother and son.

Ji Jianyun smiles and goes to wash the dishes. He is willing to help his daughter-in-law do some housework. When his daughter-in-law is moved, he has meat to eat.

That night, Ji Jianyun ate two meals of meat and was very satisfied.

Su Danhong is also satisfied. Her family Jianyun is becoming more and more sophisticated now. She can always send her to the top twice. Can't she be satisfied?

When she got up the next day, she looked so beautiful that Ji Jianyun's throat slipped again.

He has three children, so he is an old man and wife. But how can his daughter-in-law become more and more attractive?

"I was tired last night. Let's have a rest at home today." Ji Jianyun said so.

In fact, he didn't want his daughter-in-law to go out and show it to others.

Sudan red which also can not know this man's mind, white he one eye: "busy your matter to go."

He is also an old man in his thirties. He is just like a young man who hasn't eaten meat. He is really deadly.

Ji Jianyun is busy. This man can't spare time. He can do anything. As long as he doesn't ask him to be idle, he has no problem. It's nothing to work hard. He can bear hardships.

It's very hot. Sudan is worried about his heatstroke, so every day, honeysuckle and isatis root are boiling to give him water.

There are other kinds of snacks, that is, malt cream. She often makes a cup for him to eat with snacks.

This man has a lot of things to do, and she makes delicious food for him every meal, but she is still hungry faster. What Sudan can do is that when he comes back home, he can have something to eat to prepare for him.Sesame cake, peanut cake, mung bean soup and so on, every day, have their own orchard, every day at home a variety of fruits are constantly.

There are some at home and on the mountain, especially mung bean soup. Because of the hot weather, the seasonal mother cooks a pot every day, and then asks everyone to come and drink it. One or two bowls for each person will have a good effect on relieving summer heat.

So even if you are busy in this summer, there are few people who suffer from heatstroke.

Her elder brother was suffering from heatstroke for a while, because he had to work in the field. After two days' rest, it was almost over, and then he went back to work.

Of course, it's not that her elder brother has changed for the better. Her elder brother's temperament has not changed much now. He is mainly afraid that his job will be replaced by Ji Jianyun, and his dream of building will be ruined.

And now that Ji Jianyun has raised his salary so high, who in the surrounding villages is not staring at him?

I hope I can make a place to squeeze in.

So he was afraid.

Other people who suffer from heatstroke also don't want to have a rest. However, Ji Jianyun directly asked them to go back and have a rest. They didn't want to infect other people with the disease.

But that is to rest for a day or two. Even if it's done, what else should we do.

Who says there are so many things this year?

Thirty five pigs to keep.

Ji Jianhe, for example, suffered from heatstroke, but he just took a day off. The next day, he continued to deliver sweet potatoes to the reservoir, or to his father's second orchard to feed pigs. This is what he has to do every day. He also has to deliver goods to some nearby shops.

Ji Jianyun still has to settle the accounts. Every time he comes back, he has to be right. Last time, he made a mistake and almost asked his cousin Ji Jianyun to resign. He told him not to come. He found out the wrong accounts himself. That's right. Ji Jianyun didn't do anything to him.

But it still scared him to death.