Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 167

Ji Tangbo was very moved. After returning home, Aunt Li asked him, "what's the matter with the orchard?"

"If there is no accident, we should get up." Ji Tang Bo nodded.

Although the orchard is not his now, he also hopes the orchard can rise. After all, it is his own nephew's, and it is only in the face of his uncle that he took over the past. The other two families now want to transfer to Jianyun, but Jianyun didn't want it.

He is not a person with no number of feelings.

But Aunt Li is different. After all, she was separated by a layer. Hearing the words, she was heartbroken and said, "at the beginning, I told you to insist on it again, but you just didn't listen. Look, now Jianyun is living, right? We also lost more than 100 yuan in the cost of fruit seedlings! "

Although Ji Jianyun was very kind, he directly calculated all the expenses of Ji Tangbo's contract, and did not deduct the two or three years' extra expenses, Ji Jianyun did not take over the loss of the seedlings, and he was not so confused.

If you are too good, others will think it is right. The effect is just the opposite.

Therefore, Ji Jianyun does not care about the loss of seedlings.

"What are you talking about now? Don't say that again Ji Tang Bo said with a frown.

Aunt Li was still a little unconvinced: "originally, if we hadn't given up at the beginning, we could have managed the orchard!"

Ji Tangbo said: "now I can have 30 yuan a month. If the seedlings are lost, I will come back in a few months. We have planted so many sweet potatoes this year, and we can sell them for a lot of money at that time. If you are upset and have no face at that time, then I have no face to do this job."

"Why don't you have the face to do it? You are his uncle. Does he dare to quit you?" Aunt Li Tang set up a horse road.

Don't bother to tell her.

Aunt Li didn't know that the orchard was up now. She also went to see the seedlings. She knew that they were alive when she saw them. It was only how long ago. At the beginning, her family was very tired. She felt that they must have raised the land before, otherwise they would not have been alive so soon.

Even if Jianyun's daughter-in-law is prosperous, it's impossible.

So out of an unconvinced heart, she went to talk a long time.

The village is so big. What's the secret?

News is almost the first time to reach the ears of the stepmother, the heart of the fire, is burning.

If put aside before, that she definitely can kill to come to tear with her, and sister-in-law's young time, also is not without tear.

But now, the stepmother has changed her strategy. She doesn't bother to get the same idea from that woman, that is, she has advanced her employment schedule.

After all, it's only a matter of time before people can pick fruit in the orchard. Last year, Aunt Li had a quota. This year, the family didn't even have a quota, even her daughter-in-law.

Ji Jianchuan also later heard from his daughter-in-law that his mother was speaking ill of Jianyun.

Now that face is black.

Although he worked for his cousin Ji Jianyun, he didn't feel any shame. On the contrary, he cherished the job very much.

At the end of the day, the work in the field is also capable. The salary of 30 yuan a month is paid on time. There is no time limit. There are so many good things in the new year.

Don't mention every new year's holiday. This time, the season of strawberry is not so good. He will ask him to bring some back to the children. Although they are not good-looking, they are not good-looking, but they are not bad.

The children like it very much, and they go up the mountain to help pick strawberries, and sometimes the eggs come back.

He thinks it's good to live like this. When he saves more money, he plans to trim the yard. The two children are not young, so that they can have their own rooms.

But unexpectedly, at this time, his mother could see Jianyun on the hill next door take over and the orchard could get up, so she ran out to speak ill of Jianyun.

Ji Jianchuan came to work this day. When he came, his father was quarreling with his mother. Seeing his mother, he was obviously not convinced.

Ji Jianchuan said: "Mom, Jianyun orchard can get up, that can only say that he has that life, before I and Jianhe, and Dad, day by day tired into a dog, also don't see the orchard has any way out, and dad before to change hands out, at that time you also promised, you now let me and dad are very difficult to be human."

"It's hard to be human? If our orchard can get up, will you and your son still have to work for him? " Aunt Li Tang snorted coldly.

"In addition, even if the orchard comes up, it's not necessary to work with Jianyun to earn money. My father and I have a monthly salary of 60 yuan and a year's salary of more than 700 yuan. There are also those who have their own orchards for the new year's festival. I think that's about the same amount." Ji Jianchuan said.

And what he didn't say is that even if there is such a number, there must not be more than half of it in his hands. All year round, there will be more than 20%.

"Don't be obsessed with him. If this orchard can be raised, how can it be worth this amount all the year round? And we can raise chickens in the mountains. I don't know how much we earn all year round! " Aunt Li Tang didn't agree."What do you want? Do you want to get the orchard back with Jianyun?" Ji Tang Bo black face way.

"If he is willing to return the orchard, it would be better. I also recognize him as a nephew, otherwise, hum!" Aunt Li Tang is very cold.

Ji Tangbo sneered: "then don't admit it. I tell you, this is the last time. If you dare to go out and talk nonsense in the future, you will pack up your things for me and go to the west slope. My temple can't accommodate you, the Great Buddha!"

Aunt Li's face was stunned: "do you want to drive me back? What am I doing all this for? You have no conscience! "

"Don't make any more trouble, or dad will have no face to help manage the mountain again. You should be satisfied with mom then!" Ji Jianchuan said that and went back. It seems that he doesn't need to take the living expenses any more. He has a good life, but he has nothing to do with his mother!

This matter passed through the mouth of Wang Honghua and Li Yucui to Sudan, and Sudan also knew it.

Both Wang Honghua and Li Yucui were angry: "I don't want to look at the other two families in the village. They can't change hands if they want to. She was so jealous when she saw that the orchard was going to get up. She wanted to go back. How could it be so cheap?"

"It's impossible to take it back. It's just in black and white. If it goes on like this, it won't look good after all. When Jianyun comes back in the evening, let him go to his uncle's place." Su Danhong didn't care much.

In fact, when she took over the orchard, she thought about these things.

My own orchard can't get up in my own hands, but it will get up in others' hands. Can Aunt Li have no problem with her temperament?

It's OK to have opinions, but if you want to slander around, I won't agree!