Rebirth to the Eighties to Get Rich

Chapter 139

So when Lao Qin said that he had only 700 yuan for two thousand seven, Ji Jianyun did not hesitate to lend him two thousand yuan.

Lao Qin went directly to buy the house, then moved the house, changed the shop, and went to the old landlord to refund the rent. He had paid the rent for a year before, but if the landlord didn't refund it, Lao Qin went directly to make trouble. Zhang Xueli helped a lot in this matter.

Before I met the landlord, the old lady only wanted to please. Who called her the landlord?

Now that she doesn't rent her shop, her family has bought her own house. What's more to be afraid of? So Zhang Xueli makes a lot of noise.

Although she only came back half in the end, Zhang Xueli didn't suffer a loss either. She just ruined the landlord's reputation and said that she had no credit. Seeing that her business was going well, she wanted to raise the rent all day long. She had agreed in the past that whoever rented her shop would be in bad luck.

The old landlord was so angry that he threatened to talk to her!

But in the end, the two families are procrastinating. After a quarrel, it's just like that. It's not a good chance to do anything.

Su Danhong and Ji Jianyun don't know these things, and they don't have time to know them.

Now the orchard is busy. At the beginning of spring, the seasonal mother is busy digging up the fields to plant strawberries and watermelons. Now the orchard has plenty of fertilizer. I don't worry about the lack of fertilizer. Not only the fruit trees, but also the fields have all been fertilized.

Ji Jianyun was busy with the workers on the mountain.

Su Danhong is now a month old. In a twinkling of an eye, it's nine months, and there's only one month left. Although she feels that there's no problem, Ji Jianyun always asks aunt Yang next door to come and watch out for her out of caution.

Aunt Yang is also happy. She and uncle Yang don't have much land in their family. They usually grow their own food and their own children. Then they go their own way. They don't need them to support them.

Besides, aunt Yang and uncle Yang are now kissing Su Danhong and Ji Jianyun. Su Danhong and Ji Jianyun are similar to each other.

The fruits in the orchard haven't been on the market yet. The two of them eat them early. They carry them with Sudan red, or Ji Jianyun. During the winter, Sudan red pushes Ren Ren to sit there. From time to time, they also bring some fruits to buy, as well as fresh vegetables planted in their flower house.

Both of them feel that their sons and daughters have been raised for nothing. They are not as good as Ji Jianyun and Su Danhong.

When it comes to the relationship between uncle Yang and Ji Jianyun, it's also Ji Jianyun's life-saving benefactor. When Ji Jianyun was a child, he was more playful. In winter, he fell into the water, and it was Uncle Yang who went down to carry people up.

Ji Jianyun remembers it.

Now the relationship between the two families is getting closer. Uncle Yang and aunt Yang refused to take things from them at first, but later, they didn't take them seriously.

Now that you've brought it over, just keep it. Now that Jianyun's orchard is up, you don't care about this stuff, do you?

But if they have something to help, they just reach out.

So when Ji Jianyun came to ask aunt yang to sit down, aunt Yang gave him the answer and let him go to work.

"Jianyun is too nervous. I have to wait half a month at the earliest." Sudan said with a smile.

"Aunt Yang said:" now the month is not small, half a month early and half a month late, there are, Dan Hong, don't be wrong

Su Danhong nodded: "if we have a good harvest this year, we'll have to help you then."

"That's nature." Aunt Yang said with a smile.

When the harvest was good last year, she went to help. What she did was not a big job. She was very frugal. She just helped to cook for everyone in the mountains.

Originally, she didn't want to collect money, but when she saw that the stepmother and the old Su family had all collected money, it was not good for her not to collect money, so she did.

What Jianyun gave was similar to that of other workers, but it was definitely quite a lot. Aunt Yang was very happy.

If she's busy at that time this year, she'll go to help, and the one who doesn't have money is the second. But if she goes to help, she'll be worthy of Jianyun's giving her so many fruits to share with her grandson.

Ji Jianyun is also a little nervous these days, because his daughter-in-law is going to have a baby. With such a big stomach, it's not convenient to do anything.

So seeing that the mountain was almost busy, he came down the mountain.

Aunt Yang was very happy with Su Danhong. When she saw him coming back, she said, "Jianyun, how did you come back? Dan Hong has me. You don't have to worry."

"I'm almost busy now. Just give it to them." Ji Jianyun said with a smile.

These days, Su Jinjun's work has become a model. Of course, this is the result of Ji Jianyun's continuous practice of Military Boxing for more than half a month.

Now I come to work on time every day, and occasionally work overtime for a while.

At other times, Su Jinjun worked hard and couldn't stop at all, because he knew that as soon as he stopped, Ji Jianyun would have an excuse to beat him.So he went to work.

Sure enough, Ji Jianyun didn't bother him after he got busy. Occasionally, he would bring him some steamed stuffed buns, so that he could stop working and take a rest occasionally.

The steamed stuffed buns are very delicious. He took them, but Ji Jianyun's words are not his responsibility. He thinks Ji Jianyun is looking for trouble.

But he's the eldest brother-in-law, so he doesn't see eye to eye with him.

Recently, the stepmother boasted that Su had entered the market. In the end, she came out of the family. Although she had a bad reputation in the past, is it not good now?

Dan Hong's brother-in-law is really good at his work. Except at the beginning, he didn't cheat any more. His stepmother thinks she is shameful, so she cooks two eggs for him and his stepfather every day.

Of course, they all have only one yolk, which is specially selected by the seasonal mother. The two yolks have to be sold for money.

But the treatment is also very good.

So after two or three months of working here, Su Jinjun was more energetic than before. Moreover, because he worked every day, he became stronger. He looked like a lot more.

Su's mother naturally knew that, so she asked in private.

Although Su Jinjun didn't want to admit it, he had to say that he was very satisfied with the treatment of going there.

His salary is 30 yuan a month, and his stepmother will give him one or two eggs every day. Ji Jianyun, his brother-in-law, will bring him some big meat buns at three or five o'clock.

So his treatment is not bad.

Other people are very polite to him because they know his identity. Although they live a little more, there is nothing wrong with them except this.

After hearing this, Su's mother also sighed: "it's your dead father who has the ability. At the beginning, he saw Jianyun as a soldier. He said that the soldier's man can't be bad. Let your sister marry him. Even if he goes, he can still sleep in peace."

At that time, of course, she looked after others for her daughter. Naturally, she would let her daughter marry her. But she also wanted money to cure the old man.

But the dead old man really loved her, so he asked for the marriage.

The old ghost didn't know that she dared to ask for so much dowry. After watching his daughter get married, he swallowed his anger.