Rebirth: Super Cultivator in City

Chapter 399

Wang Dashao suddenly fainted and vomited a lot of blood, which surprised everyone. Gao Honggang quickly felt his pulse, but because Wang Dashao was caused by Chen Yu\'s secret use of genuine Qi, ordinary people couldn\'t find out the reason at all.

Gao Honggang\'s technique of feeling the pulse is well-known in Yanjing city. Even he hasn\'t checked it out, and others don\'t dare to start.

At this time, everyone\'s eyes suddenly turned to Qian Sen, who pointed north. It seems that he is the only one here.

"Old Qian, please show me..."

Gao Honggang was anxious to ask for the way. Just now he felt that Wang Dashao\'s pulse was very chaotic. He had never encountered such a pulse since he had been a doctor for so many years. In fact, he was a little uneasy just now. From his experience, Wang Dashao must have had some incurable disease and suddenly relapsed.

Qian Sen nodded slightly and slowly walked up to Wang Dashao to feel his pulse, but when Qian Sen\'s finger touched Wang Dashao\'s pulse, his eyebrows wrinkled tightly

Everyone looked nervously at the change on Qian Sen\'s face. It seemed that from the change of Qian Lao\'s expression, they felt Wang Dashao\'s condition, because the person in front of us was a figure with the title of North finger, and no one had ever seen him. Qian Lao was as nervous as he is today.

Mu Lao was very anxious and said faintly to Chen Yu.

"Chen Yu, go and have a look with me..."

Chen Yu smiled faintly and guessed Mu\'s worry. Wang Dashao must have a big background, because Chen Yu observed that there were not many flatterers around the second ancestor as soon as he came in.

"Don\'t worry, old mu, that man can\'t die..."

Hearing Chen Yu\'s words, Mu Lao breathed a sigh of relief. He is really an old fool. Chen Yu can even learn the long lost four elephant acupuncture. He must also know other advanced medical skills. If he is here, he will be fine.

Mu Qianqian didn\'t care at this time. On the contrary, she hoped that Wang Dashao couldn\'t be saved. If so, no one would pester herself.

"Old Qian, what\'s wrong with Wang Dashao?"

After a while, Gao Honggang was a little depressed. He pointed to seeing a doctor for others. As long as he felt the pulse, he knew what the patient was suffering from. However, Qian had been feeling the pulse for Wang Dashao for ten minutes, and there was no result. If he delayed so much, Wang Dashao\'s life would be over

At this time, Wang Dashao\'s pulse is getting weaker and weaker. In the eyes of others, his life is in danger at any time. Everyone still places their last hope on Beizhi, because although Mu Lao has the title of a miracle doctor, after all, he is too old, and now he can\'t even control his fingers, so he can\'t count on the miracle doctor at all.

This... What\'s the matter? The pulse is fast and slow, and the three main veins are in the wrong position. At first, there are signs of poisoning, but later, there are signs of Qi and blood disorder. What\'s the matter?

Qian Lao\'s forehead has left a few drops of virtual sweat. This sign of pulse has never been seen by Qian Lao.


Qian laodun became nervous and thought that he couldn\'t touch Wang Dashao\'s pulse. His life was in danger at any time.

"What\'s the matter, old Qian?"

Gao Honggang asked nervously.

Qian stood up slowly and sighed helplessly, "I can\'t see Wang Dashao\'s illness, but I\'m sure Wang Dashao can\'t endure for an hour..."

holy crap Even North finger Qian Sen can\'t do anything. Doesn\'t this mean that Wang Dashao has been declared dead?

Hearing Qian Sen\'s answer, everyone sighed helplessly. Today is the birthday banquet for the elderly. This happened at this time, which is very evil.

"Call an ambulance quickly. Maybe you can be saved when you get to the hospital..."

At this time, someone shouted. Although we all study traditional Chinese medicine, we can only do so at this time. At least in today\'s society, the death certificate still needs to be issued by the hospital. In this case, at least there is an explanation for Wang Dashao\'s death.

Everyone made way one after another. Some people have taken out their phones and are ready to call the emergency center.

Although Mu Qianqian had such an idea just now, she immediately worried about it if it really happened. In fact, Mu Qianqian was not worried about the life and death of Wang Dashao, but today is Grandpa\'s birthday party. If something like this happened at this time, it would make grandpa\'s birthday party impossible to live on.

Another point is that Wang Dashao\'s Lao Tzu is the president of the largest bank in Yanjing, and the power of their family can not be ignored in Yanjing. Wang Dashao died at Grandpa\'s birthday banquet, and their family will not be finished. At that time, Grandpa will inevitably be implicated. What can we do?

At this time, Mu Qianqian tightly held Chen Yu\'s arm. It seemed that she believed that at this time, only Chen Yu could solve the matter, because Mu Qianqian was beside Chen Yu when Chen Yu used the four elephant needle technique.

"Chen Yu, go and have a look. Today is Grandpa\'s birthday party. Don\'t let this man die here..."

Mu Lao also looked at Chen Yu nervously at this time. Qian Sen had said there was nothing he could do. If Chen Yu didn\'t do it, it would be really troublesome.

Chen Yu smiled and joked to Mu Qianqian.

"Good brother, give me some power..."

This sentence almost made Mu Qianqian\'s nose crooked. When is it? This fancy radish still wants to take advantage of himself. It\'s so unreasonable.

Mu Lao was speechless, but seeing Chen Yu\'s indifferent appearance at this time, Mu Lao was relieved. Therefore, Mu Lao concluded that Chen Yu must have the ability to save Wang Dashao.

Mu Qianqian took a deep breath and saw that grandpa didn\'t mean to help him out at all. However, he had to endure his anger and whispered.

"Good brother..."

Chen Yu\'s face suddenly showed a proud expression, "good sister, I\'m going to save that bastard..."

Chen Yu moved his shoulder and shouted at the man who was going to call an ambulance.

"Don\'t you want to see my four elephant needle technique? I\'ll let you have a good look..."

After talking, Chen Yu went directly to Wang Dashao, slowly lowered his body and pretended to pulse.

This move immediately surprised everyone. Is this smelly boy just fooling around? When has it been? Have you seen any four elephant acupuncture? Isn\'t this a joke about life

Let\'s not talk about whether we believe Chen Yu\'s four elephant acupuncture. Just now, even Qian Sen, who points to the north, can\'t find out the cause. You are a hairy boy and give someone else a pulse. It\'s outrageous.

"Mu Lao, this is your guest. Don\'t let him fool around. If Wang Dashao dies here, you will be in trouble..."

Gao Honggang said with disdain. To tell the truth, Chen Yu is just a little boy who knows some medical skills in his eyes. As for the four elephant acupuncture, he may have come out at random.

You know, these elites in the field of traditional Chinese medicine have heard about the four elephant acupuncture. This kind of acupuncture has been lost for nearly a thousand years. How can this little boy be such an acupuncture? He\'s just bragging.

Mu Lao\'s face sank and said very seriously.

"As I said, this Chen Yu is a wizard who knows the four elephant needling technique. Only he can save Wang Dashao. If he dies here, I will bear all the consequences..."

holy crap This old man is really old and confused. He even believes in such a little boy. You know, although he has the title of a miracle doctor, it was many years ago. Now he is very old. We just give him some face. Otherwise, we would have taken off his plaque of a miracle doctor together with the Chinese Medicine Association.

"Mu Lao, it\'s a matter of human life. We\'re doing it for you..."

Gao Honggang said with disdain. It seems that he has ignored Mu Lao.

Chen Yu is a little angry at this time. This bastard will pick you up and let you know the consequences of disrespect for the elders.

At this time, everyone looked at Chen Yu with disdain. Some people who still respect Mu Lao were not talking about it. After all, this matter has nothing to do with themselves. Since Mu Lao said so, Mu Lao is also worried about what happened. We\'d better wait to see a good play.

Just when Gao Honggang wanted to stop, Qian Sen, the North finger, stopped him directly and said domineering.

"If you\'re talkative, go aside. If Wang Dashao dies, you can\'t get rid of it. He sits next to you..."

Although Qian Sen is more than 60 years old, he is still as domineering as before. This aura suddenly calmed Gao Honggang, especially the sentence that Wang Dashao was sitting next to him. In this way, Wang Dashao did it himself

Gao Honggang was a little speechless. He endured his anger and retreated directly to one side, because Qian Sen, who points north, is the president of the Chinese Medicine Association. If he offended him, he would not be able to mix in the Chinese medicine industry in the future.

Qian Sen walked slowly behind Chen Yu and stared at Chen Yu, because he had also seen Chen Yu\'s four elephant acupuncture. In his eyes, like Mu Lao, he thought Chen Yu was an unfathomable genius in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

A moment later, Chen Yu stood up easily. He didn\'t mean to be nervous at all.

"Chen Yu, can Wang Dashao be saved?"

Qian Sen asked seriously.

Chen Yu smiled and said easily.

"It\'s a piece of cake. He can\'t die..."

what the hell! This smelly boy is really a big talker. Qian sen in the North said there was nothing he could do. He said it was a small matter. It\'s a little crazy

However, with the support of Mu Lao and Qian Sen, everyone can only think about it secretly in their hearts. For Chen Yu\'s words, they can only continue to wait and see, and no one dares to refute.


North pointing to Qian Sen, he didn\'t expect Chen Yu to say so easily. He couldn\'t help trembling. Chen Yu\'s young age will not only lose his long lost four elephant acupuncture, but also his pulse sensing technology. Who is he? For a time, Qian Sen was curious about Chen Yu\'s family background

"How are you going to wake him up?"

Hesitated for a moment, North pointing to Qian Sen seriously asked.

Chen Yu moved his wrist, looked around and looked at his people with suspicious light, and said very domineering.

"Since they all want to see their four elephant acupuncture, I\'ll use the four elephant acupuncture to wake him up and let these ignorant people open their eyes..."

These people were annoyed by Chen Yu\'s words. The smelly boy was just too arrogant. He also said that we were all ignorant people. He didn\'t look at his age. When we made achievements in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, the little boy was probably not born