Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 481

After a lifetime of calculation, Hua Shishi finally made herself a wealthy wife and lived a broad life with no worries about food and clothing and unlimited scenery. She is very satisfied with herself. What about the rotten brand? As long as she works hard, she will have a brilliant life!

Ah, the only thing she can\'t control is that she gave birth to Zhang Bing, a son who hates iron and doesn\'t become steel. It\'s like a rotten wood. How to carve it doesn\'t become a climate. She wants to put this worthless son back in her stomach and give birth to another one. Is there any.

In fact, it\'s not to say how bad and rebellious Zhang Bing is. He listens to everything except that Hua Shishi asked him to compete for family property. I don\'t know why Zhang Bing refused to listen to her. They have fought against her countless times and ended up with the failure of Hua Shishi\'s plan.

Hua Shishi had no choice but to rely on Zhang Rudong to teach her son. However, Zhang bingqiao\'s tongue was like a spring. He took care of his father unexpectedly and agreed not to send him abroad to study and let him choose his own school.

Cough, Zhang Rudong didn\'t count. His son chose a school in Tibet!

Tibet is backward and not peaceful. There are Tibetan and independence elements who often act there. It\'s so dangerous! There is also altitude sickness. People with poor physical quality can\'t adapt to going there.

Zhang Rudong is worried. He wants to spank his disobedient little son on the sofa.

But all the newspapers have been reported. What can we do?

I had to bite the bullet and let him go.

Zhang Rudong planned. Two days before school, he personally sent his son to school. For this reason, he asked the Secretary to help him push off all the itinerary arrangements for those days. I didn\'t know that the restless factors in Zhang Bing broke out again. He collected his luggage without saying a word and quietly went to Tibet a month in advance.

He left a note saying he wanted to go to the spot in advance to understand the local conditions and customs of Tibet.

Shit, Zhang Rudong slammed the table angrily and hurriedly asked his bodyguards to go to Tibet to catch people back.

Zhang Bing patted his ass and left. He never thought how worried his family was about him.

Someone asked, why did Zhang Bing hold the University in Tibet with so many schools?

Even if you want to experience life, there are many other choices. There is no need to go to such a dangerous and backward place.

Well, Zhang Bing chose Tibet for his own reasons. Zhang\'s parents don\'t know.

Zhang Mingdi, Zhang Bing\'s half brother.

From the moment he was born.

Zhang Mingdi didn\'t expect that when he came back to Tibet, Zhang Mingdi had always been a boarding school. When he was 17 or 18, he chose to attend a military school and join the army. Because the two were several years old apart, he had no feelings for his little brother, who had been spoiled by his family since childhood.

Zhang Binglai is coming. He doesn\'t have much feeling.

Knowing that his brother came to Tibet for college, Zhang Mingdi took the time to meet Zhang Bing.

In a cafe in the center of the city, which is worse than the developed coastal cities. I don\'t know how many times, Zhang Mingdi stepped on the time point and arrived at the agreed place on time.

Zhang Bing sat on the dining chair, laughing like a trumpet, "brother, long time no see!"

The bright smile on his face hurt Zhang Mingdi\'s eyes. Zhang Mingdi frowned unabashedly, "long time no see." his low voice was full of magnetism.

Two people sit at the table, a few years apart, but they have completely different feelings.

Zhang Bing is an energetic sunshine guy, and Zhang Mingdi is a mature and steady man.

"Brother, I\'ve come to Tibet to study at university!" he said briskly.

His brother is really a person who seldom talks. Zhang Bing is used to it. In order not to make the scene very embarrassing, he can only keep looking for topics and take the initiative to talk to his brother.

At that time, Zhang Bing was only seventeen or eighteen years old. He was very young, full of vitality and love to make trouble. He was very different from him ten years later. At least ten years later, Zhang Bing would hide far from his brother when he saw his brother. He would never take the initiative to chat with his brother.

"Yes." the man nodded.

There was no unexpected expression on his face. His father had called him and said that Zhang Bing had filled in the university volunteer in Tibet and would come here to study. However, Zhang Rudong said that one month later, the boy suddenly appeared here and probably ran out secretly without telling his father.

Zhang Bing thought that his brother would be surprised to hear that he came to Tibet to study. He didn\'t expect that others had no reaction at all, and there was no emotional change.


Hey, hey, hey, can you give him some reaction? Do you know that he spent nine cattle and two tigers to chop the pass all the way in order to study here, and almost didn\'t stick to the end.

Zhang Bing pursed his lips. The young man actually wanted to hear his brother\'s affirmation of him.

From small to large, he almost lived under the aura of his brother. When we talk about his brother, we all know how to be excellent, how to be able, and how to save his family. When it comes to him, there are few words of praise. Yes, his brother is very excellent, also has his own ideas and ideas.

When Zhang Mingdi finished the college entrance examination at the age of 17, he proposed to go to the military academy and join the army. Zhang\'s father was very surprised and didn\'t disagree. Of course, his son wanted him to inherit his mantle and make a name in the mall, so as to further develop the family business of Zhang Jia.

Zhang Mingdi\'s attitude was firm. His father disagreed, so he went directly to his mother\'s elders to negotiate with his father in person.

Zhang\'s father and his original wife are a commercial marriage. Zhang\'s father doesn\'t really like Zhang Mingdi\'s mother, but focuses on the forces behind her. Zhang Mingdi\'s mother was born in a big family and has strong assets. Zhang Rudong wants to go to a higher level in the business world. The quickest shortcut is to find a strong family in law, so there is a combination of the two.

After Zhang\'s mother died, Zhang\'s father married another person, married and had children, but the young emperor Zhang Mingdi\'s position in Zhangjia could not be shaken, also because he had a strong support from his mother\'s family.

Zhang Rudong feels guilty for his original wife. After all, he did something sorry for his wife.

After his grandfather intervened and intervened, Zhang Mingdi went to military school and served in the special forces. That is, from that time on, Zhang Mingdi completely broke away from Zhang\'s father\'s control and decided his own affairs independently.

Zhang Bin envies his brother very much. He can decide his own things. He can do what he wants to do, and he can do nothing if he doesn\'t want to go. His brother looks more stable than him. I don\'t know how many times. Alas, he is not much older than him. How come the two people stand together, they are completely different from their contemporaries.

They each ordered a cup of coffee and some cakes. They sat down and talked slowly.

"Brother, do you have a holiday every week, or do you have to go to work every day?" Zhang Bing took his eyes away from his brother\'s cup of strong black bitter coffee. His brother\'s taste is really amazing. He can drink such bitter coffee. It\'s beyond the limits of human beings. He feels bitter when he looks at it.

Zhang Bing ordered the sweet and greasy cabukillo and added a lot of milk and sugar. Hey, who stipulates that only women can eat sugar. Although he is a man, he also likes to eat sweet!

He looked at Zhang Mingdi\'s cup of coffee and felt bitter. His brother saw him sprinkle sugar and milk into his coffee like he didn\'t want money, which made his stomach sick.

In a word, radishes and vegetables have their own love, and different ways do not work together.

Zhang Mingdi took a sip of the coffee on the table and threw out four words, "it depends."

Although his military rank is not low, it\'s really not up to him to decide whether to have a holiday or not. They are special operations teams. They are in the special operations brigade and have to deal with emergencies at any time. They go wherever the most dangerous and most impossible tasks are.

At the command of the state, we are always ready to fight.

What do you mean, it depends? Zhang Bin didn\'t understand, "soldiers don\'t have annual leave, and I heard from my father that you were promoted. It shouldn\'t be a problem for those who are officials to give themselves a few more days off?"