Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 476

At that time, Shen Xiu had fallen into the trap carefully planned for him by Tang Xinyi and Lu haoxuan. He couldn\'t "pull out". He was desperate. He borrowed sky high usury in his own name. Interest rolled in and out every day. The high interest gave him a headache. He couldn\'t eat and sleep well. However, the project was very huge and couldn\'t get back in seven or eight years, The capital has been broken for a long time, and what is lacking is not just one and a half stars of money.

For a time, he became a smelly shoe in the business circle, and no one wanted to see him.

Only Tang Xiyan offered to help him!

When he was at his worst, he never abandoned himself. Shen Xiu felt this woman\'s unreserved love for himself in Tang Xiyan.

The two conspired and began to secretly misappropriate the company\'s public funds for emergency rescue.

Soon after, the east window incident happened, and none of them ran away. Shen Xiu was sentenced to ten years, and Tang Xiyan, as an accomplice, was also sentenced to five years.

In the past five years, he spent every day in prison. Time flies and years are ruthless. Every time he goes out to have a breeze and looks at the blue sky and white clouds, he doesn\'t know how much he yearns for freedom and to go out.

He\'s had enough of this damn place!

However, fortunately, there is no way out. I thought his life was completely over. He was abandoned by his grandfather and became the abandoned son of the Shen family.

The Shen family has always been so ruthless and useless that they directly abandoned them, as if they had left only cats and dogs, not flesh and blood descendants of the Shen family.

Unexpectedly, God has long eyes and can\'t see him so miserable. He decided to help him - Lu haoxuan is dead!

Ah ha ha, it\'s really a winding road. Thousands of sails have passed by the side of the sunken boat, and thousands of trees are in front of the sick tree!

Once Lu haoxuan died, he became the only descendant of the eldest son of the Shen family. The Shen family did not dare to abandon him completely until they found a better successor.

Last month, grandpa came to visit the prison in person. He heard that he was seriously ill and many people were old. It is estimated that he was hit by Lu haoxuan\'s death. Hehe, this old man is the most cruel and cruel. He used to have some feelings for him, but after so many things, Shen Xiu has completely lost his heart to the old thing.

It was his grandfather who made him understand a truth at a cruel price. Everything can only depend on yourself. When you have no use value and are in trouble, the family will never reach out to help. If you don\'t want to die, you can find a way to solve it by yourself.

Grandpa came over and told him that the family was already trying to find a way to get him out of prison as soon as possible.

Try your best... Hehe, Shen Xiu believes this time that the old man didn\'t lie.

If you don\'t take yourself out, who will take care of Shen\'s group?

Shen Xiu still has some abilities. If five years ago, he didn\'t get into the trap carefully arranged for him by Tang Xinyi and Lu haoxuan because of stimulation, how could he fall to today?

Lu haoxuan, the only one who can stimulate him, is dead. In this world, there is no opponent who can disturb his mood.

Since old man Shen came to visit the prison, Shen Xiu\'s mental outlook has improved a lot. He is energetic every day. He is much more energetic than in the past five years. When he meets people, he says that he is about to get out of prison and doesn\'t have to stay here like them immediately.

No one believes it.

Because of this, Shen Xiu has said many times in the past five years. At first, prison guards and fellow inmates believed him very much, because Shen Xiu was born different from ordinary people. He was the eldest son of Shen\'s group. He was born with a golden key. He was rich and powerful. Money can make ghosts grind. As long as he is willing to spend money to dredge relations and reduce his sentence, I\'ll be out soon.

The ideal is full and the reality is skinny.

In the past five years, many people in prison have been given the opportunity to commute their sentences one after another, except for the son of Shen Da. They have also reduced a lot of ordinary people. The descendants of Shen\'s group, who are high above, have not reduced their sentences for a day, which surprised them.

Shen Xiu looked out of the glass window. Tang Xiyan, who was still young and beautiful, was still loyal to him when she was most depressed. She even was put in prison for helping herself. He really didn\'t think she would come to see him.

He never believed in the so-called love, but he believed that Miss Tang Er might be true love to herself at that time.

For her, he felt guilty. Deep in his heart, he reserved a small soft pure land for this woman.

"When did you come out?" Shen Xiu finally said.

Tang Xiyan: "it\'s been three months."

Shen Xiu pulled the corners of his mouth and didn\'t ask her why she came to see him now. After all, he lost to her. Although he was very selfish, he wouldn\'t be so selfish.

"Did you have a good time out?" the next question.

This question instantly made Tang Xiyan\'s eyes red. She shook her head and answered two words, "No."

Lu haoxuan\'s death is the biggest reason why she decided to see Shen Xiu. She thought that Shen Xiu\'s biggest competitor died. If Shen Xiu returns to the Shen family to inherit the Shen family, her power will not be underestimated. If Shen Xiu is willing to marry herself

If he is willing to marry himself, she can return to the peak of her life!

Although she has been in prison, she has been in prison because of Shen Xiu!

Other aristocratic families can\'t accept themselves. The Shen family should be the only one who can\'t despise themselves. Their determination to go through fire and water for Shen Xiu five years ago is the best proof.

In addition, doesn\'t the Shen family need a daughter-in-law with a strong background? Hehe, today\'s Tang family is at the height of the sun, and the Shen family is far from comparable. She is the second miss of the Tang family. Calculate carefully. Does the Shen family marry Tang\'s daughter or climb high!

Of course, the premise is that she has to deal with Shen Xiu first. Seeing Mr. Shen has gone through a lot of vicissitudes than she thought five years ago. After all, she has been in prison for five years and is locked up in prison every day without any freedom. How can she be spirited.

Tang Xiyan\'s heart flashed sad. They were in sympathy with each other. Now, what she had to do was to encourage Shen Xiu as much as possible to make his heart full of hope. It was easy to add flowers to the icing on the cake and difficult to send charcoal in the snow. She never left him again. It was estimated that it was enough to move his heart.

Shen Xiu frowned, "is someone bullying you?" his eyes showed concern.

In the past five years, he thought a lot about how he was reduced to this point step by step. He thought about the women he had lost. No woman could make him so haunted after they broke up. Only Tang Xiyan kept him, because of guilt and because she never abandoned him.

In other words, their initial combination was not because of love. At least he was not. Miss Tang ER was just a word he found for himself. It was exciting to play with his fiancee\'s own sister!

But in the follow-up with Tang Xiyan, Shen Xiu felt the girl\'s worship and unreserved love for herself, even if she was in prison for him.