Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 469

She took out one and took a breath.

"This, this is Tang Xiyan, how did she..." Tang Xinyi was so shocked that she couldn\'t say a complete word for a moment.

I didn\'t expect Tang Xiyan to do such a thing. Is she out of her mind?

Tang Xinyi couldn\'t understand why Tang Xi didn\'t cherish her reputation most. How could she do such absurd behavior? It\'s beyond people\'s glasses. Does her mother Liu Fanghua care?

Hehe, Liu Fanghua didn\'t know what her daughter did behind her back. If she knew, she would stop her daughter\'s crazy behavior.

"How did these photos come from?" finally, Tang Xinyi became suspicious.

He deserves to be the president who manages tens of thousands of people. He is so careful that many people are ashamed.

She thought that if Tang Fu found Tang Xiyan\'s absurd things, he didn\'t need to take pictures with a camera at all. The existence of these photos inadvertently flowed into the hands of people with evil intentions, but gave others an extra weight to threaten the Tang family.

Therefore, Tang Fu would never do such a thing.

Since Tang Fu didn\'t do it, who would it be?

What is the purpose of taking these photos?

These questions flashed through her mind, which must be the reason why her father was suddenly so abnormal today.

Tang Zhenhua frowned. "Yesterday afternoon, I received an anonymous express. These photos were taken from the express. Xinyi, someone wanted to threaten our Tang family with these photos."

He analyzed it carefully.

Tang Xinyi\'s eyes turned around and asked, "have you received a threat to contact you?" although Tang Xiyan was unlucky and had little to do with her, if the second Miss Tang family had a scandal of Yanzhao family, the reputation and stock of Tang Group related to it would be affected and affected.

She is now the CEO of down group. She must take precautions against these things.

Tang Zhenhua shook his head. "This is my strangest place. What does the other party mean by sending me these photos? If he wants money, he should have contacted me early. Why haven\'t I received any blackmail calls yet."

Not for money, is it for something else?

Tang Xinyi also doesn\'t understand. Recently, she is busy with the company and the wedding with Mo Tianxing. After the wedding, she continues to arrange the honeymoon. She really ignores the news from Tang Xiyan.

Unexpectedly, she, a daughter engaged, was so bold that she dared to do the absurd thing of playing one night in a nightclub and having a stand.

She\'s not afraid to be recognized. No one dares to marry her from then on?

Hehe, Tang Xiyan is a typical broken pot. Anyway, her reputation has been smelly. She doesn\'t expect to marry into any good family. Instead of living carefully by observing the rules and regulations, she might as well indulge herself and make herself free and happy.

Life is short. Have fun in time.

Tang Xiyan did think so at this time, but after a while, she didn\'t think so. When she witnessed new hope in her life, and the last straw appeared, which could save her from the sea of suffering and return to the peak of her life, what she wanted to do most was to erase this absurd and disgraceful past.

"I\'ve sent someone to check, but I haven\'t got the result yet." father Tang sighed and looked sad.

Tang Xiyan, holding an ugly picture in his hand, looked at her father and nodded: "otherwise, I\'ll ask Tianxing to send someone to check it. He has contacts in this regard."

Tang Zhenhua shook his head. Obviously, he didn\'t want his new son-in-law to be involved in this matter. "I just didn\'t want Tianxing to know this, so I called and specifically asked you not to bring him and Tang Tang Tang back. You didn\'t get married long ago. I don\'t want to upset you because of the bad things at home. Dad can\'t help you much. Tianxing can\'t look down on you because of the scandal of the Tang family."

Tang Xinyi knows her father\'s mind. Family ugliness can\'t be publicized. She has always been fighting alone. Her mother\'s family doesn\'t help her much. It\'s very good that Liu Fanghua and Tang Xiyan don\'t hold her back, but it\'s obviously impossible.

Tang Zhenhua\'s original intention was not to say even Tang Xinyi, but considering that if Xiyan\'s photos were spread, they would affect the stock and product market of Tang Group, she had to tell Xinyi that as the executive chairman of the group, she would have a psychological preparation, so that she would not know how to deal with sudden changes at that time.

"Dad, you think too much. Tianxing is not like that. After I married Tianxing, he is also a member of the Tang family. If someone is really bad for the Tang family, we have to find that guy as soon as possible. That\'s the most important!"

Tang Xinyi disagrees with Tang Fu\'s concept. She has experienced so many ups and downs with Tianxing. She has already had a good heart. If she can\'t advance and retreat with such things, either she is blind and doesn\'t find him like that, or Mo Tianxing is too good at pretending to deceive her from beginning to end.

However, Tang Xinyi knew that neither of them was possible. After so many things, they had already closely linked their hearts. She trusted Mo Tianxing as if she trusted herself.

Tang Zhenhua hesitated. Although he knew what Xinyi said was reasonable, they should help each other through the crisis. Now is not the time for hypocrisy, but he still didn\'t want his new son-in-law to know these ugly things of the Tang family. Family ugliness should not be publicized.

"I know Tianxing is not like that, but you\'d better not tell him about it first. Xinyi, dad has asked people to check the source of these photos. Don\'t worry. Live your life with Tianxing."

One daughter has been destroyed. He doesn\'t want another daughter to live in a mess because of these messy things.

Er... Tang Xinyi nodded helplessly, "well, since Dad insists, I respect your opinion."

She knew that her father didn\'t want the Tang family to be tainted in Mo Tianxing\'s mind. Although the family had become the talk of the upper class five years ago, as the head of the family, he still wanted to save face for the Tang family in front of outsiders.

Her father has his father\'s consideration. Since they can\'t agree, she respects her father\'s opinion.

"What are you going to do with this?" Tang Xinyi asked.

In those days, Tang Zhenhua was also a famous figure in the business world. However, the times are progressing and times have changed. I\'m afraid many of his practices in those years will not work now. The way of doing things in those days is very different from today. If he can\'t follow the trend, he may be abandoned by the times.

At this point, Tang Zhenhua was very self-conscious and knew his death, so he retired from his high position so young and handed over Tang to his eldest daughter with more outstanding ability.

I don\'t know how many old entrepreneurs can\'t let go of their power. Knowing that they can\'t follow the trend, they still occupy a high position and refuse to abdicate and give their talents to the next generation. It\'s not easy for Tang Zhenhua to do this in business. It\'s worth admiring by many young people.

I remember a few years ago, there was a famous "Yanzhao door" storm in the domestic entertainment circle. At that time, many public figures were involved, all young men and women with certain influence in the society. They were noisy and had a profound impact. After so many years, they were still often mentioned.

If Tang Xiyan\'s photos were spread, I\'m afraid the influence of her identity as the second miss of the Tang Group would be no less than that of the "pornographic photo door" storm.

At that time, not only Tang Xiyan, but also the whole Tang family will become the laughing stock of the upper class society.

Tang Zhenhua pondered that he had asked people to check the source of those photos. When there was news, he acted according to circumstances, but this was obviously not enough. He didn\'t know whether he could stop the coming storm.

"What about Tang Xiyan? Can she provide any clues?" Tang Xinyi means that Tang Xiyan, after all, is a party and definitely knows the situation better than them. Instead of bumping around like a headless fly, it\'s better to ask Tang Xiyan clearly. Sharpening a knife and cutting firewood can get twice the result with half the effort.

She didn\'t mention that it was OK. When she mentioned Tang Xiyan, Tang Zhenhua had a severe headache.

"Xi Yan refused to say anything. She didn\'t realize the seriousness of the matter. I had planned to lock her up for a few days to find out what was going on, but she kept saying hello. Today she insisted on running out and threw away all the bodyguards I sent to follow her. Her mother and I didn\'t know where she was and what she was doing. Alas, I really had no way to take her."

Words are full of helplessness.

Children\'s debt, children\'s debt, no matter how big your business is and how much property you have accumulated, if your children are not obedient, they will frown all day. This is probably the most helpless thing in the world.