Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 467

Miss Tang is the only one who can carry forward the Tang family. It is impossible to expect Miss Tang\'s mother and daughter.

It has to be said that the old housekeeper\'s eyes on people and things are really poisonous, or he is a fan of the situation. Onlookers see clearly. He has been with the master for so many years. Watching the two young ladies grow up, he may not want to understand many things, but he can see clearly.

Alas, the old housekeeper sighed silently in his heart, hoping that the master could understand who is really good to him and who is really for the Tang family.

Tang Xinyi frowned, "what does my father say?"

When he Bo told her about it, it was obvious that he was prying into her. After marrying Mo Tianxing, she moved out of the Tang family and lived alone. She only came back occasionally to see her father. Now her father is in charge of the Tang family mansion. She always had to listen to what her father meant first.

"The master meant to keep me for a few more years, but I......" he Bo lowered his eyelids and said.

Understand, Tang Xinyi nodded and asked, "he Bo is not happy, or what difficulties have he encountered?"

Don\'t blame her for thinking too much. Since Liu Fanghua and Tang Xiyan moved back to the Tang family, the whole Tang family mansion has not been peaceful for a day. As the general housekeeper of the Tang family, he Bo must be exhausted by those things.

He Bo was silent for two seconds before he answered her, "ha ha, this is my duty. No matter how big the difficulty is, I have to bite my teeth to solve it."

Tang Xinyi took a deep breath and looked at the old man with a straight back and a loose face in front of her. "He Bo has been the housekeeper of our Tang family for so many years and has long been an indispensable part of the Tang family. You are not old. If you leave us alone now, let alone whether my father is angry with you or not, I am the first to refuse."

Her remark was a hint that she must support him to the end.

He has always listened to her arrangement very much. It can be said that she is an important eye in Tang Dynasty. Although she does not live in Tangjia, what happened to the Tang family, the Housekeeper will tell her in secret, so that she can have a bottom.

It was precisely because he Bo was biased towards her that attracted the dissatisfaction of Liu Fanghua and Tang Xiyan\'s mother and daughter. Presumably, when she was not in the Tang family, the mother and daughter must have had no less trouble finding the old housekeeper.

Liu Fanghua and Tang Xiyan, who have no taste, can\'t fight her, so they take the people on her side, despicable!

Therefore, no matter what considerations, she doesn\'t agree that he Bo leaves the Tang family now. He Bo is an orphan. He has been working with Tang father since he was young. He has been a member of the Tang family for so many years. After he leaves the Tang family, he has no relatives and no reason to go.

Tang Xinyi\'s words moved the old housekeeper, and his turbid eyes couldn\'t help moistening. "The old man who said these words, miss, is ironed in my heart."

Once people get old, they are easy to be sad, especially he Bo, who has no wife, no children, no relatives and no reason. He can\'t find an object if he wants to speak to himself.

He grew up with Miss Tang and Miss Tang Er, but his feelings for the two young ladies are completely different. The young lady has been close to herself since childhood. She has never seen her current people. She will remember to give gifts to the master and bring one to herself.

The second young lady, like her mother, always looked down on them as servants, gave orders, and cursed when she was unhappy.

"Listen, uncle he, I won\'t allow you to leave the Tang family, absolutely not. I have to provide for your old age. If you go, where can I find you?" Tang Xinyi pouted her mouth and once in a while assumed the posture of making trouble for her little daughter. Anyway, the old housekeeper is not allowed to have the idea of leaving the Tang family.

The old housekeeper looked at her and shook his head helplessly, but there was a happy smile on his face.

If Miss Tang really agrees with him and doesn\'t keep him, I\'m afraid he may not be really happy.

The eldest lady asked him to stay and was reluctant to give him up, which showed that his careful care for so many years was not in vain. The eldest lady remembered her kindness, although his original intention of being good to the eldest lady was not to ask for return.

He nodded, "well, I\'ll think about resigning and leaving the Tang family."

Tang Xinyi corrected him, "not to think again, but not to leave!" stressed.

The old housekeeper smiled. At the moment, an old man smiled like a child all over the world. His turbid eyes glittered with excitement, "OK, I\'ll listen to the eldest lady."

"Well, that\'s right!" Tang Xinyi smiled with satisfaction. "Let\'s go in. My father should be worried."

It was a little sudden that her father asked her to come this time. What\'s more strange is that he only let her go back to Tang\'s house alone and said not to bring Mo Tianxing and Tang Tang Tang, which made Tang Xinyi puzzled.

They walked into the hall. Tang Zhenhua, who was sitting on the sofa, closed his eyes and meditated. When he heard the noise, he immediately opened his eyes and saw his eldest daughter coming back with a happy smile on his face.

However, he only smiled for a few seconds. It seemed that he thought of something unhappy. The smile disappeared and his face returned to a sad expression again.

"Dad, I\'m back!" Tang Xinyi changed her slippers and walked in.

"Well, Xinyi, I haven\'t eaten. Dad asked the kitchen to prepare and start eating right away." Tang Zhenhua said, looking at her proud eldest daughter.

Tang Xinyi nodded, "OK." this is her home. There\'s no need to be formal.

She looked around and saw that nothing much had changed at home. Except that the flowers had changed and there were a few more antique ornaments she had never seen before, everything else was normal.

"Dad, why are you alone, Aunt Liu?" Tang Xinyi asked.

"Your Aunt Liu is resting upstairs. I\'ll have her called down."

Tang Xinyi nods. It doesn\'t matter whether Liu Fanghua is here or not. Anyway, she doesn\'t come to see her. The woman is thinking about how to harm herself so as to seek benefits for her own daughter. She has given her a chance. Liu Fanghua doesn\'t know how to cherish it, so don\'t blame her for being cruel. No matter what her end is, everything is to blame.

Speaking of Cao Cao, Tang Xinyi just asked Liu Fanghua. Liu Fanghua stepped down from upstairs in high heels.

"Oh, why do I always feel that something big is going to happen today? It turns out that Miss Tang has gone home. Oh, Xinyi, I haven\'t seen you for a few days. You are becoming more and more handsome. It seems that you have a very nourishing life!"

Liu Fanghua said sour words in her sharp voice.

Tang Xinyi greeted her perfunctorily, "well, I\'ve seen Aunt Liu." she stopped talking to her.

Just because you ignore people doesn\'t mean they know how to let you go.

Liu Fanghua insisted: "Oh, why did Tianxing and Tang Tang Tang come back alone today? Why didn\'t they come back with you? Did you quarrel?"

Liu Fanghua\'s mouth is characterized by being unreasonable and unforgiving. His mouth is like a machine gun. Problems are thrown out one by one.

Liu Fanghua didn\'t know that Tang Xinyi didn\'t come back today, but Tang Zhenhua called her back to the Tang family and stressed that she wouldn\'t take Mo Tianxing and Tang Tang Tang together.

Tang Xinyi is speechless. I\'m afraid the old woman really wants her to quarrel with Mo Tianxing. Oh, I\'m sorry to disappoint her. She and Mo Tianxing not only didn\'t quarrel, but also got along very well.

In front of Tianxing, she felt she was a little princess spoiled in the palm of her hand. On him, she felt a happy sense of belonging.

Tang Zhenhua didn\'t have a good face for Liu Fanghua. Tang Xinyi didn\'t return to her. Tang Zhenhua spoke first, "Xinyi and Tianxing are very good. I asked her to come back alone. Take care of your daughter. You don\'t have to worry about Xinyi."

This is clearly a lesson.

Liu Fanghua\'s heart is a little uncomfortable. What does old Tang mean? They should be their own father and daughter. Her stepmother is an outsider, isn\'t she.

"Is it wrong for me to care about Xinyi? Look what you said." Liu Fanghua complained angrily.

Only she knows what she thinks in her heart, but she really cares about Xinyi, not to mention whether Tang Zhenhua believes it or not. Anyway, Tang Xinyi absolutely doesn\'t believe it.

It\'s better to believe that Liu Fanghua\'s mother and daughter will get better than to believe that the sow will go up the tree and the river will flow back.

Tang Xinyi tilted her mouth and pretended not to care, lowering her head to cover up her disdain in her eyes.

Tang Zhenhua waved his hand perfunctorily and didn\'t pay attention to her. At the moment, he was very upset. How could he coax this pretentious woman.