Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 462

Tang Xiyan rang the doorbell.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong -" the doorbell rang.

The French man had just finished taking a bath, with a white bath towel around his waist. When he heard the door bell ring, his eyes burst out with joy and excitement, and hurried to the door to open the door.

Step by step and open the door.

Tang Xiyan stood at the door, expressionless, with hatred for him hidden in his eyes.

"Oh, the eldest lady finally came. I thought you stood me up again this time. I was thinking about how to punish you. Hum, you\'re still sensible. Come in."

Hearing the word punishment, Tang Xiyan turned white.

The footsteps moved mechanically and followed him into the door.

Shylock locked the door behind her and quickly followed.

The presidential suite has a very large area. It has a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room and office. It costs 88888 yuan for one night. The price is not set arbitrarily. Both the supporting facilities and room service are the top and most exquisite in the world. Only in this way can it afford such a high house price.

They came to the living room one after another. Later, Shylock sat down on the sofa and looked at Tang Xiyan, who stood by the sofa with an expressionless face. He raised his eyebrows and said, "Miss Tang, sit down."

The tone of greeting the guests like the master disgusted Tang Xiyan. Don\'t forget how he got the luxury money now, and how he had the face to put the master\'s spectrum in front of her. He didn\'t know where the courage came from. His face was thicker than the wall. It was too shameless.

"No, let\'s finish talking quickly. My family is still waiting for me to go back." Tang Xiyan refused. If she stayed with the bitch for more than one second, she would be more disgusting.

Miss Tang ER was also unlucky, but she just came out to indulge herself. She was entangled by such a second rate ruffian. She couldn\'t shake off like a dog\'s skin plaster.

As soon as she said this, the French man immediately smiled and looked at Miss Tang er with ridicule and contempt. "My Miss Tang, are you really stupid or pretending to understand me?"

He thought he had hinted clearly enough. When would he book puppets, as long as Miss Tang er\'s money, not her people?

Hehe, Clin Shylock never only wants money and things extorted from Miss Tang er. He also wants to sleep with her until he is tired. At present, he is still very interested in the golden body of the Tang family. I\'m afraid he won\'t be tired for a while. Miss Tang Er has all kinds of emotions in bed. How can he be willing to let her go.

Tang Xiyan stared at him in an instant, clenched his teeth, and clenched his hands on the side of his legs into fists. If she could beat a man, she would beat him all over the ground immediately.

"Miss Tang, don\'t pretend to be tall in front of me. We don\'t sleep once or twice. The way you have all kinds of love in bed really haunts me. We haven\'t seen each other for two weeks. Don\'t you miss me?"

Shylock said frivolous and obscene words to tease Miss Tang er. Tang Xiyan held back her tears and stared at him angrily, "what do you want, Shylock, do you think some broken photos can control me all my life?"

The man raised his eyebrows and smiled for a while, "Oh, nonono, I don\'t have this idea to control you all my life. It\'s just that Miss Tang is so beautiful and young that men are distracted. I can\'t help being vulgar. It\'s inevitable that I fall in love with Miss Tang. However, I know my own character. I like the new and hate the old. I\'m romantic and say I\'ll be interested in you all my life. Ha ha, I don\'t have that confidence."

Even if he really wants to control Miss Tang Er all his life, he can\'t tell the truth. If he drives this woman to a desperate situation, she will give him a fish to death and kill him together, it will be too much gain than loss, and it won\'t be worth it.

The good days have just begun. Shylock wants to spend more years. He is not afraid of death. It doesn\'t mean he wants to die.

However, he is also telling the truth. There is a joke on the Internet that ridicules men\'s romantic lust, saying that men are the most dedicated people in the world. 28 year old men like 18-year-old women, 38 year old men like 18-year-old women, but 88 year old men still like 18-year-old women.

Tang Xiyan is young and beautiful now, so Shylock is full of enthusiasm for her, but if Miss Tang is no longer beautiful, he can\'t sleep for free even if she comes to the door!

These words made Tang Xiyan gnash his teeth more and more. How could there be such a shameless man in the world, bah!

The heart has already turned upside down, but she dare not scold. How crazy this man is. She has experienced it herself. Saying that he is an animal is an insult to animals.

"Don\'t talk?" the man crossed his legs and smiled. "I know you must be scolding me, but it doesn\'t matter. I\'m in a good mood today and don\'t care about Miss Tang. Er, by the way, have I brought what I want?"

Tang Xiyan rolled her eyes, took out a bank card from her handbag and threw it to the man on the sofa.

The man took it and immediately smiled, "Miss Tang is worthy of everyone\'s daughter, refreshing!"

Tang Xiyan pressed down the expression of disgust on his face and then said, "Cary has a million. I\'ve gone through the formalities. You can take it out directly from the bank."

Shylock\'s face changed in an instant. "Why is there only one million, Miss Tang? Last time I said very clearly, I want three million. What do you mean, don\'t give face and don\'t be shameless." he threatened fiercely.

Tang Xiyan frowned and said coldly, "do you think I\'m an ATM? If I want three million, I have it? Hum, I only have so much. I don\'t have the rest to kill me. Do you like it or not?"

This man has a big appetite. In just two months, he has blackmailed her no less than four times, adding up to nearly eight million.

Did he think she was an ATM? He took it if he wanted it.

Hum, even if she did, she wouldn\'t give it to him. Besides, she didn\'t have so much money at all. It wasn\'t long before she returned to the Tang family. Tang Zhenhua felt guilty and thought she had been treated badly in the past five years, so she was very generous in money and gave her a lot of pocket money. She had enough for her own use, but

"You don\'t even have three million yuan from the 2000 gold of the Tang Group?" the man asked.

Obviously, he doesn\'t believe Tang Xiyan. He can\'t even take out three million. Three million is probably only half a month\'s pocket money in the eyes of these rich ladies in the upper class. She must be unwilling to give it.

Tang Xiyan snorted coldly, "since you know I\'m the 2000 gold of the Tang Group, I must be no stranger to my past. Five years ago, I was sentenced by the court for five years for economic crimes. I spent five years in prison before I was released. It wasn\'t long before I returned to the Tang family for only two months. How much pocket money did I have at home except food, clothing, housing and transportation?"

Outsiders always think that rich people are rich, but in fact, it is not as exaggerated as they think. The amount of running water on the books of many listed groups is amazing, but the company\'s working capital is far from so much.

Obviously, the man listened to Miss Tang er\'s explanation. Before he broke into the Tang family house alone, he learned about Tang Xiyan\'s past. Although he didn\'t know in great detail, he still knew these big events. Miss Tang Er, her mother and grandmother were not only driven out of the Tang family by Tang Fu, And he was put in prison for five years for committing economic crimes.

Her sister is now the CEO of down group and married the chairman of Morse group. Now it is a time of infinite scenery.

They are not close sisters with the same father and mother. There are often bridges between brothers and sisters in rich families competing for property in the film. Presumably, those bridges also occur in the Tang family. Miss Tang is so orderly that it must be difficult for Miss Tang\'s mother and her to live in the Tang family.

The French man raised his eyebrows. "OK, I\'ll take this one million first. I\'ll wait for Miss Tang to deliver it to me next week. Miss Tang, I\'ve been very kind to you. Don\'t challenge my bottom line again and again."

Look, how considerate he is. He gives Miss Tang er one more week to raise money. If he can\'t give him enough money next week, don\'t blame him for being rude.