Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 458

"Ouch -" the man squatted on the ground, holding his head in his hand, screaming in pain.

A vertical strip of bright red blood flows straight down from the top of his head. He looks scared. If he goes down with this hammer, he is not much better than the one lying on the ground. It is estimated that he can\'t run with a moderate concussion.

There was only the last man with a back. He was far away from yellow hair and didn\'t dare to come forward easily.

Three brothers and two fell. He can\'t win yellow hair alone.

Now it\'s Huang Mao\'s turn to be arrogant. He gnashed his teeth and threatened the only back man who can stand well, "if you don\'t want to die, take your people away!"

He was just beaten on the ground by the three people. Although he tried his best to protect his face and head with both hands, he still had a lot of scars and bruises on his face. The cross flow of nose blood and his fierce facial expression made people think he was not kidding. The little bastard turned red and continued to pester. They could never get any benefit.

Beauty is important, life is more important!

At the critical moment, they still knew how to choose. The man on the back carefully guarded against the sudden approach of yellow hair. While holding up the brother who knelt on the ground and kept crying, he quickly pulled up another brother who fell unconscious on the ground. They carried the guy who was motionless and dead on their hands and feet, and went outside the door.

"Little bastard, you\'d better pray that you\'ll never fall into my hands, or I\'ll teach you how to be a man." the back man said cruel words and left angrily.

They didn\'t even take care of the * * supplies carefully prepared on the sofa. At this time, they couldn\'t take care of these embarrassing things. Running for their lives is the most important thing.

Huang Mao spat hard at their backs. Hum, he was scared. He wanted to threaten him in a few words?

It\'s not the first day to mix with society. No one has experienced anything. Huang Mao has been threatened more often. I don\'t know how many people have said to kill him, and he has lived to this day.

Huang Mao has never been afraid of this threat. Anyway, he is alone. He has enough to eat, the whole family is not hungry, no father, no mother, no wife and no son. Even if he dies today, he doesn\'t care.

Live one more day and earn one more day.

Therefore, he is never afraid of offending people or being threatened. It\'s a big deal. He will be a hero twenty years later.

As soon as the three left, the small box was suddenly much empty. Huang Mao leaned against the wall to gasp, and his legs trembled. It was dangerous. If they didn\'t go, he might not be able to win the remaining two. Just now he was hard supported and pretended to be nothing. In fact, his left arm was probably cracked and hurt.

In order not to let them find out, he made great efforts. After the play, his whole back was wet and his forehead was full of sweat.

When the man left, Tang Xiyan glanced at the yellow hair leaning against the wall to endure the pain. At that glance, under the action of drugs, it was really affectionate, charming and provocative.

"Hmmm... Hmmm..." several broken words came out of her mouth today.

Success shifted Huang Mao\'s attention back to her.

Huang Mao quietly looked at the nearly red and naked beauty on the sofa. He couldn\'t help swallowing a mouthful of saliva in his throat. Just now the situation was critical, he didn\'t have time to enjoy Miss Tang er\'s beauty. Now there are only two of them left in the box. He doesn\'t want to see enough.

He moved his feet and walked towards the sofa step by step.

It felt like the animal world. After the male defeated all his competitors and won the final victory, he walked towards the female to complete his own power.

Tang Xiyan didn\'t rejoice for long. He made another alarm bell in his heart and scolded his mother in his heart. No, just drove away three wolves and another lusty ghost?

I thought this guy was a hero. He helped me when I saw injustice. Unexpectedly, he was the same as the three people.

What should I do?

Women\'s already chaotic brain is running rapidly, thinking of ways to deal with it.

Her virtue now, if Huang Mao really has a lust heart, it is estimated that she will only come to an obedient end.

Huang Mao squatted down and stared at Miss Tang er\'s body. He couldn\'t move a bit. It\'s beautiful. It\'s so beautiful! He couldn\'t help opening his mouth. His eyes were full of exclamation and obsession. He had seen a lot of women\'s bodies, but none could match this one.

How to describe it?

He read little and couldn\'t find any words in his mind to describe the situation. The noble goddess lay almost naked in front of him. Which man could not be moved?

In this situation, you can sit still, unless Liu Xiahui regenerates.

Huang Mao felt the deep valley of his body. At the moment, his mind was full of crazy thoughts of wanting to sleep with Miss Tang er. He died under the peony and became a ghost. As long as he could sleep with the rich family for one night, he would be willing to die now.

"Don\'t... help..." Tang Xiyan called out a few words from his mouth.

Huang Mao, who was immersed in his crazy thoughts, pulled back from his thoughts. "Tang, Miss Tang, are you okay?" Huang Mao asked.

Tang Xiyan\'s face was tense. Did he sleep? How do you know her last name is Tang? The alarm bell in her heart was loud. He saw her worst scene. If this person goes out and talks nonsense, she will not be finished in her life.

"Who are you?" she asked with difficulty.

Huang Mao bit his teeth, introduced himself to her and said, "my surname is Huang. I was lucky to have met Miss Tang. Miss Tang is radiant and unforgettable."

Hehe, the little gangster speaks seriously and looks like a model.

This man knows himself! Not only did Tang Xiyan know her, but she also heard from her words that this guy has a good impression on herself. She has a good family background and looks good. Most of the men who pursue her from childhood are like carp crossing the river. Miss Tang Er has long been surprised. She is used to the feeling of being followed by men.

After coming out of prison, there are still many men pursuing her, but those men either have poor family background, or look bad, or neither. Tang Xiyan doesn\'t look at those people at all.

Tang Xinyi married Mo Tianxing, chairman of Mo\'s group. Tang Xi couldn\'t help comparing the man who pursued her with Mo Tianxing. She found that there was more than a slight difference, and she didn\'t have the idea of connecting and touching.

Hehe, how many strong men can there be in this world?

Miss Tang Er is only asking for others. She doesn\'t think about what she is qualified for. How many rich families with her black history can accept her without any objection?

"Thank you... For saving me." Tang Xiyan said thank you gently, thinking about how to make the man seal and not say what happened today.

"You\'re welcome." Huang Mao waved his hand and answered very generously.

He said, "cough" coughed a few times, laboriously diverted his attention from Miss Tang er\'s beauty, picked up the clothes scattered on the ground with both hands, covered Miss Tang er\'s body, and asked, "can you wear them yourself? It\'s not suitable to stay here for a long time. We have to leave here quickly. It would be bad if those three killed and shot back just now."

Tang Xiyan shook his head laboriously, "I was drugged by..."

silly ×, If she had strength, she would have put it on herself and waited until he came to ask?

"Well, let me help you wear it." Huang Mao took advantage of the trend.

His face was full of serious expression, but he was happy to dress the beautiful woman. It was a great opportunity to wipe off the oil. There was a dark and excited light in his eyes.