Rebirth: Stock-market Queen

Chapter 442

How much real gold and silver is that piece of land worth? Qu Qingyan has always had a thick skin. If he doesn\'t earn money, he won\'t fake it and immediately put on a big smile, "brother Ming, from today on, you are my brother, ha ha ~"

Er... It\'s too easy for this guy to defecte. If he was put aside in the war years, he would be a proper traitor.

Poof poof, that\'s right. It\'s a role that often appears in Anti Japanese dramas. It\'s a role that everyone cries out to fight.

Now that the new land has been settled, Qu Qingyan can finally stop losing sleep. He glances at the sleeping girl next to him with gentle and deep feelings in his eyes. The child in the belly of mass has been eight or nine months and is about to be born. The estimation of the Qu family is not patient. Qu Qingyan is worried that he can\'t protect her from full production, so he urgently needs to make a achievement, Let the elders see his ability and be afraid so that they won\'t act recklessly.

Seeing that Qu Qingyan had compensated for a piece of land, Dong ziye immediately jumped out and shouted, "brother Ming, brother Ming, I\'m short of money for my new film. Give me some money, hee hee!"

Before Zhang Mingdi spoke, his brother Zhang Bing jumped out first, "hee hee hee, you big head ghost, brother, I didn\'t wake him up. Don\'t be fooled!"

Dong ziye was exposed on the spot, which was a little embarrassing, but he was used to his thick face, so he wouldn\'t feel embarrassed.

"Handle, you\'ve all called, but it\'s not enough to call me. Brother said he was angry!"

Er... And this kind of operation is amazing!

Zhang Bing almost choked on his words. This guy is shameless. Instead of calling him, he was blamed. He is also drunk.

He didn\'t care about the cheeky guy. However, Zhang Mingdi gave director Dong a lot of face this time. "Brother ziye, how much gap is it? Take someone to our company to talk about it another day."

Ah, ah, ah——

This moment is so sudden and so happy!

Dong ziye cheered, jumped out of bed and ran naked around the villa. Er... This guy has a quirk. He likes to run naked when excited, so his servants are generally not allowed to appear in the villa unless it is necessary.

Well, forgive director Dong, who is engaged in art. His mind is a little abnormal.

Dong ziye is too excited. The so-called soldiers and horses do not move food and grass first. Making movies is like fighting a war. Without money, it is difficult for a clever woman to make bricks without rice.

He sent a picture of a dog leg, @ brother Zhang Mingdi, "tyrant, shall we be friends!"

Zhang Mingdi smiled back at him. After this period of contact, he felt that Zhang Bing\'s good brothers were relatively simple compared with other rich children. The rich children had a few stinky money at home and did all kinds of evil, but they didn\'t have these hairy diseases. At most, Qi Yanqi\'s eldest son changed women faster, and everything else was OK.

It can be regarded as a team of rich children who come out of the mud without being stained.

Zhang Bing shriveled his mouth and asked unhappily, "brother, you can donate money to me. Why ignore him?"

Donate? Hehe, the man chuckles and makes a sound. Isn\'t it just a donation? His second brother is a little self-aware, "lack of money?"

Although this sentence didn\'t @ Zhang Bing himself, his brother immediately understood that his brother was asking him, "brother, I\'m too poor to eat soil recently!"

"How much?" asked Zhang Mingdi, the overbearing president.

"The more the better, hee hee ~ ~"

"The account number is thrown over." Zhang Mingdi didn\'t say anything. He was so domineering in five simple words.

Zhang Bing quickly popped out his bank card from his wallet, took a picture and sent it.

Just two minutes after the photo was sent, Zhang Bing\'s mobile phone rang several times, prompting new information to come in. He opened it and found that it was the transfer information sent by the bank.

[* * bank] at 04:36, April 20, 2018, your tail number 888 account, the amount from other banks is 10000000 yuan, and the balance is

Zhang bingmu was stunned, stretched out his finger and pointed to the pile of 0 behind 1. One million, one million, wow, a whole ten million arrived in less than 30 seconds!

His brother is definitely an activist, a big activist!

Zhang Bing jumped up from the bed, jumping and jumping, and sent a voice to the group, "brother, I love you!!!" the excited tone was broken, enough to see how happy he was.

Hehe, it\'s strange to be unhappy. Anyone who receives such a large sum of money should be happy.

Zhang Mingdi replied to him, "don\'t take money to do bad things." tut Tut, this brother is really good. He really doesn\'t have high requirements for his brother, as long as he doesn\'t do bad things.

Brother is short of money. Here you are!

Brother wants to buy Super run, buy!

My brother wants to

"I also want such a brother!" Dong ziye.

Qu Qingyan\'s post, "+ 1"

Qi Yan continued: "+ 2"

Looking at the crowd full of envy, jealousy and hatred, at this moment, Zhang Bing suddenly felt that a brother was in charge, which was not so bad.

"If you want a brother, go home and find your mother to give birth to you. My brother is mine!" Zhang Bing arrogantly swore his sovereignty.

Please, his brother doesn\'t run a bank. If he sprinkles a little here and donates a little, he will lose one share of the money. If the money is less, he will naturally be less distributed to him. He is safeguarding his rights and interests.

Zhang Bing didn\'t know that his words softened a man\'s hard heart this night.

Alas, there are always too many mistakes in this world, and there are too many helplessness. Some helplessness is doomed at the moment of birth, which makes people helpless

Zhang Bing, Qu Qingyan and Dong ziye all returned with a full load, leaving Qi Yan, who was unlucky and sad. Mo Tianxing always did what he said. Since he told Miss Zhou that childe Qi loved her secretly, he would do what he said. I\'m afraid Qi Yan won\'t have a clean life in the next period of time.

However, he doesn\'t complain. Who told him to gossip? Mo Tianxing was caught by the party. He deserved it!

However, it\'s not Qi\'s character to admit his fate like this. Why does he have to struggle to death? "Brother Ming, I\'m the only one left. Is there any way to keep the Zhou family woman away from me? I really don\'t catch a cold with that woman!"

Commercial marriage and arranged marriage are too sad and urgent. Now it\'s the 21st century. He can\'t fall in love freely and marry independently. It\'s too sad and urgent.

Zhang Mingdi also sympathizes with him, but he is not God, not omnipotent. Mo Tianxing is angry and punishes them. He has helped two. If even he helps, Mo Tianxing will be very unhappy.

Mo\'s anger doesn\'t come out. Maybe it will be passed on to him. He has a good childhood. There\'s no need to go to this muddy water. If it weren\'t for supporting his brother, he wouldn\'t do such thankless things.

Although he can\'t help Qi Yan, it\'s no problem to give him advice.

Zhang Mingdi entered the special forces when he was a teenager. In the army, he not only received high-intensity devil training, but also served as the head of the staff. He used his head casually and came up with an idea.

"The idea is not without, just see if the eldest childe can break his wrists." Zhang Mingdi\'s unfathomable sentence successfully aroused everyone\'s interest.

Qi Yan: "how can a strong man break his wrist?"

"Since you don\'t like Miss Zhou, let her think it\'s impossible between you and let her die forever." Zhang Mingdi.

"How a dead heart method?" Qi Yan.

If Zhou\'s daughter is so easy to get rid of, he won\'t have to have a headache. That woman, like a dog\'s plaster, always looks for a chance to stick to herself and let him not get rid of it. It\'s really annoying.

"Let her think that if you don\'t like women, you can completely give up your heart." Zhang Mingdi patiently talked about his idea, which was really amazing.

As soon as he said this, it was like a thunder on the ground, which instantly burst the little friends in the group into a pot.